3 research outputs found

    Air Bearing and its Stability

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    Bearing are machine element that allow components to move with respect to each other. A little consideration will shows that some part of power wasted in overcoming the frictional resistance and due to the contact of surfaces large amount of wear and tear takes place between the contacted surfaces. Hence to avoid wear and tear in sliding contact bearing and to reduce frictional resistance the thin layer of fluid is introduced which is called as lubricant. Air bearing are introduced to reduce such frictional resistance and wear of sliding contact bearings. Air bearings are bearings that use a thin film of pressurized air to provide low frictional load bearing interfaces between surfaces. There is a small gap between two surfaces i.e. two surfaces do not touch. As these bearings are contact free various problems in traditional bearing like friction, wear, particulates, and lubricant handling are avoided. There are advantages like precision positioning, such as lacking backlash and static friction as well as in high speed application. Other than this characteristics, stability is also important factor in air bearing

    Hyperlop Transportation System

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    As we know that there are four modes of transportation are, rail, road, water, and air. These modes of transport tend to be either relatively slow (e.g., road and water), expensive (e.g., air), or a combination of relatively slow and expensive (i.e., rail). Hyper loop is a new mode of transport that seeks to change this paradigm by being both fast and inexpensive for people and goods. Hyperloop is also unique in that it is an open design concept, similar to Linux. Feedback is desired from the community that can help advance the Hyperloop design and bring it from concept to reality. Hyperloop consists of a low pressure tube with capsules that are transported at both low and high speeds throughout the length of the tube. The capsules are supported on a cushion of air, featuring pressurized air and aerodynamic lift. The capsules are accelerated via a magnetic linear accelerator affixed at various stations on the low pressure tube with rotors contained in each capsule. Passengers may enter and exit Hyperloop at stations located either at the ends of the tube, or branches along the tube length. In this study, the initial route, preliminary design, and logistics of the Hyperloop transportation system have been derived. The system consists of capsules that travel between Los Angeles, California and San Francisco, California. The total one-way trip time is 35 minutes from county line to county line. The capsules leave on average every 2 minutes from each terminal carrying 28 people each (as often as every 30 seconds during rush hour and less frequently at night). This gives a total of 7.4 million people per tube that can be transported each year on Hyperloop. The total cost of Hyperloop is under 6billionUSDfortwooneβˆ’waytubesand40capsules.Amortizingthiscapitalcostover20yearsandaddingdailyoperationalcostsgivesatotalof6 billion USD for two one-way tubes and 40 capsules. Amortizing this capital cost over 20 years and adding daily operational costs gives a total of 20 USD plus operating costs per one-way ticket on the passenger Hyperloop

    Design and Development of Prosthetic Legs

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the development in prosthetic legs. Artificial limbs may be needed for a variety of reasons including diseases, accidents and congenital defects. As the human body changes over time due to growth or change in body weight, the artificial limbs have to be changed and adjusted periodically. This constant need for change or adjustment may become costly if the material used is expensive. This study will emphasis the prosthetic legs by focusing on the socket part as it is often changed and replaced with natural-based bio composites. The results of this study are based on the compatibility of the properties of existing and proposed materials which contribute towards providing alternative materials that are more cost efficient, eco-friendly and yet maintaining the features required for artificial limbs. The findings are expected to help patients or wearers to live independently when they are young, who cannot afford to have this essentially