17 research outputs found

    Revisiting the cosmic-ray induced Venusian radiation dose in the context of habitability

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    The Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS) was used to model the altitude-dependent Venusian absorbed dose and the Venusian dose equivalent. For the first time, we modeled the dose rates for different shape-, size-, and composition-mimicking detectors (phantoms): a CO2_2-based phantom, a water-based microbial cell, and a phantom mimicking human tissue. Based on a new model approach, we give a reliable estimate of the altitude-dependent Venusian radiation dose in water-based microorganisms here for the first time. These microorganisms are representative of known terrestrial life. We also present a detailed analysis of the influence of the strongest ground-level enhancements measured at the Earth's surface, and of the impact of two historic extreme solar events on the Venusian radiation dose. Our study shows that because a phantom based on Venusian air was used, and because furthermore, the quality factors of different radiation types were not taken into account, previous model efforts have underestimated the radiation hazard for any putative Venusian cloud-based life by up to a factor of five. However, because we furthermore show that even the strongest events would not have had a hazardous effect on putative microorganisms within the potentially habitable zone (51 km - 62 km), these differences may play only a minor role

    Implementation and validation of the GEANT4/AtRIS code to model the radiation environment at Mars

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    A new GEANT4 particle transport model -- the Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS, Banjac et al. 2018a. J. Geophys. Res.) -- has been recently developed in order to model the interaction of radiation with planets. The upcoming instrumentational advancements in the exoplanetary science, in particular transit spectroscopy capabilities of missions like JWST and E-ELT, have motivated the development of a particle transport code with a focus on providing the necessary flexibility in planet specification (atmosphere and soil geometry and composition, tidal locking, oceans, clouds, etc.) for the modeling of radiation environment for exoplanets. Since there are no factors limiting the applicability of AtRIS to Mars and Venus, AtRIS' unique flexibility opens possibilities for new studies. Following the successful validation against Earth measurements Banjac et al. 2018, J. Geophys. Res., this work applies AtRIS with a specific implementation of the Martian atmospheric and regolith structure to model the radiation environment at Mars. We benchmark these first modeling results based on different GEANT4 physics lists with the energetic particle spectra recently measured by the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on the surface of Mars. The good agreement between AtRIS and the actual measurement provides one of the first and sound validations of AtRIS and the preferred physics list which could be recommended for predicting the radiation field of other conceivable (exo)planets with an atmospheric environment similar to Mars

    Galactic Cosmic Ray induced absorbed dose rate in deep space – Accounting for detector size, shape, material, as well as for the solar modulation

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    Depending on the radiation field, the absorbed dose rate can depend significantly upon the size of the detectors or the phantom used in the models. In deep space (interplanetary medium) the radiation field is on avarage dominated by Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) nuclei. Here, the deep space dose rate that a typical small silicon slab detector measures is compared to a larger phantom corresponding to an ICRU sphere with a 15 cm radius composed of water. To separate and understand respective effects from the composition, size and shape differences in the detectors, this comparison is implemented in several steps. For each phantom, the absorbed dose rate due to GCR nuclei up to Z = 28, as a function of solar modulation conditions, is calculated. The main components of the GCR flux are protons, followed by helium nuclei and electrons, with Z > 2 nuclei accounting for approximately 1% of the total number of particles. Among the light nuclei with Z > 2, most abundant ones are C, N and O. In this study, we use the GEANT4 model to calculate the absorbed dose (energy deposited as ionization, divided by mass) due to the GCR flux provided by the Badhwar-O’Neill 2010 (BON-10) model. Furthermore, we investigate how the determined absorbed dose rate changes throughout the solar cycle by varying the GCR models from solar minimum to solar maximum conditions. The developed model is validated against the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) microdosimeter measurements. In our current approach, we do not consider the effects of shielding, which will always be present under realistic scenarios. A second goal of this study is to quantify the contribution of each Z = 1, …, 28 GCR nuclei to absorbed dose rate, in relation to the phantom characteristics. For each Z we determine the most relevant energy range in the GCR spectra for absorbed dose rate estimations. Furthermore, we calculate a solar modulation dependent conversion factor to convert absorbed dose rate measured in silicon to absorbed dose rate in water. This information will improve our understanding of the radiation environment due to GCR in the near-Earth deep space and also benefit further modeling efforts by limiting the number and energy range of primary particle species that have to be considered

    Revisiting the cosmic-ray induced Venusian ionization with the Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS)

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    Context. Cosmic ray bombardment represents a major source of ionization in planetary atmospheres. The higher the energy of the primary cosmic ray particles, the deeper they can penetrate into the atmosphere. In addition, incident high energy cosmic ray particles induce extensive secondary particle cascades (“air showers”) that can contain up to several billion secondary particles per incoming primary particle. To quantify cosmic ray-induced effects on planetary atmospheres it is therefore important to accurately model the entire secondary particle cascade. This is particularly important in thick planetary atmospheres where the secondary particle cascades can develop extensively before being absorbed by the surface. Aims. Inside the Venusian atmosphere, cosmic rays are the dominant driver for the ionization below an altitude of ~100 km. In this work we revisit the numerical modeling of the galactic and solar cosmic-ray induced atmospheric ionization for cosmic ray ions from Hydrogen (Z = 1) to Nickel (Z = 28) and investigate the influence of strong solar energetic particle events inside the Venusian atmosphere. Methods. The Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator (AtRIS), a newly developed simulation code to model the interaction of the near-(exo)planet particle and radiation field with the (exo)planetary atmosphere, was used to revisit the modeling of the altitude-dependent Venusian atmospheric ionization. Thereby, spherical geometry, the newest version of Geant4 (10.5) as well as the newest Geant4-based hadronic and electromagnetic interaction models were utilized. Results. Based on our new model approach we show that previous studies may have underestimated the galactic cosmic ray-induced atmospheric ion pair production by, amongst others, underestimating the influence of galactic cosmic ray protons above 1 TeV/nuc. Furthermore, we study the influence of 71 exceptionally strong solar particle events that were measured as Ground Level Enhancements at the Earth’s surface, and show a detailed analysis of the impact of such strong events on the Venusian ionization

    From solar to stellar flare characteristics. On a new peak size distribution for G-, K-, and M-dwarf star flares

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    This dataset contains additional material for the research paper "From solar to stellar flare characteristics. On a new peak size distribution for G-, K-, and M-dwarf star flares", Astron. Astrophys., 2018. Based on the flare list available at, here peak X-ray flare intensities of Q- to C-class flares measured by the SphinX instrument (see, e.g., Kotov, 2011; Sylvester et al., 2011, 2012; Gburek et al., 2011a,b, 2013; Gryciuk et al., 2017) during the solar minimum of 2009 and their corresponding GOES E > 10 MeV peak proton fluxes are given. Column 1: Month Column 2: Day Column 3: X-ray flux peak hour Column 4: X-ray flux peak minute Column 5: X-ray flare peak intensity (W/m2) Column 5: GOES E > 10 MeV peak proton flux (pfu) Column 6: Flare location (according to the SphinX-database

    Exploring the well-being of Slovenian and Serbian sport science students during the covid-19 pandemic of summer 2022

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    The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly changed everyday life of social actors, which inferred mental health and well-being concerns. As students of health-related studies tend to adapt better to difficult circumstances, in this study, we explored the effect of the pandemic on sports science students’ well-being during the summer of 2022. The research was conducted in Slovenia and Serbia. The sample comprised n = 350 students. The PERMA-Profiler, a 15-item self-reported questionnaire, was adapted to assess well-being across five elements: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. Data were collected with a questionnaire through the summer of 2022 (from May to July) and analyzed in SPSS, AMOS 26.0. The results revealed normal functioning (M = 7.72, SD ± 1.38) for the overall well-being of the students. Although all dimensions indicated high scores, relationships (M = 7.95, SD ± 1.63), meaning (M = 7.76, SD ± 1.69), and engagement (M = 7.73, SD ± 1.36) rated the highest. Furthermore, the instrument was acceptable, as the confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate reliability based on Cronbach\u27s alpha (15 items, α = 0.94) and strong internal correlations between the PERMA dimensions. This study contributes to the previously published research, emphasizing the positive responses and successful coping of sports science students in times of complex situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic

    Upotreba snaga bazirana na efektima

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    Digital Magnetic Compass Integration with Stationary, Land-Based Electro-Optical Multi-Sensor Surveillance System

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    Multi-sensor imaging systems using the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and digital magnetic compass (DMC) for geo-referencing have an important role and wide application in long-range surveillance systems. To achieve the required system heading accuracy, the specific magnetic compass calibration and compensation procedures, which highly depend on the application conditions, should be applied. The DMC compensation technique suitable for the operation environment is described and different technical solutions are studied. The application of the swinging procedure was shown as a good solution for DMC compensation in a given application. The selected DMC was built into a system to be experimentally evaluated, both under laboratory and field conditions. The implementation of the compensation procedure and magnetic sensor integration in systems is described. The heading accuracy measurement results show that DMC could be successfully integrated and used in long-range surveillance systems providing required geo-referencing data

    Subsurface Radiation Environment of Mars and Its Implication for Shielding Protection of Future Habitats

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    In order to quantify the optimal radiation shielding depth on Mars in preparation for future human habitats on the red planet, it is important to understand the Martian radiation environment and its dependence on the planetary atmospheric and geological properties. With this motivation we calculate the absorbed dose and equivalent dose rates induced by galactic cosmic ray particles at varying heights above and below the Martian surface considering various subsurface compositions (ranging from dry rock to water-rich regolith). The state-of-the-art Atmospheric Radiation Interaction Simulator based on GEometry And Tracking Monte Carlo method has been employed for simulating particle interaction with the Martian atmosphere as well as subsurface materials. We calculate the absorbed dose in two different phantoms: a thin silicon slab and a water sphere. The former is used to validate our model against the surface measurement by the Radiation Assessment Detector on the Curiosity rover, while the later is used to approximate a human torso, also for evaluation of the biologically weighted equivalent dose. We find that the amount of hydrogen contained in the water-rich regolith plays an important role in reducing the equivalent dose through modulation of neutron flux (below 10 MeV). This effective shielding by underground water is also present above the surface, providing an indirect shielding for potential human explorations at this region. For long-term habitats seeking the Martian natural surface material as protection, we also estimate the optimal shielding depth, for different given subsurface compositions, under maximum, average, and minimum heliospheric modulation conditions

    Galactic Cosmic Ray induced absorbed dose rate in deep space – Accounting for detector size, shape, material, as well as for the solar modulation

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    Depending on the radiation field, the absorbed dose rate can depend significantly upon the size of the detectors or the phantom used in the models. In deep space (interplanetary medium) the radiation field is on avarage dominated by Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) nuclei. Here, the deep space dose rate that a typical small silicon slab detector measures is compared to a larger phantom corresponding to an ICRU sphere with a 15 cm radius composed of water. To separate and understand respective effects from the composition, size and shape differences in the detectors, this comparison is implemented in several steps. For each phantom, the absorbed dose rate due to GCR nuclei up to Z = 28, as a function of solar modulation conditions, is calculated. The main components of the GCR flux are protons, followed by helium nuclei and electrons, with Z > 2 nuclei accounting for approximately 1% of the total number of particles. Among the light nuclei with Z > 2, most abundant ones are C, N and O. In this study, we use the GEANT4 model to calculate the absorbed dose (energy deposited as ionization, divided by mass) due to the GCR flux provided by the Badhwar-O’Neill 2010 (BON-10) model. Furthermore, we investigate how the determined absorbed dose rate changes throughout the solar cycle by varying the GCR models from solar minimum to solar maximum conditions. The developed model is validated against the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) microdosimeter measurements. In our current approach, we do not consider the effects of shielding, which will always be present under realistic scenarios. A second goal of this study is to quantify the contribution of each Z = 1, …, 28 GCR nuclei to absorbed dose rate, in relation to the phantom characteristics. For each Z we determine the most relevant energy range in the GCR spectra for absorbed dose rate estimations. Furthermore, we calculate a solar modulation dependent conversion factor to convert absorbed dose rate measured in silicon to absorbed dose rate in water. This information will improve our understanding of the radiation environment due to GCR in the near-Earth deep space and also benefit further modeling efforts by limiting the number and energy range of primary particle species that have to be considered