123 research outputs found

    Rumen fluid, a new diagnostic matrix in dairy cattle farms?

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    Production diseases of dairy cows are considered man-made problems caused by the inability of cowsto achieve a sufficient feed energy intake (Mulligan, 2008).A correct management of production diseases demands early diagnostic and prognostic parameters, inorder to improve the management system and reduce the prevalence of clinical cases (Ingvartsen,2003).A previous study of our group indicated that forestomachs walls express immune receptors andcytokines, and the rumen liquor contains leukocytes able to produce IFN-γ (Trevisi, 2014).Our working hypothesis implied that ruminal fluids could be a source of diagnostic information for theidentification of herds at risk for production diseases.We first demonstrated that the diet can influence the immune response in forestomachs. Diverseleukocyte populations at low concentrations and IFN-γ were revealed in some samples of rumen fluids,with a clear inhibition of the response observed in the animals fed the maize-supplemented diet,compared to a normal and a soy-supplemented diet.We better characterized the leukocytes subpopulations in the rumen liquor, isolating B cells, monocytesand γδT cells.Finally we performed a field survey in order to find correlation among the immune profile of the rumenliquor. Clinically healthy animals showed a farm specific immunologic pattern of the rumen liquor: lowCD45 mRNA expression, low IFN-γ, few/absent B-cells.We can conclude that the epithelial cells of ruminant forestomachs can react to different stresses(metabolic, infectious, inflammatory) and the inflammatory response can be sustained by infiltratingleukocytes.Our data points into the idea that dairy farms could be ranked according to a risk score using theinflammatory markers in rumen fluids, in addition to the traditional analysis.

    Beneficial effect of prolonged heme oxygenase 1 activation in a rat model of chronic heart failure.

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    SUMMARY We and others have previously demonstrated that heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) induction by acute hemin administration exerts cardioprotective effects. Here, we developed a rat model of heart failure to investigate whether a long-term induction of HO-1 by chronic hemin administration exerted protective effects. Sprague Dawley rats that underwent permanent ligation of the left coronary artery were closely monitored for survival rate analysis and sacrificed on day 28 post-operation. Administration of hemin (4 mg/kg body weight) every other day for 4 weeks induced a massive increase in HO-1 expression and activity, as shown by the increased levels of the two main metabolic products of heme degradation, bilirubin and carbon monoxide (CO). These effects were associated with significant improvement in survival and reduced the extension of myocardial damage. The ischemic hearts of the hemin-treated animals displayed reduced oxidative stress and apoptosis in comparison with the non-treated rats, as shown by the decreased levels of lipid peroxidation, free-radical-induced DNA damage, caspase-3 activity and Bax expression. Besides, chronic HO-1 activation suppressed the elevated levels of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, interleukin 1β (IL-1β) production and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) production that were evoked by the ischemic injury, and increased the plasma level of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Interestingly, HO-1 inhibitor zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZnPP-IX; 1 mg/kg) lowered bilirubin and CO concentrations to control values, thus abolishing all the cardioprotective effects of hemin. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that chronic HO-1 activation by prolonged administration of hemin improves survival and exerts protective effects in a rat model of myocardial ischemia by exerting a potent antioxidant activity and disrupting multiple levels of the apoptotic and inflammatory cascade

    Acute treatment with relaxin protects the kidney against ischaemia/reperfusion injury.

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    Although recent preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that recombinant human relaxin (rhRLX) may have important therapeutic potential in acute heart failure and chronic kidney diseases, the effects of acute rhRLX administration against renal ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury have never been investigated. Using a rat model of 1-hr bilateral renal artery occlusion followed by 6-hr reperfusion, we investigated the effects of rhRLX (5 μg/Kg i.v.) given both at the beginning and after 3 hrs of reperfusion. Acute rhRLX administration attenuated the functional renal injury (increase in serum urea and creatinine), glomerular dysfunction (decrease in creatinine clearance) and tubular dysfunction (increase in urinary excretion of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase) evoked by renal I/R. These beneficial effects were accompanied by a significant reduction in local lipid peroxidation, free radical-induced DNA damage and increase in the expression/activity of the endogenous antioxidant enzymes MnSOD and CuZnSOD superoxide dismutases (SOD). Furthermore, rhRLX administration attenuated the increase in leucocyte activation, as suggested by inhibition of myeloperoxidase activity, intercellular-adhesion-molecule-1 expression, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-18 and tumour necrosis factor-α production as well as increase in IL-10 production. Interestingly, the reduced oxidative stress status and neutrophil activation here reported were associated with rhRLX-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and up-regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase, possibly secondary to activation of Akt and the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) 1/2, respectively. Thus, we report herein that rhRLX protects the kidney against I/R injury by a mechanism that involves changes in nitric oxide signalling pathway

    Monensin controlled-release capsule administered in late-pregnancy differentially affects rumination patterns, metabolic status, and cheese-making properties of the milk in primiparous and multiparous cows

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    The increased resistance to disease observed after monensin treatment could reflect a reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress. We hypothesised that if monensin supplementation was given before calving, it would help in controlling inflammation, reduce the susceptibility to disease and increase the performance. Fourteen pregnant heifers (PR) and 24 multiparous cows (ML) were randomly assigned to a treated group (Mon) or a control group (Ctr). The Mon group received 32.4 g of monensin in a controlled-release capsule 21 days before calving (expected release rate, 335 mg/d for 95 days). Their health status, rumination activity, and plasma parameters were monitored from –28 to 56 days from calving. The milk yield (MY), milk composition, and cheese-making properties were also monitored. Rumen samples were collected at 30 days from calving to assess the volatile fatty acids composition and investigate immunological parameters. After calving, the Mon group had fewer clinical diseases, an increased rumination time, and a higher MY. Monensin reduced the infiltration of both T and B cells in rumen fluid. In ML, the Mon group had lower levels of β-hydroxybutyrate in the early postpartum period and a lower level of total reactive oxygen species. Of PR, the Mon group had a tendency for lower levels of nonesterified fatty acids, higher levels of ceruloplasmin after the first month of lactation, a tendency for lower levels of paraoxonase, higher levels of γ-glutamyl transferase and higher levels of total reactive oxygen species. Monensin treatment decreased the cheese-making properties in the milk of PR.HighlightsMonensin improved the performance of all the animals and decreased the disease incidence in all of them.Monensin heightened the inflammatory and oxidative stress status and reduced the cheese-making properties in pregnant heifers.Although different effects were seen in cows with different parity, dairy cows generally beneficed of monensin administration. Monensin improved the performance of all the animals and decreased the disease incidence in all of them. Monensin heightened the inflammatory and oxidative stress status and reduced the cheese-making properties in pregnant heifers. Although different effects were seen in cows with different parity, dairy cows generally beneficed of monensin administration

    The non-anticoagulant heparin-like K5 polysaccharide derivative K5-N,OSepi attenuates myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion injury.

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    Heparin and low molecular weight heparins have been demonstrated to reduce myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, although their use is hampered by the risk of haemorrhagic and thrombotic complications. Chemical and enzymatic modifications of K5 polysaccharide have shown the possibility of producing heparin-like compounds with low anticoagulant activity and strong anti-inflammatory effects. Using a rat model of regional myocardial I/R, we investigated the effects of an epimerized N-,O-sulphated K5 polysaccharide derivative, K5-N,OSepi, on infarct size and histological signs of myocardial injury caused by 30 min. ligature of the left anterior descending coronary artery followed by 1 or 24 h reperfusion. K5-N,OSepi (0.1–1 mg/kg given i.v. 15 min. before reperfusion) significantly reduced the extent of myocardial damage in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, we investigated the potential mechanism(s) of the cardioprotective effect(s) afforded by K5-N,OSepi. In left ventricular samples, I/R induced mast cell degranulation and a robust increase in lipid peroxidation, free radical-induced DNA damage and calcium overload. Markers of neutrophil infiltration and activation were also induced by I/R in rat hearts, specifically myeloperoxidase activity, intercellular-adhesion-molecule-1 expression, prostaglandin-E(2) and tumour-necrosis-factor-α production. The robust increase in oxidative stress and inflammatory markers was blunted by K5-N,OSepi, in a dose-dependent manner, with maximum at 1 mg/kg. Furthermore, K5-N,OSepi administration attenuated the increase in caspase 3 activity, Bid and Bax activation and ameliorated the decrease in expression of Bcl-2 within the ischaemic myocardium. In conclusion, we demonstrate that the cardioprotective effect of the non-anticoagulant K5 derivative K5-N,OSepi is secondary to a combination of anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects

    Acute treatment with relaxin attenuates the injury/ dysfunction induced by renal ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    Although preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that relaxin (RLX) ameliorates impaired renal function by exerting antifibrotic and regenerative effects, its role in renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury has never been investigated. Using a well-known rat model of 1h bilateral renal artery occlusion followed by 6 h reperfusion, we investigated the effects of human recombinant RLX (5 μg /Kg e.v.) given both at the beginning and after 3 h reperfusion. Serum and urinary indicators of renal injury and dysfunction were measured. Interestingly, administration of the exogenous RLX attenuated all markers of renal injury and dysfunction caused by I/R. Overall, we document here, for the first time, that RLX protects against I/R-induced renal injury and dysfunction. The results of this study offer good perspectives for the clinical potential of RLX in the medical treatment of renal diseases
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