1,415 research outputs found

    Fisheries and aquaculture enterprise development for the Adivasi (Tribal) communities in the northern and northwestern regions of Bangladesh: annual progress and financial report (Jan 2008 - Dec 2008)

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    The purpose of the project was to increase fish production, household nutrition, income and alternative employment opportunities of vulnerable Adivasi (tribal) people through promotion of small-scale aquaculture and enterprise related activities. The AFP is designed to bring the unused and/or underused seasonal ponds and rice fields into improved productive capacities with methods that are feasible, affordable and acceptable to poor Adivasi households. Also initiatives are taken to ensure that many Adivasi households who are lacking the resources for aquaculture production can also participate in fish harvest, trading of fish seed and foodfish as successful income earning small enterprises.Small scale aquaculture, Participatory approach, Livelihoods, Bangladesh,

    Bangladesh LGB Needs Assessment Survey Report

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    "Boys of Bangladesh (BoB), Roopbaan, as well as some individuals as a voluntary contribution, conducted a survey to scale the current needs of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) community of Bangladesh, devise a strategy plan to move forward in materializing those needs, identify the challenges faced by community members and put forward some possible suggestions to overcome those challenges. BoB is the oldest and the largest network of self-identified Bangladeshi gay men from home and abroad. It is a non-registered and non-profit organization run by a pool of volunteers aiming to bring the LGB community together and advocate for their social, political and legal rights. Roopbaan is a Bangladeshi not-for-profit, non-political, volunteer-based platform for people who believe in the freedom and human rights to love. Besides publishing Roopbaan - The Fagazine, it organizes various events to promote its mission and vision. The survey conducted is the first of its kind where 571 self-identified LGB individuals from across the country participated. The survey aimed to obtain robust and comparable data that would allow a better understanding of the LGB community in Bangladesh. Another objective of the survey was to successfully gauge the opinions and expectations of the members of the community before the community as a whole could embark on any large-scale public awareness campaign for LGB rights in Bangladesh. The survey data was collected through an anonymous questionnaire which was filled by the participants both online and manually. It collected views, perceptions, opinions, and experiences of individuals aged 18 years or over who identified as being lesbian, gay, or bisexual. The topics covered were related to various issues with an emphasis on sexual identity, cultural and religious factors, legal awareness and accessibility, experienced discrimination, and community belongingness and vision.

    The National Student Assessment 2022 in Bangladesh. Grades 3 and 5

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    The National Student Assessment (NSA) 2022 was a sample-based assessment in Bangladesh, measuring the learning levels of Bangladeshi students in Bangla and Mathematics covering 3,357,233 students in grade 3 and 3,604,586 students in grade 5. It was the seventh round of the national assessments in primary education in Bangladesh, conducted after five years and the most comprehensive national-level learning assessment after the global COVID-19 pandemic. The sampling method at school level was multistage stratified probability proportional to size method, and at student level was equal probability systematic random sampling derived from Annual Primary School Census (APSC) 2021 database.The report outlines assessment and content expectations, reliability estimates, mean scale, scores by division, district, school type, and geographical location as well as proficiency bands and performance standards, and performance by key content area and cognitive level. It includes findings relating to learning and equity plus student, teacher and headteacher questionnaires

    The National Student Assessment 2022 in Bangladesh. Key findings & learnings

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    This fact sheet highlights the key findings of the National Student Assessment (NSA) 2022, a sample-based assessment in Bangladesh, covering 3,357,233 students in grade 3 and 3,604,586 students in grade 5. The NSA project is a partnership of the Monitoring and Evaluation Division. Directorate of Primary Education. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, UNICEF, UKAID and Australian Council for Educational Research (India) as technical agency

    Summary of baseline household survey results: Paikgacha, Khulna (Block - 3), Bangladesh

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    Real Time Monitoring for the Most Vulnerable: Pre-Primary Education in Bangladesh

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    One of the most unique examples of real?time monitoring supported by UNICEF is found in Bangladesh in the pre?primary education (PPE) programme operated by BRAC. Randomisation techniques are used for school selection by monitors as well as for intra?classroom sampling to test learning outcomes. Monitoring is a multi?level decentralised learning process that allows staff members to compare actual performance, outputs and results against standards. Monitoring duties are executed by the programme staff themselves as well as by the organisation. The intent is to promote internal programme learning, not just logical framework type reporting, and builds on the recognition that monitoring is only effective if it enables responses to programme implementation. The BRAC initiative demonstrates that monitoring with a real?time component can be central to a strategy emphasising learning outcomes. It also shows that ICTs are not a necessary ingredient of ‘real?time’ monitoring despite the current fashion in thinking

    CBFM-2 International conference on community based approaches to fisheries management

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    The CBFM international conference held on 6th and 7th March 2007 in Dhaka, Bangladesh brought together policy makers, scientists and development practioners from all over the world to share experiences in co-mangement of complex wetland environments. This booklet includes abstracts of papers presented at the conference.Artisanal fishing, Wetlands, Inland fisheries, Fishery management, Women, Aquaculture, Reservoir fisheries, Fishery regulations, Legal aspects, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Zambia, Tanzania, Victoria L., Cambodia, Mekong R., India, Philippines, Iloilo I., Philippines, Negros I., Negros Occidental, Philippines, Visayan Is., Asia,


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    Abstract Twenty seven anther culture lines (AC-lines) from rice (Oryza sativa L.) were produced from saline tolerant F 2 progeny after crosses between salt tolerant IRRI-derived lines and Bangladesh Rice and advanced up to Double Haploid 3 (DH 3 ) generation. Similarly crossed material, which did not respond to anther culture, was also advanced up to F 7. The AC-lines were fully characterized for various salinity tolerance parameters at seedling and reduction division stages. The breeding lines were selected for tolerance again at F 4 and advanced on site in the coastal area. DH 3 plants were also evaluated for agronomic performance in normal soil. The best performing breeding as well as AC-lines in terms of salinity tolerance and agronomic properties were planted in farmers fields in the Boro season, when salinity levels are the highest in the coastal zones of Satkhira. One anther derived line AC-1 and three breeding lines, BR7076, BR7077 and BR7098 produced high yield under stress conditions, whereas AC-1, BR7076 and BR7077 showed moderate reduction in grain yield compared to non-saline conditions. Considering both tolerance and yield performance in the saline area, AC-1 showed more stability compared to the breeding lines


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    Abstract The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of two different seedling production systems (floating and traditional) on earliness, growth, development, yield and some quality parameters of TÃļre F 1 tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum, L.) grown under greenhouse conditions. Results revealed increased plant height (cm), plant diameter (mm), number of leaves, number of clusters, number of fruits per cluster, fruit diameter, fruit weight and yield values with floating seedling production treatments. Earliest harvesting period (27.45 day) and fruit set (30.70 day) were found in floating system. Seedling treatments had significant effects on earliness, growth, development, yield and quality of tomatoes (p ≤ 0.05)


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    Abstract The production of resin from pinus trees is an important activity in many countries, with both economic and social benefits. It provides terpenes, which are used in the chemical industry. The present work proposes a new process of using endophytic fungi isolated from Pinus massoniana Lamb. to increase resin yield by using the bark streak method of wounding. Ten strains of endophytic fungi isolated from roots, stems and leaves of P. massoniana were investigated. Stimulant pastes were created from the fermentation broths of the ten endophytic fungi, as well as a mixture of fungi. The resin yield of the trees was measured with and without endophytic fungus application. The results showed that each of the ten strains could increase the resin yield of the P. massoniana. The rate of increase of the resin yield of the trees with the mixed fermentation broths of the ten endophytic fungi was the highest (40.83%). The resin tapping after endophytic fungus application had a higher increasing rate of the resin yield than that with a chemical stimulant paste, while avoiding pollution to the environment or harm to humans or livestock. This research indicates that the endophytic fungus can be an effective alternative to chemical stimulants, and will become a new type of stimulants in resin tapping
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