8,604 research outputs found

    On Distance-Regular Graphs with Smallest Eigenvalue at Least m-m

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    A non-complete geometric distance-regular graph is the point graph of a partial geometry in which the set of lines is a set of Delsarte cliques. In this paper, we prove that for fixed integer m2m\geq 2, there are only finitely many non-geometric distance-regular graphs with smallest eigenvalue at least m-m, diameter at least three and intersection number c22c_2 \geq 2

    Effective potential for composite operators and for an auxiliary scalar field in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We derive the effective potentials for composite operators in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model at zero and finite temperature and show that in each case they are equivalent to the corresponding effective potentials based on an auxiliary scalar field. The both effective potentials could lead to the same possible spontaneous breaking and restoration of symmetries including chiral symmetry if the momentum cutoff in the loop integrals is large enough, and can be transformed to each other when the Schwinger-Dyson (SD) equation of the dynamical fermion mass from the fermion-antifermion vacuum (or thermal) condensates is used. The results also generally indicate that two effective potentials with the same single order parameter but rather different mathematical expressions can still be considered physically equivalent if the SD equation corresponding to the extreme value conditions of the two potentials have the same form.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Spectral Characterization of the Hamming Graphs

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    We show that the Hamming graph H(3; q) with diameter three is uniquely determined by its spectrum for q ¸ 36. Moreover, we show that for given integer D ¸ 2, any graph cospectral with the Hamming graph H(D; q) is locally the disjoint union of D copies of the complete graph of size q ¡ 1, for q large enough.Hamming graphs;distance-regular graphs;eigenvalues of graphs

    Directional supercontinuum generation: the role of the soliton

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    In this paper we numerically study supercontinuum generation by pumping a silicon nitride waveguide, with two zero-dispersion wavelengths, with femtosecond pulses. The waveguide dispersion is designed so that the pump pulse is in the normal-dispersion regime. We show that because of self-phase modulation, the initial pulse broadens into the anomalous-dispersion regime, which is sandwiched between the two normal-dispersion regimes, and here a soliton is formed. The interaction of the soliton and the broadened pulse in the normal-dispersion regime causes additional spectral broadening through formation of dispersive waves by non-degenerate four-wave mixing and cross-phase modulation. This broadening occurs mainly towards the second normal-dispersion regime. We show that pumping in either normal-dispersion regime allows broadening towards the other normal-dispersion regime. This ability to steer the continuum extension towards the direction of the other normal-dispersion regime beyond the sandwiched anomalous-dispersion regime underlies the directional supercontinuum notation. We numerically confirm the approach in a standard silica microstructured fiber geometry with two zero-dispersion wavelengths

    Quantum-mechanical machinery for rational decision-making in classical guessing game

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    In quantum game theory, one of the most intriguing and important questions is, "Is it possible to get quantum advantages without any modification of the classical game?" The answer to this question so far has largely been negative. So far, it has usually been thought that a change of the classical game setting appears to be unavoidable for getting the quantum advantages. However, we give an affirmative answer here, focusing on the decision-making process (we call 'reasoning') to generate the best strategy, which may occur internally, e.g., in the player's brain. To show this, we consider a classical guessing game. We then define a one-player reasoning problem in the context of the decision-making theory, where the machinery processes are designed to simulate classical and quantum reasoning. In such settings, we present a scenario where a rational player is able to make better use of his/her weak preferences due to quantum reasoning, without any altering or resetting of the classically defined game. We also argue in further analysis that the quantum reasoning may make the player fail, and even make the situation worse, due to any inappropriate preferences.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, The scenario is more improve

    Stable rotating dipole solitons in nonlocal optical media

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    We reveal that nonlocality can provide a simple physical mechanism for stabilization of multi-hump optical solitons, and present the first example of stable rotating dipole solitons and soliton spiraling, known to be unstable in all types of realistic nonlinear media with local response.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Analytical theory for dark soliton interaction in nonlocal nonlinear materials with arbitrary degree of nonlocality

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    We investigate theoretically the interaction of dark solitons in materials with a spatially nonlocal nonlinearity. In particular we do this analytically and for arbitrary degree of nonlocality. We employ the variational technique to show that nonlocality induces an attractive force in the otherwise repulsive soliton interaction.Comment: submitted for publicatio