716 research outputs found

    A time frequency analysis of wave packet fractional revivals

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    We show that the time frequency analysis of the autocorrelation function is, in many ways, a more appropriate tool to resolve fractional revivals of a wave packet than the usual time domain analysis. This advantage is crucial in reconstructing the initial state of the wave packet when its coherent structure is short-lived and decays before it is fully revived. Our calculations are based on the model example of fractional revivals in a Rydberg wave packet of circular states. We end by providing an analytical investigation which fully agrees with our numerical observations on the utility of time-frequency analysis in the study of wave packet fractional revivals.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Antibody-drug conjugates--an emerging class of cancer treatment.

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    Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are an emerging novel class of anticancer treatment agents that combines the selectivity of targeted treatment with the cytotoxic potency of chemotherapy drugs. New linker technology associated with novel highly potent cytotoxic payloads has permitted the development of more effective and safe ADCs. In recent years, two ADCs have been licensed, T-DM1 and brentuximab vedotin, and are already establishing their place in cancer treatment. A plethora of ADCs are being investigated in phases I and II trials, emerging data of which appears promising. As we deepen our understanding of what makes a successful ADC, an increasing number of ADCs will likely become viable treatment options as single agents or in combination with chemotherapy. This review will present the philosophy underlying ADCs, their main characteristics and current research developments with a focus on ADCs in solid tumours

    Maximising the potential of AKT inhibitors as anti-cancer treatments.

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    PI3K/AKT signalling is commonly disrupted in human cancers, with AKT being a central component of the pathway, influencing multiple processes that are directly involved in tumourigenesis. Targeting AKT is therefore a highly attractive anti-cancer strategy with multiple AKT inhibitors now in various stages of clinical development. In this review, we summarise the role and regulation of AKT signalling in normal cellular physiology. We highlight the mechanisms by which AKT signalling can be hyperactivated in cancers and discuss the past, present and future clinical strategies for AKT inhibition in oncology

    Combine and conquer: challenges for targeted therapy combinations in early phase trials.

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    Our increasing understanding of cancer biology has led to the development of molecularly targeted anticancer drugs. The full potential of these agents has not, however, been realised, owing to the presence of de novo (intrinsic) resistance, often resulting from compensatory signalling pathways, or the development of acquired resistance in cancer cells via clonal evolution under the selective pressures of treatment. Combinations of targeted treatments can circumvent some mechanisms of resistance to yield a clinical benefit. We explore the challenges in identifying the best drug combinations and the best combination strategies, as well as the complexities of delivering these treatments to patients. Recognizing treatment-induced toxicity and the inability to use continuous pharmacodynamically effective doses of many targeted treatments necessitates creative intermittent scheduling. Serial tumour profiling and the use of parallel co-clinical trials can contribute to understanding mechanisms of resistance, and will guide the development of adaptive clinical trial designs that can accommodate hypothesis testing, in order to realize the full potential of combination therapies

    Critical parameters in targeted drug development: the pharmacological audit trail.

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    The Pharmacological Audit Trail (PhAT) comprises a set of critical questions that need to be asked during discovery and development of an anticancer drug. Key aspects include: (1) defining a patient population; (2) establishing pharmacokinetic characteristics; (3) providing evidence of target engagement, pathway modulation, and biological effect with proof of concept pharmacodynamic biomarkers; (4) determining intermediate biomarkers of response; (5) assessing tumor response; and (6) determining how to overcome resistance by combination or sequential therapy and new target/drug discovery. The questions asked in the PhAT should be viewed as a continuum and not used in isolation. Different drug development programmes derive different types of benefit from these questions. The PhAT is critical in making go-no-go decisions in the development of currently studied drugs and will continue to be relevant to discovery and development of future generations of anticancer agents

    The kinase polypharmacology landscape of clinical PARP inhibitors.

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    Polypharmacology plays an important role in defining response and adverse effects of drugs. For some mechanisms, experimentally mapping polypharmacology is commonplace, although this is typically done within the same protein class. Four PARP inhibitors have been approved by the FDA as cancer therapeutics, yet a precise mechanistic rationale to guide clinicians on which to choose for a particular patient is lacking. The four drugs have largely similar PARP family inhibition profiles, but several differences at the molecular and clinical level have been reported that remain poorly understood. Here, we report the first comprehensive characterization of the off-target kinase landscape of four FDA-approved PARP drugs. We demonstrate that all four PARP inhibitors have a unique polypharmacological profile across the kinome. Niraparib and rucaparib inhibit DYRK1s, CDK16 and PIM3 at clinically achievable, submicromolar concentrations. These kinases represent the most potently inhibited off-targets of PARP inhibitors identified to date and should be investigated further to clarify their potential implications for efficacy and safety in the clinic. Moreover, broad kinome profiling is recommended for the development of PARP inhibitors as PARP-kinase polypharmacology could potentially be exploited to modulate efficacy and side-effect profiles

    A Genome-scale CRISPR Screen Identifies the ERBB and mTOR Signaling Networks as Key Determinants of Response to PI3K Inhibition in Pancreatic Cancer.

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    KRAS mutation is a key driver of pancreatic cancer and PI3K pathway activity is an additional requirement for Kras-induced tumorigenesis. Clinical trials of PI3K pathway inhibitors in pancreatic cancer have shown limited responses. Understanding the molecular basis for this lack of efficacy may direct future treatment strategies with emerging PI3K inhibitors. We sought new therapeutic approaches that synergize with PI3K inhibitors through pooled CRISPR modifier genetic screening and a drug combination screen. ERBB family receptor tyrosine kinase signaling and mTOR signaling were key modifiers of sensitivity to alpelisib and pictilisib. Inhibition of the ERBB family or mTOR was synergistic with PI3K inhibition in spheroid, stromal cocultures. Near-complete loss of ribosomal S6 phosphorylation was associated with synergy. Genetic alterations in the ERBB-PI3K signaling axis were associated with decreased survival of patients with pancreatic cancer. Suppression of the PI3K/mTOR axis is potentiated by dual PI3K and ERBB family or mTOR inhibition. Surprisingly, despite the presence of oncogenic KRAS, thought to bestow independence from receptor tyrosine kinase signaling, inhibition of the ERBB family blocks downstream pathway activation and synergizes with PI3K inhibitors. Further exploration of these therapeutic combinations is warranted for the treatment of pancreatic cancer

    Entanglement by linear SU(2) transformations: generation and evolution of quantum vortex states

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    We consider the evolution of a two-mode system of bosons under the action of a Hamiltonian that generates linear SU(2) transformations. The Hamiltonian is generic in that it represents a host of entanglement mechanisms, which can thus be treated in a unified way. We start by solving the quantum dynamics analytically when the system is initially in a Fock state. We show how the two modes get entangled by evolution to produce a coherent superposition of vortex states in general, and a single vortex state under certain conditions. The degree of entanglement between the modes is measured by finding the explicit analytical dependence of the Von Neumann entropy on the system parameters. The reduced state of each mode is analyzed by means of its correlation function and spatial coherence function. Remarkably, our analysis is shown to be equally as valid for a variety of initial states that can be prepared from a two-mode Fock state via a unitary transformation and for which the results can be obtained by mere inspection of the corresponding results for an initial Fock state. As an example, we consider a quantum vortex as the initial state and also find conditions for its revival and charge conjugation. While studying the evolution of the initial vortex state, we have encountered and explained an interesting situation in which the entropy of the system does not evolve whereas its wave function does. Although the modal concept has been used throughout the paper, it is important to note that the theory is equally applicable for a two-particle system in which each particle is represented by its bosonic creation and annihilation operators.Comment: 6 figure

    Off Resonant Pumping for Transition from Continuous to Discrete Spectrum and Quantum Revivals in Systems in Coherent States

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    We show that in parametrically driven systems and, more generally, in systems in coherent states, off-resonant pumping can cause a transition from a continuum energy spectrum of the system to a discrete one, and result in quantum revivals of the initial state. The mechanism responsible for quantum revivals in the present case is different from that in the non-linear wavepacket dynamics of systems such as Rydberg atoms. We interpret the reported phenomena as an optical analog of Bloch oscillations realized in Fock space and propose a feasible scheme for inducing Bloch oscillations in trapped ions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Jnl. of Optics

    Titration of signalling output: insights into clinical combinations of MEK and AKT inhibitors.

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    Background We aimed to understand the relative contributions of inhibiting MEK and AKT on cell growth to guide combinations of these agents.Materials and methods A panel of 20 cell lines was exposed to either the MEK inhibitor, PD0325901, or AKT inhibitor, AKT 1/2 inhibitor. p-ERK and p-S6 ELISAs were used to define degrees of MEK and AKT inhibition, respectively. Growth inhibition to different degrees of MEK and AKT inhibition, either singly or in combination using 96-h sulphorhodamine assays was then studied.Results A significantly greater growth inhibition was seen in BRAF(M) and PIK3CA(M) cells upon maximal MEK (P = 0.004) and AKT inhibition (P = 0.038), respectively. KRAS(M) and BRAF/PIK3CA/KRAS(WT) cells were not significantly more likely to be sensitive to MEK or AKT inhibition. Significant incremental growth inhibition of the combination of MEK + AKT over either MEK or AKT inhibition alone was seen when MEK + AKT was inhibited maximally and not when sub-maximal inhibition of both MEK + AKT was used (11/20 cell lines versus 1/20 cell lines; P = 0.0012).Conclusions KRAS(M) cells are likely to benefit from combinations of MEK and AKT inhibitors. Sub-maximally inhibiting both MEK and AKT within a combination, in a majority of instances, does not significantly increase growth inhibition compared with maximally inhibiting MEK or AKT alone and alternative phase I trial designs are needed to clinically evaluate such combinations