23 research outputs found

    The Impact of Financial Aid on the Enrollment and Retention of Student Athletes at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III Colleges and Universities: A Review of the Literature

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    This article aims to review current literature on the enrollment and retention of student athletes at NCAA Division III institutions. However, the review identifies very few studies that specifically focused on Division III programs and none that looks at the influence of financial aid on the enrollment and retention of student athletes at Division III institutions. Discussing and connecting research from student athletes’ experiences at Division I institutions as well as research on influences of student aid on college students, this literature review offers some insight on how student aid might influence college enrollment and retention for student athletes at Division III institutions

    Design and Analysis of Low Power Energy Efficient Braun Multiplier

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    Designing of Braun multipliers using various hybrid full adder circuits are described in this paper. In DSP and communication systems, multipliers are the main power consuming elements. Dynamic power dissipation contributes a lot to power consumption in CMOS logic. Braun multipliers employing Row bypassing techniques are designed to minimise the switching activities which aids in reducing dynamic power consumption. Full adders constitute a most vital part in multipliers. In this paper, Braun multiplier is designed using three different hybrid full adders .Area and power consumption of the resulting circuits are compared and analysed. The Braun multipliers are implemented and simulated using Tanner spice

    Impact of Data Mining Technique in Education Institutions

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    Major decision making process using large amount of data can be done by various techniques using data mining. In education sectors various data mining techniques are implemented to analyze the student’s data from the admission process itself. Due to large number of educational institution in India, excellence becomes a major parameter for the institutions to grow and with stand. Nowadays education institutions use data mining techniques to show their excellence. The main objective of this work to present an analysis of individual semester wise results of engineering college students using different techniques of data mining. Here we used different classification algorithms like decision tree, rule based, function based and Bayesian algorithms to analyze the semester results and comparison is made by considering parameters like accuracy and error rate. Our output shows the most suited algorithm for analyzing data in educational institutions

    Hernie diaphragmatique post-traumatique de l’enfant: Ă  propos d’un cas au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire PĂ©diatrique Charles de Gaulle de Ouagadougou

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    La hernie diaphragmatique post-traumatique est une urgence chirurgicale rare chez l’enfant mais pouvant mettre rapidement en jeu le pronosticvital. Les auteurs rapportent le cas d’un garçon de 04 ans admis aux urgences pour douleur abdominale suite Ă  une contusion thoraco-abdominale par accident de la voie publique. Le bilan radiologique initial a consistĂ© en une Ă©chographie abdominale qui a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© un hĂ©mopĂ©ritoine de petite abondance sans lĂ©sion focale. Douze heures aprĂšs son admission, le patient a prĂ©sentĂ© une dĂ©tresse respiratoire avec tableau clinique depneumothorax gauche qui a nĂ©cessitĂ© une exsufflation en urgence. Le diagnostic de hernie diaphragmatique gauche a Ă©tĂ© posĂ© Ă  la radiographiedu thorax rĂ©alisĂ©e aprĂšs la ponction. L’enfant a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une cure  chirurgicale. L’évolution a Ă©tĂ© favorable. La hernie diaphragmatique posttraumatique, bien que rare chez l’enfant, devrait ĂȘtre systĂ©matiquement recherchĂ©e par une radiographie thoracique ou un scanner  thoracoabdominal devant tout traumatisme abdominal avec hyper pression. Son traitement est chirurgical

    Soil organic carbon dynamics and crop yield for different crop rotations in a degraded ferruginous tropical soil in a semi-arid region: a simulation approach

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    In recent years, simulation models have been used as a complementary tool for research and for quantifying soil carbon sequestration under widely varying conditions. This has improved the understanding and prediction of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and crop yield responses to soil and climate conditions and crop management scenarios. The goal of the present study was to estimate the changes in SOC for different cropping systems in West Africa using a simulation model. A crop rotation experiment conducted in FarakĂŽ-Ba, Burkina Faso was used to evaluate the performance of the cropping system model (CSM) of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) for simulating yield of different crops. Eight crop rotations that included cotton, sorghum, peanut, maize and fallow, and three different management scenarios, one without N (control), one with chemical fertilizer (N) and one with manure applications, were studied. The CSM was able to simulate the yield trends of various crops, with inconsistencies for a few years. The simulated SOC increased slightly across the years for the sorghum–fallow rotation with manure application. However, SOC decreased for all other rotations except for the continuous fallow (native grassland), in which the SOC remained stable. The model simulated SOC for the continuous fallow system with a high degree of accuracy normalized root mean square error (RMSE)=0·001, while for the other crop rotations the simulated SOC values were generally within the standard deviation (s.d.) range of the observed data. The crop rotations that included a supplemental N-fertilizer or manure application showed an increase in the average simulated aboveground biomass for all crops. The incorporation of this biomass into the soil after harvest reduced the loss of SOC. In the present study, the observed SOC data were used for characterization of production systems with different SOC dynamics. Following careful evaluation of the CSM with observed soil organic matter (SOM) data similar to the study presented here, there are many opportunities for the application of the CSM for carbon sequestration and resource management in Sub-Saharan Africa

    There are infinitely many twin primes 30n+11 and 30n+13, 30n+17 and 30n+19, 30n+29 and 30n+31

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    We proved that lim inf⁡n→+∞(pn+1−pn)=2\liminf\limits_{n \rightarrow +\infty}(p_{n+1}-p_n)=2 where pnp_n is the n−thn-th prime number. We showed the conditions on which an integer 10X+110X+1, 10X+310X+3, 10X+710X+7 or 10X+910X+9 can be a prime number. We studied the conditions required to get some twin primes and proved the twin primes conjecture. First we showed that some sets of formulas are governing each of the eight sets of composite integers 30n+11, 30n+31, 30n+13, 30n+23, 30n+7, 30n+17, 30n+19 and 30n+29. Then we showed that there are infinitely many couple of integers 30n+11 and 30n+13, 30n+17 and 30n+19, 30n+29 and 30n+31 which are not generated by the formulas of the corresponding sets of composite integers respectively. As a side result, it will open a new era for the study of gaps between primes and leads to the proofs of many open problems linked to prime numbers

    Étude du village de Koumestenga (Province de Namentenga)

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    The Study of the Koumestenga Village (Namentenga Province). The problem of desertification has become particularly acute since 1973. That year an unprecedented drought fell on the Sahelian countries (Burkina Faso, Cap Verde Islands, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Chad). The study of the Koumestenga village (Namentenga province) makes it possible to capture the obvious relationships that between the climate, the topography, the soils and the vegetal cover. In the study zone one can notice an accelerated degradation of the natural environment since the 1970s. The causes can be found in the anthropic action : man, with his less and less adapted farming methods, constitutes an essential factor of imbalance in the burkinabĂ© ecosystem.Le problĂšme de la dĂ©sertification est devenu particuliĂšrement aigu depuis 1973. Cette annĂ©e-lĂ  s’est abattue une sĂ©cheresse sans prĂ©cĂ©dent sur les pays sahĂ©liens (Burkina Faso, Cap-Vert, Gambie, GuinĂ©e -Bissau, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, SĂ©nĂ©gal et Tchad). Dans ces pays, en plus des actions internationales et sous-rĂ©gionales, des mesures ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement prises pour lutter contre le flĂ©au (les «Trois Luttes» au Burkina Faso). L’étude du village de Koumestenga (province de Namentenga) permet de saisir les relations Ă©videntes existant entre le climat, la topographie, les sols, et le couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. Le constat y est une dĂ©gradation accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e du patrimoine naturel depuis les annĂ©es 1970. Les causes se trouvent dans l’action anthropique : l’homme, par ses mĂ©thodes culturales de moins de moins adaptĂ©es, constitue un facteur essentiel du dĂ©sĂ©quilibre des Ă©cosystĂšmes burkinabĂ©.Bandre Emmanuel. Étude du village de Koumestenga (Province de Namentenga). In: Aspects des milieux naturels du Burkina Faso. Talence : Centre de recherche sur les espaces tropicaux, 1993. pp. 1-26. (Pays enclavĂ©s

    La dynamique du couvert végétal dans la région de Gboué, province de la Kossi, Burkina Faso

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    The morpho-pedo-climatic constraints will determine an essentially bushy vegetation covering in the Gboue area. The milieu is penestable and has been undergoing strong human and animal emprise for some decades. As a matter of fact, the Fulani immigrants and, above all, the Mossi, by their agricultural and pastoral practices have been causing the degradation of the vegetal covering. The soil which is badly protected is harshly eroded by rain waters (scraping, hollowing). The area is under an increasing danger of desertification. To stop this menace urgent mesures to protect the environment must be taken.Les contraintes morpho-pĂ©do-climatiques dĂ©terminent dans la rĂ©gion du GbouĂ© un couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal essentiellement arbustif. Le milieu est pĂ©nĂ©stable, et subit depuis quelques dĂ©cennies de fortes emprises humaine et animale. Les immigrants peul et surtout mossi, par leurs pratiques agricoles et pastorales, provoquent la dĂ©gradation du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. Le sol, mal protĂ©gĂ©, est violemment Ă©rodĂ© par les eaux de pluie (dĂ©capage, ravinement) et la rĂ©gion se trouve, de plus en plus, menacĂ©e par la dĂ©sertification. Pour enrayer ce flĂ©au, des mesures urgentes de sauvegarde s’imposent.Bandre Emmanuel. La dynamique du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal dans la rĂ©gion de GbouĂ©, province de la Kossi, Burkina Faso. In: Aspects des milieux naturels du Burkina Faso. Talence : Centre de recherche sur les espaces tropicaux, 1993. pp. 27-46. (Pays enclavĂ©s

    Survey Of Data Intensive Computing Technologies Application To To Security Log Data Management

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    Data intensive computing research and technology developments offer the potential of providing significant improvements in several security log management challenges. Approaches to address the complexity, timeliness, expense, diversity, and noise issues have been identified. These improvements are motivated by the increasingly important role of analytics. Machine learning and expert systems that incorporate attack patterns are providing greater detection insights. Finding actionable indicators requires the analysis to combine security event log data with other network data such and access control lists, making the big-data problem even bigger. Automation of threat intelligence is recognized as not complete with limited adoption of standards. With limited progress in anomaly signature detection, movement towards using expert systems has been identified as the path forward. Techniques focus on matching behaviors of attackers to patterns of abnormal activity in the network. The need to stream, parse, and analyze large volumes of small, semistructured data files can be feasibly addressed through a variety of techniques identified by researchers. This report highlights research in key areas, including protection of the data, performance of the systems and network bandwidth utilization

    Training Undergraduate Medical Students in Shared Decision Making: A Systematic Review

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    In the field of healthcare delivery, shared decision making (SDM) refers to a collaborative process, wherein both patients and the healthcare professionals mutually work to make informed and consensus decisions with reference to the kind of medical care that will be administered to patients. The purpose of the current review is to explore SDM in health care, ascertain the role of medical education, and identify the ways to train and assess undergraduate medical students in competencies pertaining to SDM. An extensive search of all materials related to the topic was carried out on the PubMed and Google Scholar search engines and a total of 29 articles were selected based on their suitability with the current review objectives and analyzed. Keywords used in the search include learning resources in the title alone only (viz. shared decision making [ti] AND patient [ti]; shared decision making [ti] AND medical education [ti]; shared decision making [ti] AND assessment [ti]; shared decision making [ti] AND self-assessment [ti]; shared decision making [ti]; shared decision making [ti]). In the domain of medical education, the promotion of SDM essentially will require a multipronged approach to enable its integration into the medical curriculum. However, we must remember that mere teaching–learning methods would not improve it unless they are supplemented with assessment methods, otherwise, we will fail to deliver sustained results. In conclusion, SDM in medical education and healthcare industry represents a transformative shift from the traditional paradigm to a patient-centered approach that empowers both patients and healthcare providers, including budding medical students. The need of the hour is to advocate and encourage structured integration of SDM in the medical curriculum and support the same with periodic assessments