16 research outputs found
Polarization and Pressure-Dependence of 2p-1s Transitions in He-Like and Li-Like Neon Recoil Ions
Journals published by the American Physical Society can be found at http://publish.aps.org
Program Pelatihan, Konsultansi, Dan Pendampingan Pengembangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Di Desa Pitue, Kecamatan Marang, Kabupaten Pangkajene Kepulauan Sulawesi Selatan
Desa Pitue mempunyai luas wilayah ± 565 Ha, dengan 4 dusun, masing-masing dusun memiliki RW dan RT. Jumlah Penduduk Desa Pitue yaitu: 3.072 jiwa. Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (RPJM) Desa Pitue ingin mengembangkan desa Pitue menjadi Desa atau Kampung Industri (KAMTRI) dengan programnya Satu Rukun Tetangga (RT) Satu Produk. Program tersebut dapat dicapai, jika BUMDes Pitue dikelola dengan manajemen yang baik dan berjalan sesuai dengan harapan masyarakatnya, namun untuk menunjang program yang sudah dicanangkan tersebut masih perlu pengembangan, partisipasi, dan dukungan segenap masyarakat didalamnya. Unit usaha yang dikelola oleh BUMDes Pitue saat ini masih berkisar pada usaha rumahan (home industry) produk makanan olahan yang berasal dari hasil perikanan. Diharapkan dengan adanya Abdimas dosen UT, program Satu RT Satu Produk dapat lebih mempercepat program tersebut. Selain itu, diharapkan BUMDes Pitue lebih kreatif, inovatif dan memiliki usaha yang variatif bukan hanya bergerak pada produk makanan olahan saja, tetapi akan muncul beragam produk inovatif baik produk barang maupun jasa, yang berasal dari masyarakat khususnya anggota BUMDes, dan pada akhirnya usaha ini memiliki andil dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi di desany
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Spontaneous fission properties of {sup 252,254}No and {sup 256,258}[104] and the disappearance of the outer fission barrier
The mass and total kinetic energy distributions from the spontaneous fission of {sup 252}No, {sup 254}No, {sup 256}[104], and {sup 258}[104] were measured. The results, in combination with earlier measurements for {sup 256}No, {sup 258}No, and {sup 262}No, show a sharp transition from asymmetrical mass division in {sup 256}No to symmetrical division for {sup 258}No and {sup 262}No. On the other hand, all isotopes of element 104, including {sup 260}[104], appear to yield broadly symmetrical mass distributions. The total kinetic energies around 200 MeV for the 104 isotopes indicate that they fission by the low-energy mode of bimodal fission. Recent calculations of static potential energy surfaces including higher-order asymmetric deformations suggest that the outer fission barrier is well below the ground state in energy, which accounts for the observance of the symmetric mass division
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Analysis of fissile materials by high-energy neutron-induced fission decay gamma rays
Thermal neutrons from the Budapest Research Reactor and fast neutrons from the Berkeley Neutron Generator Facility have been used to analyze uranium. It has been shown that both prompt and delayed gamma rays from neutron capture and fission product decay can be used to analyze uranium concentrations and 235U enrichment. Detection of neutrons from the spontaneous fission of 238U has also been demonstrated for uranium analysis. The observation of high-energy gamma rays following the decay of short-lived fission products is a sensitive indication of fissile material, and the ratio of fission product gamma ray intensities can uniquely determine the concentrations of fission isotopes
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First PGAA and NAA experimental results from a compact high intensity D-D neutron generator
Various types of neutron generator systems have been designed and tested at the Plasma and Ion Source Technology Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. These generators are based on a D-D fusion reaction. These high power D-D neutron generators can provide neutron fluxes in excess of the current state of the art D-T neutron generators, without the use of pre-loaded targets or radioactive tritium gas. Safe and reliable long-life operations are the typical features of these D-D generators. All of the neutron generators developed in the Plasma and Ion Source Technology Group are utilizing powerful RF-induction discharge to generate the deuterium plasma. One of the advantages of using the RF-induction discharge is it's ability to generate high fraction of atomic ions from molecular gases, and the ability to generate high plasma densities for high extractable ion current from relatively small discharge volume
Decision making around resuscitation of extremely preterm infants in the Philippines: A consensus guideline
The Philippine Society of Newborn Medicine: Professional guideline statemen
Decision making around resuscitation of extremely preterm infants in the Philippines: A consensus guideline
The Philippine Society of Newborn Medicine: Professional guideline statemen