41 research outputs found

    Influence of phytoplankton diets on the ingestion rate and egg production of Acartia clausi and A. lilljeborgii (Copepoda: Calanoida) from Bahía de La Paz, Gulf of California

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    Different phytoplankton diets were tested on Acartia clausi and A. lilljeborgii from Bahía de La Paz to determine their effect on survival, egg production, and ingestion rate. Female copepods were fed diatom strains (Chaetoceros sp., Cylindrotheca closterium, Odontella longicruris, and Dytilum brightwelli), dinoflagellate strains (Scrippsiella sp., Gyrodinium sp., Prorocentrum micans, and P. rhathymum), and one Raphidophyceae (Chattonella sp.). After 24 h of incubation in darkness at 24 °C, survival with various phytoplankton diets was above 91%. Gyrodinium sp. produced the lowest survival in both copepod species (44.5% in A. clausi and 89.6% in A. lilljeborgii). Dinoflagellate diets provided the highest egg production. A. clausi had higher egg production when fed with P. rhathymum, P. micans, Gyrodinium sp., Scrippsiella sp., and Chattonella sp. A. lilljeborgii had a higher egg production with Scrippsiella sp., P. micans, Gyrodinium sp., and Chaetoceros sp. Ingestion rates were higher in both Acartia species with two diatom diets (O. longicruris and Chaetoceros sp.), P. rhathymum and Chattonella sp. These results suggest that both Acartia species respond to nutritional quality of phytoplankton in a short time. Higher ingestion rates did not necessarily result in higher egg production, suggesting that the link between ingestion and egg production may be in what is eaten, rather than in how much. The response in egg production seems to be species specific, but in general was higher with dinoflagellate diets, suggesting a higher food quality compared with diatoms (excepting Chaetoceros sp.)

    Co-ocurrencia de Chattonella marina y Gymnodinium catenatum en laBahía de LaPaz, Golfo de California (primavera2009)

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    During the period of 24 March to 14 May 2009, water and net samples were obtained for phytoplankton analyses; one aliquot was fixed in Lugol´s solution for species quantification and identification. Net samples were used for the identification of live phytoplankton species. Additionally, temperature in situ, chlorophyll a and inorganic nutrients were measured weekly in three stations. Two species were identified: Chattonella marina (Subrahmanyan) Y. Hara et Chihara and Gymnodinium catenatum Graham. Chattonella marina was the most abundant species with a density at subsurface level of 14 × 103 to 36 × 103 cell L-1 . Gymnodinium catenatum had densities were of 1 × 103 to 19 × 103 cell L-1 . Water column temperature was quasi homogeneous from surface to 20 m in depth, with an interval of 19.5 to 22.0 °C and 20.0 to 21.5 °C from March to April respectively. In the middle of May stratification of the water column initiated with a slight temperature difference of 5.0 °C recorded from surface to 20 m in depth. Nitrates varied from 0.5 to 11.0 µM and orthophosphates from 0.4 to 2.6 µM. Chlorophyll a showed a value at surface level of 7.5 mg m-3 and 3.5 mg m-3 at 20 m in March; in May chlorophyll a values ranged between 2.0 to 7.0 mg m-3 . We conclude that the presence of these two species during this study period was associated to the relaxation of the mixing processes in the zoneDurante el período del 24 de marzo al 14 de mayo de 2009 en la Bahía de La Paz, se obtuvieron muestras de agua y de red para análisis de fitoplancton. Una alícuota se fijó con una solución de Lugol para la identificación y cuantificación, la de red se utilizó para la identificación in vivo. Semanalmente se midió la temperatura in situ, se determinaron nutrientes inorgánicos y clorofila a en tres estaciones. Se identificaron dos especies: Chattonella marina (Subrahmanyan) Y. Hara et Chihara y Gymnodinium catenatum Graham. Chattonella marina fue la especie más abundante con densidades de 14 × 103 a 36 × 103 cél. L-1 a nivel sub-superficial. Gymnodinium catenatum se registró con densidades de 1 × 103 a 19 × 103 cél. L-1 . La temperatura del agua fue homogénea desde la superficie hasta los 20 m de profundidad, con un intervalo de 19.5 a 22.0 °C y de 20.0 a 21.5 °C a finales de marzo y abril respectivamente. En la primera mitad de mayo se inició la estratificación, con una diferencia térmica de 5.0 °C entre la superficie y los 20 m. Los nitratos variaron de 0.5 a 11.0 µM y los ortofosfatos de 0.4 a 2.6 µM. La clorofila a en marzo presentó un valor en superficie de 7.5 mg m-3 y a 20 m de 3.5 mg m-3 , en mayo varió de 2.0 a 7.0 mg m-3 . Se concluye que la aparición de las dos especies observadas en este estudio se asocia a la disminución de los procesos de mezcla en esta bahía

    Mass fish die-off during a diatom bloom in the Bahía de La Paz, Gulf of California

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    An unusual fish die-off occurred during a bloom of diatoms from June 10th July 3rd 2006 in Bahía de La Paz in the Gulf of California. The prevalent organisms were Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (2.4 × 106 cells L1), Thalassiosira eccentrica (2.3 × 106 cells L1) and Chaetoceros spp. (9.65 x 105 cells L1). Three toxic species were identified: P. pseudodelicatissima-complex, P. fraudulenta, and P. pungens. Fucoxanthin was the dominant pigment during the bloom, peaking at 9.3 ?g L1. Sea surface temperature dramatically increased from 19.0 °C to 27.0 °C during the bloom, with inorganic nitrogen (1.0 ± 0.6 ?M) and Si(OH)4 (15.5 ± 8.0 ?M). Low content of domoic acid measured by HPLC-UV from net samples ranged from 24.0 to 52.0 ng per filter and tissue of the chocolate clam Megapitaria squalida (0.55 ?g g1) and the white clam Dosinia ponderosa (0.06 ?g g1). Domoic acid analysis of dead fish tissues was negative. Fish necropsy indicated that death by asphyxia was probably caused by Thalassiosira eccentrica and Chaetoceros spp. Alternate mixing processes and instability of the water column, as well as sudden changes of both temperature and nutrients created conditions for proliferation of the diatoms

    Efecto de la composición bioquímica de microalgas sobre el valor nutritivo de dos cepas de artemia

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    Presence of benzoate-type toxins in Gymnodinium catenatum Graham isolated from the Mexican Pacific

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    Benzoate type toxins have been described as an important component of Gymnodinium catenatum cells. In this paper we study these toxins in a G. catenatum strain isolated from the Mexican coast. A partition of the toxins was done by solid-phase extraction on a COOH cartridge and detected by HPLC coupled to fluorescence after pre-column periodate oxidation. Two groups of the hydrophobic analogues of saxitoxin were identified: those containing a sulphate group in the benzoate moiety instead of a hydroxyl group like GC1/2 or GC3 and the hydroxy-benzoate analogues, with a sulphate group at the eleventh position of the STX core present or absent (GCs-GTX and GCs-STX analogues, respectively). These toxins are more abundant, in a relative basis, when comparing with a G. catenatum toxin content isolated from Portugal. This is the first report of the presence of these toxins in a Mexican strain

    Influence of phytoplanckton diets on the ingestion rate and egg production of Acartia clausi and A. lilljeborgii (Copepoda: Calanoida) from Bahía de La Paz, Gulf of California

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    Se probaron diversas dietas de fitoplancton en Acartia clausi y A. lilljeborgii de la Bahía de La Paz, para determinar su efecto en la supervivencia, producción de huevos y tasa de ingesta. Se alimentaron hembras de copépodos con cepas de diatomeas (Chaetoceros sp., Cylindrotheca closterium, Odontella longicruris y Dytilum brightwelli), de dinoflagelados (Scrippsiella sp., Gyrodinium sp., Prorocentrum micans y P. rhathymum) y una rafidofita (Chattonella sp.). Después de 24 h de incubación en oscuridad a 24 °C, la supervivencia con las diversas dietas fue mayor a 91%. Sólo al alimentar a A. clausi con Gyrodinium sp. la supervivencia fue baja (44.5%). Con las dietas de dinoflagelados se obtuvo la mayor producción de huevos. A. clausi presentó una mayor producción de huevos al alimentarse con P. rhathymum, P. micans, Gyrodinium sp., Scrippsiella sp. y Chattonella sp. A. lilljeborgii presentó una mayor producción de huevos con Scrippsiella sp., P. micans, Gyrodinium sp. y Chaetoceros sp. La tasa de ingesta en ambas especies de Acartia fue mayor con dos dietas de diatomeas (O. longicruris y Chaetoceros sp.), P. rhathymum y Chattonella sp. Estos resultados sugieren que ambas especies de Acartia responden en un lapso corto de tiempo a la calidad nutricional del fitoplancton. Las mayores tasas de ingesta no necesariamente resultaron en una mayor producción de huevos, sugiriendo que la relación entre la tasa de ingesta y la producción de huevos pudiera estar relacionada con la calidad alimenticia, más que con la cantidad ingerida. La respuesta en la producción de huevos en ambos copépodos parece ser específica para cada especie, sin embargo en general las dietas de dinoflagelados parecen tener una mayor calidad nutricional comparadas con las diatomeas con la excepción de Chaetoceros sp