5,236 research outputs found

    The BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Spectral Catalog. I. High Time Resolution Spectroscopy of Bright Bursts using High Energy Resolution Data

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    This is the first in a series of gamma-ray burst spectroscopy catalogs from the Burst And Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, each covering a different aspect of burst phenomenology. In this paper, we present time-sequences of spectral fit parameters for 156 bursts selected for either their high peak flux or fluence. All bursts have at least eight spectra in excess of 45 sigma above background and span burst durations from 1.66 to 278 s. Individual spectral accumulations are typically 128 ms long at the peak of the brightest events, but can be as short as 16 ms, depending on the type of data selected. We have used mostly high energy resolution data from the Large Area Detectors, covering an energy range of typically 28 - 1800 keV. The spectral model chosen is from a small empirically-determined set of functions, such as the well-known `GRB' function, that best fits the time-averaged burst spectra. Thus, there are generally three spectral shape parameters available for each of the 5500 total spectra: a low-energy power-law index, a characteristic break energy and possibly a high-energy power-law index. We present the distributions of the observed sets of these parameters and comment on their implications. The complete set of data that accompanies this paper is necessarily large, and thus is archived electronically at: http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/.Comment: Accepted for publication: ApJS, 125. 38 pages, 9 figures; supplementary electronic archive to be published by ApJ; available from lead author upon reques

    Control of Ultra-cold Inelastic Collisions by Feshbash Resonances and Quasi-One-Dimensional Confinement

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    Cold inelastic collisions of atoms or molecules are analyzed using very general arguments. In free space, the deactivation rate can be enhanced or suppressed together with the scattering length of the corresponding elastic collision via a Feshbach resonance, and by interference of deactivation of the closed and open channels. In reduced dimensional geometries, the deactivation rate decreases with decreasing collision energy and does not increase with resonant elastic scattering length. This has broad implications; e.g., stabilization of molecules in a strongly confining two-dimensional optical lattice, since collisional decay of the highly vibrationally excited states due to inelastic collisions is suppressed. The relation of our results with those based on the Lieb-Liniger model are addressed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Line Search: V. Probability of Detecting a Line in a Burst

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    The physical importance of the apparent discrepancy between the detections by pre-BATSE missions of absorption lines in gamma-ray burst spectra and the absence of a BATSE line detection necessitates a statistical analysis of this discrepancy. This analysis requires a calculation of the probability that a line, if present, will be detected in a given burst. However, the connection between the detectability of a line in a spectrum and in a burst requires a model for the occurrence of a line within a burst. We have developed the necessary weighting for the line detection probability for each spectrum spanning the burst. The resulting calculations require a description of each spectrum in the BATSE database. With these tools we identify the bursts in which lines are most likely to be detected. Also, by assuming a small frequency with which lines occur, we calculate the approximate number of BATSE bursts in which lines of various types could be detected. Lines similar to the Ginga detections can be detected in relatively few BATSE bursts; for example, in only ~20 bursts are lines similar to the GB 880205 pair of lines detectable. Ginga reported lines at ~20 and ~40 keV whereas the low energy cutoff of the BATSE spectra is typically above 20 keV; hence BATSE's sensitivity to lines is less than that of Ginga below 40 keV, and greater above. Therefore the probability that the GB 880205 lines would be detected in a Ginga burst rather than a BATSE burst is ~0.2. Finally, we adopted a more appropriate test of the significance of a line feature.Comment: 20 pages, AASTeX 4.0, 5 figures, Ap.J. in pres

    Spectral Hardness Decay with Respect to Fluence in BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We have analyzed the evolution of the spectral hardness parameter Epk as a function of fluence in gamma-ray bursts. We fit 41 pulses within 26 bursts with the trend reported by Liang & Kargatis (1996) which found that Epk decays exponentially with respect to photon fluence. We also fit these pulses with a slight modification of this trend, where Epk decays linearly with energy fluence. In both cases, we found the set of 41 pulses to be consistent with the trend. For the latter trend, which we believe to be more physical, the distribution of the decay constant is roughly log-normal, with a mean of 1.75 +/- 0.07 and a FWHM of 1.0 +/- 0.1. Regarding an earlier reported invariance in the decay constant among different pulses in a single burst, we found probabilities of 0.49 to 0.84 (depending on the test used) that such invariance would occur by coincidence, most likely due to the narrow distribution of decay constant values among pulses.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure pages, 2 table pages, submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    A biomechanical model of anther opening reveals the roles of dehydration and secondary thickening

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    Understanding the processes that underlie pollen release is a prime target for controlling fertility to enable selective breeding and the efficient production of hybrid crops. Pollen release requires anther opening, which involves changes in the biomechanical properties of the anther wall. In this research, we develop and use a mathematical model to understand how these biomechanical processes lead to anther opening

    Observing GRBs with EXIST

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    We describe the Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope EXIST, designed to carry out a sensitive all-sky survey in the 10 keV – 600 keV band. The primary goal of EXIST is to find black holes in the local and distant universe. EXIST also traces cosmic star formation via gamma-ray bursts and gamma-ray lines from radioactive elements ejected by supernovae and novae

    BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Line Search: IV. Line Candidates from the Visual Search

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    We evaluate the significance of the line candidates identified by a visual search of burst spectra from BATSE's Spectroscopy Detectors. None of the candidates satisfy our detection criteria: an F-test probability less than 10^-4 for a feature in one detector and consistency among the detectors which viewed the burst. Most of the candidates are not very significant, and are likely to be fluctuations. Because of the expectation of finding absorption lines, the search was biased towards absorption features. We do not have a quantitative measure of the completeness of the search which would enable a comparison with previous missions. Therefore a more objective computerized search has begun.Comment: 18 pages AASTEX 4.0; 4 POSTSCRIPT figures on request from [email protected]

    Evolution of the Low-Energy Photon Spectra in Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We report evidence that the asymptotic low-energy power law slope alpha (below the spectral break) of BATSE gamma-ray burst photon spectra evolves with time rather than remaining constant. We find a high degree of positive correlation exists between the time-resolved spectral break energy E_pk and alpha. In samples of 18 "hard-to-soft" and 12 "tracking" pulses, evolution of alpha was found to correlate with that of the spectral break energy E_pk at the 99.7% and 98% confidence levels respectively. We also find that in the flux rise phase of "hard-to-soft" pulses, the mean value of alpha is often positive and in some bursts the maximum value of alpha is consistent with a value > +1. BATSE burst 3B 910927, for example, has a alpha_max equal to 1.6 +/- 0.3. These findings challenge GRB spectral models in which alpha must be negative of remain constant.Comment: 12 pages (including 6 figures), accepted to Ap
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