232 research outputs found

    The role of self-translation in the colonisation process of african countries

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    La auto-traducción surgió desde los Estudios de Traducción como una disciplina académica. No existe empírica o investigación descriptiva en el campo de DTS se ocupan de auto-traducción, ni siquiera se menciona en el discurso académico de los estudios de traducción. Sin embargo, editores, críticos literarios y académicos a menudo, incluso ignoran el hecho de que una traducción ha sido producido por el propio autor, una vez que se publicó el trabajo en el idioma de origen. ¿Por qué hay un vacío como en los estudios de traducción

    Censoring metaphors in translation: Shakespeare's Hamlet under Franco

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    In the three versions of Hamlet translated during the Franco regime in Spain, metaphors related to the censored themes of sex and religion were altered or removed. In this study, we employ the Metaphor Identification Procedure (Pragglejaz Group 2007) to identify all metaphors involving sex and religion in Shakespeare's Hamlet and its three Franco-era Spanish translations. We find that under the influence of censorship, authors employ many of the strategies for metaphor translation also used for uncensored texts, such as those identified by Newmark (1981), van den Broeck (1981), and Toury (1995). However, we argue that censorship encourages strategies judged as less preferable, more extreme, or which are not usually discussed in translation studies. These strategies appear to be selected specifically to remove the material subject to censorship, whether this is found in the source domain (vehicle) or the target domain (tenor) of a metaphor

    Adapting Othello for television in late Francoist Spain: It’s all about the ‘Moor’

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    [EN] Estudio 1 was a TV theatre series created during Franco’s dictatorship in which Shakespeare’s plays were regularly produced to serve the propaganda interests of the regime. In this paper, we explore a Estudio 1 production of Othello (1972) analyzing the contradictory meanings and readings that the figure of the ‘Moor’ has in the Spanish collective imaginary. The portrayal of Othello by the late Francoist TV adaptation confirms and authorises Spanish fears and prejudices about a militaristic, exotic but ultimately jealous and brutal ‘Moor’, who must be different from any form of ‘Spanish’ identity. The Shakespearean tragedy there fore offers the perfect opportunity to legitimise the ‘Moor’ as constructed in the crucible of Spanish history and memory – a dangerous ‘Other’ whose ultimate death following Iago’s revenge is a political and cultural necessity at the end of the tragedy

    Ian McEwan Celebrates Shakespeare. Hamlet in a Nutshell

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    [EN] The aim of this article is to analyse Ian McEwan’s Nutshell, published in Septem ber 2016, as a modern rewriting of Hamlet in relation to the usual issues and themes previously tackled by the author throughout his narrative. The novel fo cuses on the love triangle involving Claude [Claudius], Trudy [Gertrude] and John Cairncross [King Hamlet] and narrates how the lovers plot the murder of the husband from the unusual perspective of a proto-Hamlet in the womb. Despite the fact that he is rewriting a Shakespearean work, the author remains faithful to his style and favourite topics, displaying the function of the family as destructive rather than constructive, conditioning the later development of the children and rendering them devoid of the affection needed. Similarly, Nutshell also depicts his recurrent configuration of mothers as authoritative and destructive, especially for the natural growth of their offspring.S

    O lazer no quotidiano dos estudantes: de educação secundária em Espanha

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    Partiendo de la interrelación existente entre la educación cultural de las personas y el uso que hacen de sus tiempos cotidianos, en el artículo se pone de manifiesto la relevancia que tiene el ocio en el desarrollo humano. Más aún cuando nos referimos a adolescentes y jóvenes que, dada la realidad socio familiar que les ha venido impuesta, ven condicionada la satisfacción de muchas de las necesidades básicas que favorecen una vida de y con calidad, en cuyo logro el derecho al ocio adquiere un protagonismo clave. En este sentido, se presentarán parte de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación, cuyo objetivo principal residía en conocer e interpretar cómo inciden los tiempos escolares en los procesos de socialización adolescente y juvenil, así como en los modos de configurar su tiempo libre. Más en concreto: se analizarán algunos de los datos obtenidos en un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc y aplicado a una muestra de 3.306 alumnos/as de entre 12 y 17 años que cursaban Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en centros educativos de la geografía española en el curso académico 2010-2011. Conocer la utilización que hace este colectivo de sus tiempos, tiene para nosotros en este artículo una doble finalidad: reflexionar en qué medida las actividades que realizan favorecen la adquisición de aprendizajes de carácter cultural; indagar si existe alguna relación significativa entre la edad, el contexto familiar y las actividades que llevan a cabo.Considering the interrelation between people’s cultural education and how they use their daily time, this article highlights the relevance of leisure time in human development. Especially when we refer to the group of young people who, given the social and familial reality that has been imposed to them, feels limitations in what concerns the satisfaction of their basic needs, among them enjoying a leisure time that favors their quality of life. In this sense, we present some results of a research project carried out on Spanish territory and whose main objective was to learn and interpret how time in school is reflected in students’ socialization process, as well as how they configure leisure time. The data were obtained by a questionnaire designed ad hoc that was applied to a sample of 3.306 youth, from 12 to 17 years, who attended Secundary Education (ESO)3 in Spanish High Schools in the academic year of 2010-2011. Our intention is to know how students spend their time, with two purposes: reflecting about the extent to which their activities favor the acquisition of cultural learning cultural, and whether there is any significant relationship between age and type of recreational activities they undertake.Partindo da inter-relação entre a educação cultural das pessoas e o uso que fazem dos seus tempos quotidianos, este artigo evidencia a relevância que têm os tempos de lazer no desenvolvimento humano. Especialmente quando nos referimos ao grupo de adolescentes e jovens que, dada a realidade sociofamiliar que lhes tem sido imposta, vê condicionada a satisfação de muitas das necessidades básicas que possibilitam uma vida de e com qualidade, na qual o direito ao lazer adquire um protagonismo chave. Neste sentido, serão apresentados parte dos resultados de um projeto de investigação cujo objetivo principal era conhecer e interpretar os modos como configuram os seus tempos livres e como os tempos escolares se refletem nos processos de socialização adolescente e juvenil. Concretamente, serão analisados alguns dos dados obtidos pelo questionário desenhado ad hoc e aplicado a uma amostra de 3.306 jovens com 12 e 17 anos que frequentavam a Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) nos centros educativos do território espanhol no curso académico de 2010-2011. Conhecer a utilização que os adolescentes e jovens fazem dos seus tempos tem uma dupla finalidade: refletir em que medida as atividades que realizam favorecem a aquisição de aprendizagens de caráter cultural; questionar se existe alguma relação significativa entre a idade e as atividades que realizam

    Introduction. "I would my [European] pilgrimade dilate" Othello in European culture

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    https://doi.org/10.1075/sec.3.int[EN] This volume argues that a focus on the European reception of Othello represents an important contribution to critical work on the play. The chapters in this volume examine non-anglophone translations and performances, alternative ways of distinguishing between texts, adaptations and versions, as well as differing perspectives on questions of gender and race. Additionally, a European perspective raises key political questions about power and representation in terms of who speaks for and about Othello, within a European context profoundly divided over questions of immigration, religious, ethnic, gender and sexual difference. The volume illustrates the ways in which Othello has been not only a stimulus but also a challenge for European Shakespeares. It makes clear that the history of the play is inseparable from histories of race, religion and gender and that many engagements with the play have reinforced rather than challenged the social and political prejudices of the period

    Traducción, recepción y censura de teatro clásico inglés en la España de Franco. Estudio descriptivo-comparativo del Corpus TRACEtci (1939-1985) = Translation, recption and censorship of classical english theatre in Franco's Spain: A descriptive-comparative analysis of the Corpus TRACEtci (1939-1985)

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    730, LIXLa presente Tesis Doctoral, enmarcada dentro de los Estudios Descriptivos de Traducción, identifica los comportamientos traductores y censorios que caracterizaron el trasvase de las obras del teatro clásico inglés a los escenarios españoles del franquismo. A partir de un Catálogo de traducciones (presentado en CD adjunto), se construye un corpus textual formado por seis textos originales en inglés y 30 reescrituras escénicas al español que fueron representadas y censuradas durante la época de estudio. Para llevar a cabo el análisis descriptivo-comparativo del corpus, organizado en seis conjuntos textuales, se ha diseñado un modelo de análisis que se ajusta a la especificidad de los textos teatrales y que permite reconstruir las cadenas textuales que se han originado en torno a un determinado texto origen. En primer lugar, se procede al estudio preliminar de los factores contextuales que condicionaron la recepción de las traducciones. En segundo lugar, se lleva a cabo un análisis textual para aislar el grado de incidencia de la (auto)censura y para extraer las normas de traducción que subyacen al trasvase de los conjuntos textuales. Este trabajo nos ha llevado a concluir que las normas de traducción vigentes en periodos precedentes se perpetúan a través de la adaptación y el plagio de traducciones previas. Por otro lado, este estudio también revela que el verdadero efecto de la censura oficial ha de medirse en relación a la propia selección de los textos para su traducción y representación en los escenarios del franquismo, mientras que la autocensura opera de acuerdo a unos parámetros de decoro escénico que no son exclusivos de este momento histórico sino habituales en la tradición español

    Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) ISG15: molecular characterization and in vivo interplay with viral infections

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    The interferon-stimulated gene 15 (Isg15) is strongly induced by type I interferon (IFN I), viral infection, and double-stranded RNA (poly I:C) in several fish species, suggesting that Isg15 protein could play a key role in fish innate immunity against viral diseases. Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterize the molecular structure and transcription pattern of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) Isg15 gene in response to viral infections. The molecular characterization shows that the Senegalese sole Isg15 gene codes for a typical Isg15 protein of 165 aa, containing two ubiquitin-like domains and one conserved LRLRGG conjugating motif at the C-terminal end. The untranslated 5´-end region exhibited the structure of an IFN-stimulated gene promoter, with two interferon stimulated response elements (ISRE). Pairwise alignments based on deduced amino acid sequences showed homologous relationships (72.5-74.2%) between the Isg15 of Senegalese sole and other pleuronectiforms. The Isg15 transcription has been studied in head kidneys of Senegalese sole inoculated with poly I:C and with different fish viruses: two Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus (VHSV) isolates (highly pathogenic and non-pathogenic to sole), and one reassortant Viral Nervous Necrosis Virus (VNNV) isolate, composed of a RGNNV-type RNA1 and a SJNNV-type RNA2 (pathogenic to sole). These challenges showed that poly I:C induces Isg15 transcription from 3 to 72 h post-injection (p.i.), whereas the induction in response to viral infections started at 24-48 h p.i. The fast induction of Isg15 indicates the potential implication of this ISG in the antiviral state stablished by the IFN I system. On the other hand, the interaction between each virus and the IFN I system was evaluated in fish inoculated with poly I:C and subsequently (24 h later) challenged with the different viruses. This challenge showed a viral multiplication decrease in poly I:C treated animals compared with untreated fish. Besides, results showed that only both pathogenic isolates interfered negatively with the Isg15 stimulation triggered by poly I:C. These results suggest that the Isg15 might play an important role in host defense against RNA virus infection, and the pathogenic isolates used in this study may have mechanisms to evade or limit the Senegalese sole innate host defenses.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Amino acidic substitutions in the polymerase N-terminal region of a reassortant betanodavirus strain causing poor adaptation to temperature increase

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    International audienceAbstractNervous necrosis virus (NNV), Genus Betanodavirus, is the causative agent of viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), a neuropathological disease that causes fish mortalities worldwide. The NNV genome is composed of two single-stranded RNA molecules, RNA1 and RNA2, encoding the RNA polymerase and the coat protein, respectively. Betanodaviruses are classified into four genotypes: red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV), striped jack nervous necrosis virus (SJNNV), barfin flounder nervous necrosis virus (BFNNV) and tiger puffer nervous necrosis virus (TPNNV). In Southern Europe the presence of RGNNV, SJNNV and their natural reassortants (in both RNA1/RNA2 forms: RGNNV/SJNNV and SJNNV/RGNNV) has been reported. Pathology caused by these genotypes is closely linked to water temperature and the RNA1 segment encoding amino acids 1–445 has been postulated to regulate viral adaptation to temperature. Reassortants isolated from sole (RGNNV/SJNNV) show 6 substitutions in this region when compared with the RGNNV genotype (positions 41, 48, 218, 223, 238 and 289). We have demonstrated that change of these positions to those present in the RGNNV genotype cause low and delayed replication in vitro when compared with that of the wild type strain at 25 and 30 °C. The experimental infections confirmed the impact of the mutations on viral replication because at 25 °C the viral load and the mortality were significantly lower in fish infected with the mutant than in those challenged with the non-mutated virus. It was not possible to challenge fish at 30 °C because of the scarce tolerance of sole to this temperature