242 research outputs found

    Minimum-energy pulses for quantum logic cannot be shared

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    We show that if an electromagnetic energy pulse with average photon number is used to carry out the same quantum logical operation on a set of N atoms, either simultaneously or sequentially, the overall error probability in the worst case scenario (i.e., maximized over all the possible initial atomic states) scales as N^2/. This means that in order to keep the error probability bounded by N\epsilon, with \epsilon ~ 1/, one needs to use N/\epsilon photons, or equivalently N separate "minimum-energy'' pulses: in this sense the pulses cannot, in general, be shared. The origin for this phenomenon is found in atom-field entanglement. These results may have important consequences for quantum logic and, in particular, for large-scale quantum computation.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. A, Rapid Communication

    Gate fidelity of arbitrary single-qubit gates constrained by conservation laws

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    Recent investigations show that conservation laws limit the accuracy of gate operations in quantum computing. The inevitable error under the angular momentum conservation law has been evaluated so far for the CNOT, Hadamard, and NOT gates for spin 1/2 qubits, while the SWAP gate has no constraint. Here, we extend the above results to general single-qubit gates. We obtain an upper bound of the gate fidelity of arbitrary single-qubit gates implemented under arbitrary conservation laws, determined by the geometry of the conservation law and the gate operation on the Bloch sphere as well as the size of the ancilla.Comment: Title changed; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.; 19 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum limits in interferometric measurements

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    Quantum noise limits the sensitivity of interferometric measurements. It is generally admitted that it leads to an ultimate sensitivity, the ``standard quantum limit''. Using a semi-classical analysis of quantum noise, we show that a judicious use of squeezed states allows one in principle to push the sensitivity beyond this limit. This general method could be applied to large scale interferometers designed for gravitational wave detection.Comment: 4 page

    Constraints for quantum logic arising from conservation laws and field fluctuations

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    We explore the connections between the constraints on the precision of quantum logical operations that arise from a conservation law, and those arising from quantum field fluctuations. We show that the conservation-law based constraints apply in a number of situations of experimental interest, such as Raman excitations, and atoms in free space interacting with the multimode vacuum. We also show that for these systems, and for states with a sufficiently large photon number, the conservation-law based constraint represents an ultimate limit closely related to the fluctuations in the quantum field phase.Comment: To appear in J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt., special issue on quantum contro

    Effects of random localizing events on matter waves: formalism and examples

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    A formalism is introduced to describe a number of physical processes that may break down the coherence of a matter wave over a characteristic length scale l. In a second-quantized description, an appropriate master equation for a set of bosonic "modes" (such as atoms in a lattice, in a tight-binding approximation) is derived. Two kinds of "localizing processes" are discussed in some detail and shown to lead to master equations of this general form: spontaneous emission (more precisely, light scattering), and modulation by external random potentials. Some of the dynamical consequences of these processes are considered: in particular, it is shown that they generically lead to a damping of the motion of the matter-wave currents, and may also cause a "flattening" of the density distribution of a trapped condensate at rest.Comment: v3; a few corrections, especially in Sections IV and

    Field Purification in the intensity-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We have found that, in the intensity-dependent Jaynes-Cummings model, a field initially prepared in a statistical mixture of two coherent states, α>|\alpha> and α>|-\alpha>, evolves toward a pure state. We have also shown that an even-coherent state turns periodically a into rotated odd-coherent state during the evolution.Comment: 14 pages, RevTex, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Robust unravelings for resonance fluorescence

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    Monitoring the fluorescent radiation of an atom unravels the master equation evolution by collapsing the atomic state into a pure state which evolves stochastically. A robust unraveling is one that gives pure states that, on average, are relatively unaffected by the master equation evolution (which applies once the monitoring ceases). The ensemble of pure states arising from the maximally robust unraveling has been suggested to be the most natural way of representing the system [H.M. Wiseman and J.A. Vaccaro, Phys. Lett. A {\bf 250}, 241 (1998)]. We find that the maximally robust unraveling of a resonantly driven atom requires an adaptive interferometric measurement proposed by Wiseman and Toombes [Phys. Rev. A {\bf 60}, 2474 (1999)]. The resultant ensemble consists of just two pure states which, in the high driving limit, are close to the eigenstates of the driving Hamiltonian Ωσx/2\Omega\sigma_{x}/2. This ensemble is the closest thing to a classical limit for a strongly driven atom. We also find that it is possible to reasonably approximate this ensemble using just homodyne detection, an example of a continuous Markovian unraveling. This has implications for other systems, for which it may be necessary in practice to consider only continuous Markovian unravelings.Comment: 12 pages including 5 .eps figures, plus one .jpg figur

    Computation using Noise-based Logic: Efficient String Verification over a Slow Communication Channel

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    Utilizing the hyperspace of noise-based logic, we show two string verification methods with low communication complexity. One of them is based on continuum noise-based logic. The other one utilizes noise-based logic with random telegraph signals where a mathematical analysis of the error probability is also given. The last operation can also be interpreted as computing universal hash functions with noise-based logic and using them for string comparison. To find out with 10^-25 error probability that two strings with arbitrary length are different (this value is similar to the error probability of an idealistic gate in today's computer) Alice and Bob need to compare only 83 bits of the noise-based hyperspace.Comment: Accepted for publication in European Journal of Physics B (November 10, 2010

    Information Erasure and Recover in Quantum Memory

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    We show that information in quantum memory can be erased and recovered perfectly if it is necessary. That the final states of environment are completely determined by the initial states of the system allows that an easure operation can be realized by a swap operation between system and an ancilla. Therefore, the erased information can be recoverd. When there is an irreversible process, e.g. an irreversible operation or a decoherence process, in the erasure process, the information would be erased perpetually. We present that quantum erasure will also give heat dissipation in environment. And a classical limit of quantum erasure is given which coincides with Landauer's erasure principle.Comment: PACS: 0365.Bz. 03.67.Hk;3page

    Dynamical localization simulated on a few qubits quantum computer

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    We show that a quantum computer operating with a small number of qubits can simulate the dynamical localization of classical chaos in a system described by the quantum sawtooth map model. The dynamics of the system is computed efficiently up to a time tt\geq \ell, and then the localization length \ell can be obtained with accuracy ν\nu by means of order 1/ν21/\nu^2 computer runs, followed by coarse grained projective measurements on the computational basis. We also show that in the presence of static imperfections a reliable computation of the localization length is possible without error correction up to an imperfection threshold which drops polynomially with the number of qubits.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure