10,129 research outputs found

    Detecting swift heavy ion irradiation effects with graphene

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    In this paper we show how single layer graphene can be utilized to study swift heavy ion (SHI) modifications on various substrates. The samples were prepared by mechanical exfoliation of bulk graphite onto SrTiO3_3, NaCl and Si(111), respectively. SHI irradiations were performed under glancing angles of incidence and the samples were analysed by means of atomic force microscopy in ambient conditions. We show that graphene can be used to check whether the irradiation was successful or not, to determine the nominal ion fluence and to locally mark SHI impacts. In case of samples prepared in situ, graphene is shown to be able to catch material which would otherwise escape from the surface.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Damage in graphene due to electronic excitation induced by highly charged ions

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    Graphene is expected to be rather insensitive to ionizing particle radiation. We demonstrate that single layers of exfoliated graphene sustain significant damage from irradiation with slow highly charged ions. We have investigated the ion induced changes of graphene after irradiation with highly charged ions of different charge states (q = 28-42) and kinetic energies E_kin = 150-450 keV. Atomic force microscopy images reveal that the ion induced defects are not topographic in nature but are related to a significant change in friction. To create these defects, a minimum charge state is needed. In addition to this threshold behaviour, the required minimum charge state as well as the defect diameter show a strong dependency on the kinetic energy of the projectiles. From the linear dependency of the defect diameter on the projectile velocity we infer that electronic excitations triggered by the incoming ion in the above-surface phase play a dominant role for this unexpected defect creation in graphene

    Zamke za nositelje naboja u stupnjevanim InGaAS fotodiodama s velikim sadržajem indija

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    Carrier traps in In0.82Ga0.18As, introduced during manufacturing of photodiodes by vapour phase epitaxy (VPE), have been studied by electrical measurements. Two groups of localized energy levels associated with traps were found in photodiodes annealed at higher temperature after fabrication: the first, at Ec- 0.14 eV, and the second located deeper, close to the middle of the energy gap. Electrically activated dislocations by association with some impurities are responsible for the occurrence of the deeper levels.Električnim mjerenjima istražena su svojstva zamki za nositelje naboja koje nastaju pri izradi fotodioda iz In0.82Ga0.18As metodom epitaksijalnog rasta iz parne faze (VPE). U fotodiodama, koje su naknadno napuštane nakon izrade na povišenoj temperaturi, zapažene su dvije skupine lokaliziranih nivoa zamki: jedan plići na Ec − 0, 14 eV i druge dublje nešto ispod sredine zabranjenog energijskog pojasa. Ustanovljeno je da su električki aktivirane dislokacije primjesama odgovorne za pojavu dubljih nivoa

    Conditional generation of sub-Poissonian light from two-mode squeezed vacuum via balanced homodyne detection on idler mode

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    A simple scheme for conditional generation of nonclassical light with sub-Poissonian photon-number statistics is proposed. The method utilizes entanglement of signal and idler modes in two-mode squeezed vacuum state generated in optical parametric amplifier. A quadrature component of the idler mode is measured in balanced homodyne detector and only those experimental runs where the absolute value of the measured quadrature is higher than certain threshold are accepted. If the threshold is large enough then the conditional output state of signal mode exhibits reduction of photon-number fluctuations below the coherent-state level.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, REVTe

    Optimized Dynamical Decoupling for Time Dependent Hamiltonians

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    The validity of optimized dynamical decoupling (DD) is extended to analytically time dependent Hamiltonians. As long as an expansion in time is possible the time dependence of the initial Hamiltonian does not affect the efficiency of optimized dynamical decoupling (UDD, Uhrig DD). This extension provides the analytic basis for (i) applying UDD to effective Hamiltonians in time dependent reference frames, for instance in the interaction picture of fast modes and for (ii) its application in hierarchical DD schemes with π\pi pulses about two perpendicular axes in spin space. to suppress general decoherence, i.e., longitudinal relaxation and dephasing.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Structural phase transitions in epitaxial perovskite films

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    Three different film systems have been systematically investigated to understand the effects of strain and substrate constraint on the phase transitions of perovskite films. In SrTiO3_3 films, the phase transition temperature TC_C was determined by monitoring the superlattice peaks associated with rotations of TiO6_6 octahedra. It is found that TC_C depends on both SrTiO3_3 film thickness and SrRuO3_3 buffer layer thickness. However, lattice parameter measurements showed no sign of the phase transitions, indicating that the tetragonality of the SrTiO3_3 unit cells was no longer a good order parameter. This signals a change in the nature of this phase transition, the internal degree of freedom is decoupled from the external degree of freedom. The phase transitions occur even without lattice relaxation through domain formation. In NdNiO3_3 thin films, it is found that the in-plane lattice parameters were clamped by the substrate, while out-of-plane lattice constant varied to accommodate the volume change across the phase transition. This shows that substrate constraint is an important parameter for epitaxial film systems, and is responsible for the suppression of external structural change in SrTiO3_3 and NdNiO3_3 films. However, in SrRuO3_3 films we observed domain formation at elevated temperature through x-ray reciprocal space mapping. This indicated that internal strain energy within films also played an important role, and may dominate in some film systems. The final strain states within epitaxial films were the result of competition between multiple mechanisms and may not be described by a single parameter.Comment: REVTeX4, 14 figure

    Data taking strategy for the phase study in ψK+K\psi^{\prime} \to K^+K^-

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    The study of the relative phase between strong and electromagnetic amplitudes is of great importance for understanding the dynamics of charmonium decays. The information of the phase can be obtained model-independently by fitting the scan data of some special decay channels, one of which is ψK+K\psi^{\prime} \to K^{+}K^{-}. To find out the optimal data taking strategy for a scan experiment in the measurement of the phase in ψK+K\psi^{\prime} \to K^{+} K^{-}, the minimization process is analyzed from a theoretical point of view. The result indicates that for one parameter fit, only one data taking point in the vicinity of a resonance peak is sufficient to acquire the optimal precision. Numerical results are obtained by fitting simulated scan data. Besides the results related to the relative phase between strong and electromagnetic amplitudes, the method is extended to analyze the fits of other resonant parameters, such as the mass and the total decay width of ψ\psi^{\prime}.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum recoil effects in finite-time disentanglement of two distinguishable atoms

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    Starting from the requirement of distinguishability of two atoms by their positions, it is shown that photon recoil has a strong influence on finite-time disentanglement and in some cases prevents its appearance. At near-field inter atomic distances well localized atoms, with maximally one atom being initially excited, may suffer disentanglement at a single finite time or even at a series of equidistant finite times, depending on their mean inter atomic distance and their initial electronic preparation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physical Review on august 2