59 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Dirac signature of germanene

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    The structural and electronic properties of germanene coated Ge 2Pt clusters have been determined by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at room temperature. The interior of the germanene sheet exhibits a buckled honeycomb structure with a lattice constant of 4.3 Å and a buckling of 0.2 Å. The zigzag edges of germanene are reconstructed and display a 4× periodicity. The differential conductivity of the interior of the germanene sheet has a V-shape, which is reminiscent of the density of states of a two-dimensional Dirac system. The minimum of the differential conductivity is located close to the Fermi level and has a non-zero value, which we ascribe to the metallic character of the underlying Ge 2Pt substrate. Near the reconstructed germanene zigzag edges the shape of the differential conductivity changes from a V-shape to a more parabolic-like shape, revealing that the reconstructed germanene zigzag edges do not exhibit a pronounced metallic edge state

    Charge Induced Dynamics of Water in a Graphene-Mica Slit Pore

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    We use atomic force microscopy to in situ investigate the dynamic behavior of confined water at the interface between graphene and mica. The graphene is either uncharged, negatively charged, or positively charged. At high humidity, a third water layer will intercalate between graphene and mica. When graphene is negatively charged, the interface fills faster with a complete three layer water film, compared to uncharged graphene. As charged positively, the third water layer dewets the interface, either by evaporation into the ambient or by the formation of three-dimensional droplets under the graphene, on top of the bilayer. Our experimental findings reveal novel phenomena of water at the nanoscale, which are interesting from a fundamental point of view and demonstrate the direct control over the wetting properties of the graphene/water interface

    Topologically protected one-dimensional electronic states in group IV two-dimensional Dirac materials

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    In this report we give a brief introduction on the occurrence of topologically protected one-dimensional electronic states in group IV two-dimensional graphene-like materials. We discuss the effect of spin-orbit coupling on the electronic band structure and show that these materials are potential candidates to exhibit the quantum spin Hall effect. The quantum spin Hall effect is characterized by a gapped interior and metallic counter-propagating spin-polarized topologically protected edges states. We also elaborate on the electric-field induced formation of a hexagonal network of one-dimensional topologically protected electronic states in small-angle twisted bilayer graphene.Comment: These are lecture notes meant for undergraduate and graduate physics students. This manuscript will not be submitted for publication. Pages: 21. Figures: 1

    Germanene: the germanium analogue of graphene

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    Recently, several research groups have reported the growth of germanene, a new member of the graphene family. Germanene is in many aspects very similar to graphene, but in contrast to the planar graphene lattice, the germanene honeycomb lattice is buckled and composed of two vertically displaced sub-lattices. Density functional theory calculations have revealed that free-standing germanene is a 2D Dirac fermion system, i.e. the electrons behave as massless relativistic particles that are described by the Dirac equation, which is the relativistic variant of the Schrödinger equation. Germanene is a very appealing 2D material. The spin-orbit gap in germanene (~24 meV) is much larger than in graphene (<0.05 meV), which makes germanene the ideal candidate to exhibit the quantum spin Hall effect at experimentally accessible temperatures. Additionally, the germanene lattice offers the possibility to open a band gap via for instance an externally applied electrical field, adsorption of foreign atoms or coupling with a substrate. This opening of the band gap paves the way to the realization of germanene based field-effect devices. In this topical review we will (1) address the various methods to synthesize germanene (2) provide a brief overview of the key results that have been obtained by density functional theory calculations and (3) discuss the potential of germanene for future applications as well for fundamentally oriented studies

    Spontaneous doping of the basal plane of MoS2 single layers through oxygen substitution under ambient conditions

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    The chemical inertness of the defect-free basal plane confers environmental stability to MoS2 single-layers, but it also limits their chemical versatility and catalytic activity. The stability of the pristine MoS2 basal plane against oxidation under ambient conditions is a widely accepted assumption in the interpretation of various studies and applications. However, single-atom level structural investigations reported here reveal that oxygen atoms spontaneously incorporate into the basal plane of MoS2 single layers during ambient exposure. Our scanning tunneling microscopy investigations reveal a slow oxygen substitution reaction, upon which individual sulfur atoms are one by one replaced by oxygen, giving rise to solid solution type 2D MoS2-xOx crystals. O substitution sites present all over the basal plane act as single-atomic active reaction centers, substantially increasing the catalytic activity of the entire MoS2 basal plane for the electrochemical H2 evolution reaction.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature induced dynamics of water confined between graphene and MoS2

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    Water trapped between MoS2 and graphene assumes a form of ice composed of two planar hexagonal layers with a non-tetrahedral geometry. Additional water does not wet these ice layers but forms three-dimensional droplets. Here, we have investigated the temperature induced dewetting dynamics of the confined ice and water droplets. The ice crystals gradually decrease in size with increasing substrate temperature and completely vanish at about 80 degrees C. Further heating to 100 degrees C induces changes in water droplet density, size, and shape through droplet coalescence and dissolution. However, even prolonged annealing at 100 degrees C does not completely dry the interface. The dewetting dynamics are controlled by the graphene cover. Thicker graphene flakes allow faster water diffusion as a consequence of the reduction of graphene's conformity along the ice crystal's edges, which leaves enough space for water molecules to diffuse along the ice edges and evaporate to the environment through defects in the graphene cover
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