112 research outputs found

    Pragmatic language disorder in Parkinson's disease and the potential effect of cognitive reserve

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    It is known that patients with Parkinson\u2019s Disease (PD) may show deficits in several areas of cognition, including speech and language abilities. One domain of particular interest is pragmatics, which refers to the capacity of using language in context for a successful communication. Several studies showed that some specific aspects of pragmatics \u2013 both in production and in comprehension \u2013 might be impaired in patients with PD. However, a clear picture of pragmatic abilities in PD is still missing, as most of the existing studies focused on specific aspects of the pragmatic competence rather than on sketching a complete pragmatic profile. Moreover, little is known on the potential role of protective factors in compensating the decline of communicative skills as the disease progresses. The present study has two aims: (1) to provide a complete picture of pragmatic abilities in patients with PD, by using a comprehensive battery (Assessment of Pragmatic Abilities and Cognitive Substrates, APACS) and by investigating the relationship with other aspects of cognitive functioning (e.g., working memory and Theory of Mind) and (2) to investigate whether Cognitive Reserve, i.e., the resilience to cognitive impairment provided by life experiences and activities, may compensate for the progressive pragmatic deficits in PD. We found that patients with PD, compared to healthy matched controls, had worse performance in discourse production and in the description of scenes, and that these impairments were tightly correlated with the severity of motor impairment, suggesting reduced intentionality of engaging in a communicative exchange. Patients with PD showed also an impairment in comprehending texts and humor, suggesting a problem in inferring from stories, which was related to general cognitive impairment. Notably, we did not find any significant difference between patients and controls in figurative language comprehension, a domain that is commonly impaired in other neurodegenerative diseases. This might be indicative of a specific profile of pragmatic impairment in patients with PD, worth of further investigation. Finally, Cognitive Reserve measures showed a high degree of association with pragmatic comprehension abilities, suggesting that the modification of life-styles could be a good candidate for compensating the possible problems in understanding the pragmatic aspects of language experienced by patients with PD

    Interpreting physical and mental metaphors: Is Theory of Mind associated with pragmatics in middle childhood?

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    We investigated the association between individual differences in metaphor understanding and Theory of Mind (ToM) in typically developing children. We distinguished between two types of metaphors and created a Physical and Mental Metaphors task, echoing a similar distinction for ToM. Nine-year-olds scored lower than older age-groups in ToM as well as in the interpretation of mental, but not physical, metaphors. Moreover, nine-year-olds (but not older children) who are better in ToM are also better in interpreting mental, but not physical, metaphors. This suggests that the link between metaphor and ToM is stronger when metaphorical interpretation involves mental aspects, and it is more evident in early rather than later childhood

    Intellectual property & technology transfer practices of public Brazilian science and technology institutes: multiple case studies.

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    The "Technological Innovation Act", promulgated in Brazil in 2004, represents the main legal framework implemented to promote technological innovation and to delineate a favorable scenario for scientific development in Brazil. It regulates specially the relationship between Scientific and Technological Institutions (STI) - such as universities and public research institutes - and private companies in Brazil. Among other things, the law determines that each STI should compose a Technological Innovation Center (NIT, as its acronym in Portuguese) to act as an interface of the STI and its markets. These centers are equivalent to what is internationally called Technology Transfer Office and have as main responsibility to transfer the knowledge and inventions generated at Public Research Institutes (PRI) to private sector.This paper describes and provides some reflections upon the experience of three NIT, located in the State of São Paulo (Brazil): Innovation Agency of University of Campinas (Inova/ Unicamp); Innovation Agency of Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and Embrapa Informatics of Agriculture. The analysis was focused on the following issues: history, legal structure and organizational model, mission and activities, relationships and results.RWIO 2014

    Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped dipolar gases

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    We discuss Bose-Einstein condensation in a trapped gas of bosonic particles interacting dominantly via dipole-dipole forces. We find that in this case the mean-field interparticle interaction and, hence, the stability diagram are governed by the trapping geometry. Possible physical realisations include ultracold heteronuclear molecules, or atoms with laser induced electric dipole moments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Sistema Agritempo: rede de inovação em agrometeorologia.

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    Resumo: O Sistema de Monitoramento Agrometeorológico (Agritempo) consiste em uma importante inovação de produto e de processo no campo da agrometeorologia. Este sistema concentra uma rede em três dimensões: uma rede física de sensores; uma rede de Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação que permite captar os dados dos sensores e armazená-los em uma base de dados, acessível via Internet; e uma rede formada por instituições e indivíduos que compartilham dados e conhecimentos visando fortalecer a base de dados do Agritempo. Em 2014 foi lançado o sistema Agritempo 2.0, utilizando-se de uma plataforma computacional mais moderna e interativa adaptada aos conceitos da web 2.0. Este trabalho descreve como esta rede tridimensional se estrutura, envolvendo a coleta e o processamento de dados, a forma como os mesmos são disponibilizados na web e descreve os produtos do Agritempo que podem ser acessados via Internet por vários públicos tais como: técnicos do Governo, agentes da extensão rural, cooperativas e associações, e produtores.SIAGRO 2014

    Nonlinear level crossing models

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    We examine the effect of nonlinearity at a level crossing on the probability for nonadiabatic transitions PP. By using the Dykhne-Davis-Pechukas formula, we derive simple analytic estimates for PP for two types of nonlinear crossings. In the first type, the nonlinearity in the detuning appears as a {\it perturbative} correction to the dominant linear time dependence. Then appreciable deviations from the Landau-Zener probability PLZP_{LZ} are found to appear for large couplings only, when PP is very small; this explains why the Landau-Zener model is often seen to provide more accurate results than expected. In the second type of nonlinearity, called {\it essential} nonlinearity, the detuning is proportional to an odd power of time. Then the nonadiabatic probability PP is qualitatively and quantitatively different from PLZP_{LZ} because on the one hand, it vanishes in an oscillatory manner as the coupling increases, and on the other, it is much larger than PLZP_{LZ}. We suggest an experimental situation when this deviation can be observed.Comment: 9 pages final postscript file, two-column revtex style, 5 figure

    NarE: a novel ADP-ribosyltransferase from Neisseria meningitidis.

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    Mono ADP-ribosyltransferases (ADPRTs) are a class of functionally conserved enzymes present in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. In bacteria, these enzymes often act as potent toxins and play an important role in pathogenesis. Here we report a profile-based computational approach that, assisted by secondary structure predictions, has allowed the identification of a previously undiscovered ADP-ribosyltransferase in Neisseria meningitidis (NarE). NarE shows structural homologies with E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and cholera toxin (CT) and possesses ADP-ribosylating and NAD-glycohydrolase activities. As in the case of LT and CT, NarE catalyses the transfer of the ADP-ribose moiety to arginine residues. Despite the absence of a signal peptide, the protein is efficiently exported into the periplasm of Neisseria. The narE gene is present in 25 out of 43 strains analysed, is always present in ET-5 and Lineage 3 but absent in ET-37 and Cluster A4 hypervirulent lineages. When present, the gene is 100% conserved in sequence and is inserted upstream of and co-transcribed with the lipoamide dehydrogenase E3 gene. Possible roles in the pathogenesis of N. meningitidis are discussed

    Manual on-line do sistema Agritempo versão 2.0.

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    Este manual tem por objetivo apresentar, de forma clara e objetiva, as funcionalidades da versão 2.0 do Sistema de Monitoramento Agrometeorológico (Agritempo), a fim de que sejam facilmente compreendidas e utilizadas por seus usuários.bitstream/item/127739/1/Livro-Doc132.pd

    Evaluation of a large set of patients with Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome from a single reference centre in context of different classifications

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    Purpose: To characterize patients with APS and to propose a new approach for their follow-up. Query ID="Q1" Text="Please check the given names and familynames." Methods: Monocentric observational retrospective study enrolling patients referred to the Outpatients clinic of the Units of Endocrinology, Diabetology, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology of our Hospital for Autoimmune diseases. Results: Among 9852 patients, 1174 (11.9%) [869 (73.9%) female] were diagnosed with APS. In 254 subjects, the diagnosis was made at first clinical evaluation (Group 1), all the other patients were diagnosed with a mean latency of 11.3 ± 10.6 years (Group 2). Group 1 and 2 were comparable for age at diagnosis (35.7 ± 16.3 vs. 40.4 ± 16.6 yrs, p =.698), but different in male/female ratio (81/173 vs 226/696, p =.019). In Group 2, 50% of patients developed the syndrome within 8 years of follow-up. A significant difference was found after subdividing the first clinical manifestation into the different outpatient clinic to which they referred (8.7 ± 8.0 vs. 13.4 ± 11.6 vs. 19.8 ± 8.7 vs. 7.4 ± 8.1 for endocrine, diabetic, rheumatologic, and gastroenterological diseases, respectively, p <.001). Conclusions: We described a large series of patients affected by APS according to splitters and lumpers. We propose a flowchart tailored for each specialist outpatient clinic taking care of the patients. Finally, we recommend regular reproductive system assessment due to the non-negligible risk of developing premature ovarian failure