83 research outputs found

    The Scalar Triplet Contribution to Lepton Flavour Violation and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in Left-Right Symmetric Model

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    We analyse in detail the scalar triplet contribution to the low-energy lepton flavour violating (LFV) and lepton number violating (LNV) processes within a TeV-scale left-right symmetric framework. We show that in both type-I and type-II seesaw dominance for the light neutrino masses, the triplet of mass comparable to or smaller than the largest right-handed neutrino mass scale can give sizeable contribution to the LFV processes, except in the quasi-degenerate limit of light neutrino masses, where a suppression can occur due to cancellations. In particular, a moderate value of the heaviest neutrino to scalar triplet mass ratio rO(1)r\lesssim {\cal O}(1) is still experimentally allowed and can be explored in the future LFV experiments. Similarly, the contribution of a relatively light triplet to the LNV process of neutrinoless double beta decay could be significant, disfavouring a part of the model parameter space otherwise allowed by LFV constraints. Nevertheless, we find regions of parameter space consistent with both LFV and LNV searches, for which the values of the total effective neutrino mass can be accessible to the next generation ton-scale experiments. Such light triplets can also be directly searched for at the LHC, thus providing a complementary probe of this scenario. Finally, we also study the implications of the triplet contribution for the left-right symmetric model interpretation of the recent diboson anomaly at the LHC.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures; minor changes, version to appear in JHE

    Left-Right Symmetry and the Charged Higgs Bosons at the LHC

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    The charged Higgs boson sector of the Minimal Manifest Left-Right Symmetric model (MLRSM) is investigated in the context of LHC discovery search for new physics beyond Standard Model. We discuss and summarise the main processes within MLRSM where heavy charged Higgs bosons can be produced at the LHC. We explore the scenarios where the amplified signals due to relatively light charged scalars dominate against heavy neutral Z2Z_2 and charged gauge W2W_2 as well as heavy neutral Higgs bosons signals which are dumped due to large vacuum expectation value vRv_R of the right-handed scalar triplet. In particular, production processes with one and two doubly charged Higgs bosons are considered. We further incorporate the decays of those scalars leading to multi lepton signals at the LHC. Branching ratios for heavy neutrino NRN_R, W2W_2 and Z2Z_2 decay into charged Higgs bosons are calculated. These effects are substantial enough and cannot be neglected. The tri- and four-lepton final states for different benchmark points are analysed. Kinematic cuts are chosen in order to strength the leptonic signals and decrease the Standard Model (SM) background. The results are presented using di-lepton invariant mass and lepton-lepton separation distributions for the same sign (SSDL) and opposite sign (OSDL) di-leptons as well as the charge asymmetry are also discussed. We have found that for considered MLRSM processes tri-lepton and four-lepton signals are most important for their detection when compared to the SM background. Both of the signals can be detected at 14 TeV collisions at the LHC with integrated luminosity at the level of 300fb1300 fb^{-1} with doubly charged Higgs bosons up to approximately 600 GeV. Finally, possible extra contribution of the charged MLRSM scalar particles to the measured Higgs to di-photon (H00γγH_0^0 \to \gamma \gamma) decay is computed and pointed out.Comment: FCNC analysis is incorporated while fitting the scalar spectrum. Light doubly charged scalars are still compatible with FCNC. Accepted in JHEP. New References and figures are added. The fitted scalar spectrum is given in detail in appendi

    Naturalness, Vacuum Stability and Leptogenesis in the Minimal Seesaw Model

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    The right-handed neutrinos within the type-I seesaw mechanism can induce large radiative corrections to the Higgs mass, and naturalness arguments can then be used to set limits on their mass scale and Yukawa couplings. Driven by minimality, we consider the presence of two degenerate right-handed neutrinos. We compare the limits from naturalness with the ones from the stability of the electroweak vacuum and from lepton flavor violation. Implications from neutrinoless double beta decay are also discussed and renormalization effects for the light neutrino parameters are presented. Adding small perturbations to the degenerate heavy neutrino spectrum allows for successful leptogenesis.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures; minor changes; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on a seesaw model leading to quasidegenerate neutrinos and signatures at the LHC

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    We consider a variant of TeV scale seesaw models in which three additional heavy right handed neutrinos are added to the standard model to generate the quasi-degenerate light neutrinos. This model is theoretically interesting since it can be fully rebuilt from the experimental data of neutrino oscillations except for an unknown factor in the Dirac Yukawa coupling. We study the constrains on this coupling coming from meta-stability of electro-weak vacuum. Even stronger bound comes from the lepton flavor violating decays on this model, especially in a heavy neutrino mass scenario which is within the collider reach. Bestowed with these constrained parameters, we explore the production and discovery potential coming from these heavy neutrinos at the 1414~TeV run of Large Hadron Collider. Signatures with tri-lepton final state together with backgrounds are considered in a realistic simulation.Comment: v2: 21 pages, 5 figures, matches with published versio

    Energy extraction from Janis-Newman-Winicour naked singularity

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    In general, energy extraction methods such as the Penrose process and the magnetic Penrose process are thought to be reliant on the existence of an ergoregion. Inside an ergoregion, there are negative energy states that allow a particle to extract energy and escape to an observer at infinity. In this paper, we considered the electromagnetic field in the rotating Janis-Newman-Winicour (JNW) spacetime. This concept is feasible because an accretion disc forms an electromagnetic field around compact objects. After that, we briefly examine negative energy orbits and their significance in energy extraction. The ergoregion is absent in a rotating JNW geometry, but we show that the effective ergoregion is there. The change in a negative energy orbit concerning the magnetic field (B), spin parameter (a), and electric charge (Q) is analyzed. We find that the total energy extraction efficiency within this process can be around 60%60\% for the rotating JNW naked singularity.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figure

    Naked Singularity as a Possible Source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays

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    The source of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) remains one of the greatest mysteries in astrophysics. Their possible source can be the galactic nuclei, where the ultra-high gravity region plays a crucial role. Cosmic rays are extremely energetic particles that travel through space with energies exceeding 1020eV10^{20}eV, but their origin is still a mystery despite years of studies and observations. In view of this, in this work, we studied the Joshi-Malafarina-Narayan (JMN-1) naked singularity as a natural particle accelerator. We derived the necessary expressions to find center of mass energy when two particles collide. We have obtained results showing that center of mass energy of the two particles will reach to Planck energy scale. This will form a microscopic black hole which will decay in Hawking radiation, having energy on the order of 1026eV10^{26} eV from the ultra-high gravity region of Sgr A*. These outgoing highly energetic particles from the naked singularity could be the possible sources of UHECRs.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure


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    Metal hydrides are potential hydrogen storage media. They release hydrogen at moderate temperatures and pressures. Magnesium hydride is a promising approach for stationary power system application, due to high hydrogen storage capacity by weight. Magnesium hydride based reactor design is more complex due to high thermal energy release and absorption during hydriding reaction and dehydriding reaction, respectively. In this study, results of a numerical modeling study are presented for a 1.5 kg Magnesium alloy based hydriding reactor. Temperature profile in the reactor is computed by FEM analysis using ANSYS software for hydriding and dehydriding reaction. FEM analysis indicates that the reactor temperature is raised from 200 C to 422 ºC in 20 minutes during the hydriding process. Hence, a “cooling system” is required for maintaining temperature during the hydriding process. During the dehydriding process, maximum temperature drop occurs from 350 C to 189 ºC in 20 minutes. Therefore, an external heat source of 2 kW is required for maintaining the temperature during dehydriding. Details are presented