190 research outputs found
Analisis Cemaran Bakteri Coliform Dan Identifikasi Escherichia Coli Pada Air Isi Ulang Dari Depot Di Kota Manado
Water is a basic needs for human life, but potable water is getting hard to find. The high rates of environmental pollution affecting the availability of clean water. This study aims to analyze the bacterial contamination in drinking water refill from the depots with random sampling method from nine districts in the city of Manado. This research included the examination of Total Plate Count (TPC), examination of Coliform bacteria, and identification of Escherichia coli. The results of this study indicate that the all nine samples tested drinking water contained microbial contamination ranging from 1.6 x 103 to 2.9 x 104 colonies/mL. All samples contained coliform bacteria that do not qualify according to the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/MENKES/Per/IV/2010 which states 0 APM/100 mL sample. On the identification of Escherichia coli, first sample and ninth sample does not contain the bacteria Escherichia coli. While the other samples contained the bacterium Escherichia coli that do not qualify according to the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/MENKES/Per/IV/2010 are stated that in 100 mL of drinking water should not be contained of bacterium Escherichia coli
Central Monitor Based on Personal Computer Using One Wireless Receiver
Central monitor is a tool in the health field that serves to monitor the patient's condition which is centralized in one monitor display centrally. In this scientific paper raised wireless systems for sending data to one monitor. In this module there are Electrocardiograph (EKG) parameters which are a parameter to detect and measure the electrical activity of the heart muscle using measurements of biopotential signals obtained from the surface of the body. From these measurements, an ECG signal will be obtained to produce a heart rate per minute (BPM). ECG signals are obtained from measurements of the electrical activity of the heart through electrodes placed on the patient's skin using the bipolar lead method. ECG signals will be processed using a microcontroller circuit as processors. Then the data will be sent to the PC using wireless HC-11. The data received by the PC, then processed using the Delphi application which will then display ECG charts and BPM results and abnormalities indicators if the BPM is in a condition above or below normal. By comparing the module with a standard measuring instrument, the biggest error is 0.99% which is still in tolerance because the tolerance limit is 5
Dc Shock Simulator
Defibrillators are electronic devices that carry shock electrical signals (pulses) to the heart muscle to maintain myocardial depolarization that is undergoing cardiac fibrillation (ventricular fibrillation or atrial fibrillation) (Bronzino, 2000). There are several conditions that must be met for the occurrence of shock processes including shock time, energy to be provided, patient and operator safety. In this defibrillator the use of selectors / energy selection is linear in the range 1-30 Joules with the use of tools at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Joules. The energy will then be discarded or given to the patient via a paddle when pressed the Discharge / shock button. The result of the signal given to the patient is monophasic. This study used a pre-experimental type with a One Group post test design research design. Measurements were made 5 times the volt meter at the test points determined by the compiler
Pengaruh Spp PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan terhadap Kesejahteraan Keluarga Anggota Kelompok di Kecamatan Pinoh Utara
This study aims to determine the effect of SPP Capital Assistance Against PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Family Welfare Member of the Group in the district of Pinoh utara regency Melawi . The method used is descriptive method with the form of research studies the relationship. This research sample totaled 55 people. Other results also showed SPP Capital Assistance PNPM Mandiri perdesaan has an influence on the well-being of family members of the group in the district of Pinoh Utara indicated by the formula Y=0,287 + 0,864X. Based on calculations using the computer program Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS 16.0), resulting that t > t table is 6.868> 2.0057. Hence t > t table then Ha accepted and Ho rejected, which means there is positive support SPP Capital Assistance PNPM Mandiri perdesaan for the welfare of family members of the group in the district of Pinoh Utara. While the value obtained by linear regression coefficient 0.846. and the coefficient of determination (R2) of 47.1%
Rancang Bangun Alat Pemanas Air Dan Konservasi Energi Pada Mesin Pendingin Ac 1pk
Presidential Instruction recently about saving and energt efficiency, it is necessary that efforts should be made to support the program. In energy savings in the household sector can be done in various wavs from the smallest thing turning off lights that are not necessary to the utilization of waste heatfrom air conditioning to hot water purposes. Alternative technologies, the heat energy generated by the air conditioning unit is the potential energy that can be utilized to get hot water for free. Given theclimate in Indonesia is quite hot, many hospitals, hotels, residential upper middle or apartment is equipped with air-conditioning and heat generated in the cooling system is disposed into the environment. Infact. the heat energy can be used for heating water can be usedf or water bath or otherpurposes. It is necessary to develop a means of combined cooling and heating water. These devices are expected simultaneously to increase comfort and save energy
Optimalisasi Tingkat Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Dasar Dan Fungsional Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Nizam Zachman Jakarta Dalam Menunjang Kegiatan Penangkapan Ikan
Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishery Port Jakarta (PPSNZJ) is the center of fishing activities in Jakarta. This is supported by the location of its strategic location that has the potential to own a good fhishery resources. As Indonesia entered the ara of decentralization, each district is required to be able to support their own region to optimize the full potential of the area both real and non real sector. Therefore, in the fisheries sector, built Nizam Zachman Jakarta Ocean Fishery Port (PPSNZJ). The study aims to determinate the condition of facilities, to analyze the level of optimization, and analyze appropriate strategies to be applied in the development of PPSNZJ with current condition. The method used in this study was descriptive sampling and purposive sampling analysis of the utilization rate of facilities and SWOT analysis were used in this study. The result obtained that the existing facilities at the Nizam Zachman Jakarta Ocean Fishery Port (PPSNZJ) was still good condition and still proper to use, with the cruise line utilization rate 87%, 96% harbor pool, pier 110%, 129% TPI. From these result could be concluded than the optimization of basic facilities and fully functional facilities have not been utilized optimally. While the result obtained from the application of SWOT analysis S-O strategy (Strength-Opportunity) which means that the strategy in its application to use force to take advantage of an opportunity
Potensi Minuman Kunyit Asam (Curcuma Domestica Val. - Tamarindus Indica L.) sebagai Minuman Kaya Antioksidan
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan bagian asam yang menghasilkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dan formulasi minuman kunyit asam yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dan disukai panelis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu bagian asam dan formulasi minuman kunyit asam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bagian daun asam dengan pemasakan 2,5 menit memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dengan total fenol 0,75 g GAE/100 g ekstrak daun asam; aktivitas antioksidan 0,053% diuji dengan metode DPPH dan vitamin C 0,252 mg/100 g. Minuman kunyit asam yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dan disukai panelis adalah pada formula 5 bagian kunyit, 25 bagian daun asam, 70 bagian air dengan total fenol 1,106 g GAE/100 g formula minuman kunyit asam, aktivitas antioksidan 0,123% dan vitamin C 0,688 mg/100 g
Analisis Kinerja Karyawan Pemasaran dalam Pencapaian Target Kredit USAha Mikro Bank Mandiri Mitra USAha
This study aims to determine the performance of employees in marketing in marketing micro, maintenace on the customer, the customer billing. This research method is descriptive method to shape the form of survey research. Subjects in this study were employees of the marketing branch of Bank Mandiri Business Partners Tayan, amounting to 4 people. The results showed that in doing product marketing, sales employees were able to perform well by being able to fulfill the sales targets set by the bank. Employees were able to carry out maintenace on each customer very well. While the billing is done by the employees showed good results. Although there are customers who have difficulty in making payment, the employee is able to overcome the marketing field and specifies the solution in such payments
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