2,083 research outputs found

    Invariance of the Kohn (sloshing) mode in a conserving theory

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    It is proven that the center of mass (COM or Kohn) oscillation of a many-body system in a harmonic trap coincides with the motion of a single particle as long as conserving approximations are applied to treat the interactions. The two conditions formulated by Kadanoff and Baym \cite{kb-book} are shown to be sufficient to preserve the COM mode. The result equally applies to zero and finite temperature, as well as to nonequilibrium situations, and to the linear and nonlinear response regimes

    Phosphorylation of Subunit Proteins of Intermediate Filaments from Chicken Muscle and Nonmuscle Cells

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    The phosphorylation of the subunit proteins of intermediate (10-nm) filaments has been investigated in chicken muscle and nonmuscle cells by using a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis system. Desmin, the 50,000-dalton subunit protein of the intermediate filaments of muscle, had previously been shown to exist as two major isoelectric variants--alpha and ß --in smooth, skeletal, and cardiac chicken muscle. Incubation of skeletal and smooth muscle tissue with 32PO4{}3- reveals that the acidic variant, alpha -desmin, and three other desmin variants are phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro. Under the same conditions, minor components of alpha - and ß -tropomyosin from skeletal muscle, but not smooth muscle, are also phosphorylated. Both the phosphorylated desmin variants and the nonphosphorylated ß -desmin variant remain insoluble under conditions that solubilize actin and myosin filaments, but leave Z-discs and intermediate filaments insoluble. Primary cultures of embryonic chicken muscle labeled with 32PO4{}3- possess, in addition to the desmin variants described above, a major nonphosphorylated and multiple phosphorylated variants of the 52,000-dalton, fibroblast-type intermediate filament protein (IFP). Filamentous cytoskeletons, prepared from primary myogenic cultures by Triton X-100 extraction, contain actin and all of the phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated variants of both desmin and the IFP. Similarly, these proteins are the major components of the caps of aggregated 10-nm filaments isolated from the same cell cultures previously exposed to Colcemid. These results demonstrate that a nonphosphorylated and several phosphorylated variants of desmin and IFP are present in assembled structures in muscle and nonmuscle cells

    On the Coulomb-dipole transition in mesoscopic classical and quantum electron-hole bilayers

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    We study the Coulomb-to-dipole transition which occurs when the separation dd of an electron-hole bilayer system is varied with respect to the characteristic in-layer distances. An analysis of the classical ground state configurations for harmonically confined clusters with N≤30N\leq30 reveals that the energetically most favorable state can differ from that of two-dimensional pure dipole or Coulomb systems. Performing a normal mode analysis for the N=19 cluster it is found that the lowest mode frequencies exhibit drastic changes when dd is varied. Furthermore, we present quantum-mechanical ground states for N=6, 10 and 12 spin-polarized electrons and holes. We compute the single-particle energies and orbitals in self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation over a broad range of layer separations and coupling strengths between the limits of the ideal Fermi gas and the Wigner crystal

    Influence of spin fluctuations near the Mott transition: a DMFT study

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    Dynamics of magnetic moments near the Mott metal-insulator transition is investigated by a combined slave-rotor and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory solution of the Hubbard model with additional fully-frustrated random Heisenberg couplings. In the paramagnetic Mott state, the spinon decomposition allows to generate a Sachdev-Ye spin liquid in place of the collection of independent local moments that typically occurs in the absence of magnetic correlations. Cooling down into the spin-liquid phase, the onset of deviations from pure Curie behavior in the spin susceptibility is found to be correlated to the temperature scale at which the Mott transition lines experience a marked bending. We also demonstrate a weakening of the effective exchange energy upon approaching the Mott boundary from the Heisenberg limit, due to quantum fluctuations associated to zero and doubly occupied sites.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. V3 was largely expande

    A Comprehensive Survey of Brane Tilings

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    An infinite class of 4d4d N=1\mathcal{N}=1 gauge theories can be engineered on the worldvolume of D3-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds. This kind of setup has multiple applications, ranging from the gauge/gravity correspondence to local model building in string phenomenology. Brane tilings fully encode the gauge theories on the D3-branes and have substantially simplified their connection to the probed geometries. The purpose of this paper is to push the boundaries of computation and to produce as comprehensive a database of brane tilings as possible. We develop efficient implementations of brane tiling tools particularly suited for this search. We present the first complete classification of toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds with toric diagrams up to area 8 and the corresponding brane tilings. This classification is of interest to both physicists and mathematicians alike.Comment: 39 pages. Link to Mathematica modules provide

    Teologiese opleiding tydens die Reformasie

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    Theological training during the Reformation The profound changes in theological education during and after the Reformation are interpreted in the light of the new soteriology of Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, and their followers. A comparison with the humanistic movement reveals the specifically theological character of education in that time. Salvation was no longer directly administered by the church, but communicated thrgugh the study of the Bible as witness. Finally, the article points to the importance of the heritage of this movement for theological education in today’s cultural and religious situation

    God met ons! Die aanspraak op Goddelike steun in ’n konfliksituasie volgens die Ou Testament

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    God with us! The claim of divine support in a situation of conflict, seen from an Old Testament perspective Political discussions referring to Old Testament texts in order to claim divine support for one’s views, and disqualify opposing opinions as being in conflict with the God of the Bible, are hermeneutically based on analogies between a revealed God, His representatives or laws, and ethical or political principles. A synchronic investigation of relevant Old Testament passages fully denies and opposes this hermeneutic approach, which is based on an isolation of principles or norms - with no reg ard to the only relevant actual relation to God himself. Any political identification with God or associated function must therefore be rejected as blasphemous from an Old Tes-tament perspective

    Analysis of wave III of brain stem auditory evoked potential waveforms during microvascular decompression of cranial nerve VII for hemifacial spasm

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    INTRODUCTION:: Intraoperative monitoring of brain stem auditory evoked potential during microvascular decompression (MVD) prevent hearing loss (HL). Previous studies have shown that changes in wave III (wIII) are an early and sensitive sign of auditory nerve injury. OBJECTIVE:: To evaluate the changes of amplitude and latency of wIII of brain stem auditory evoked potential during MVD and its association with postoperative HL. Hearing loss was classified by American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) criteria, based on changes in pure tone audiometry and speech discrimination score. METHODS:: Retrospective analysis of wIII in patients who underwent intraoperative monitoring with brain stem auditory evoked potential during MVD was performed. A univariate logistic regression analysis was performed on independent variables amplitude of wIII and latency of wIII at change max and On-Skin, or a final recording at the time of skin closure. A further analysis for the same variables was performed adjusting for the loss of wave. RESULTS:: The latency of wIII was not found to be significantly different between groups I and II. The amplitude of wIII was significantly decreased in the group with HL. Regression analysis did not find any increased odds of HL with changes in the amplitude of wIII. CONCLUSIONS:: Changes in wave III did not increase the odds of HL in patients who underwent brain stem auditory evoked potential s during MVD. This information might be valuable to evaluate the value of wIII as an alarm criterion during MVD to prevent HL. © 2014 by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society
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