318 research outputs found

    The External Dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs: Tools, Processes, Outcomes

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    This working document offers a conceptual framework for understanding the processes underpinning the external dimension of EU Justice and Home Affairs (ED-JHA). Practically, it defines how the export of JHA principles and norms inform the geopolitical ambitions of the EU, i.e. the use of space for political purposes, or the control and management of people, objects and movement. The author begins by investigating how the ENP reconfigures the ED-JHA, and then goes on to discuss various conceptual stances on governance, specifically institutionalism, constructivism, and policy instruments. To conclude he traces the evolution of this external dimension, emphasising, whenever possible, its continuities and bifurcations. Overall, the aim is to ascertain the extent to which conceptual designs clarify or advance our knowledge of the contents and rationales of the ED-JHA.neighbourhood policy, international politics, geopolitics, migration,immigration, European security, policy instruments, governance, Security and Justice,Justice and Home Affairs

    The changing dynamics of security in an enlarged European Union. Challenge Paper No. 12, 24 October 2008

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    The relation between liberty and security has been highly contestable over the past 10 years in the EU integration process. With the expansion of the EU’s powers into domains falling within the scope of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, liberty and its relation to security has brought a new range of issues, struggles and debates. Acts of political violence labelled as ‘terrorism’ and human mobility at the European and international levels have justified the construction of these phenomena as threats to the security and safety of the nation state. They have legitimised the development of normative responses that go beyond traditional configurations and raise fundamental dilemmas for the security and liberty of the individual. This paper assesses the ways in which the notions and perceptions of security and insecurity in the EU have evolved as political values and legal/policy goals, and how they are being transformed. It aims at synthesising the results of the research conducted since 2004 by the Justice and Home Affairs Section of CEPS through the CHALLENGE project (Changing Landscape of European Liberty and Security). The research has been premised upon one basic, but determining question: To what extent has the evolution of the international context altered the dynamics of liberty and security in the EU

    La politique européenne de voisinage, un complexe de sécurité à géométrie variable

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    Le projet Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans la politique europĂ©enne de voisinage ne se situe pas dans la direction oĂč l’on songerait spontanĂ©ment Ă  le localiser. Sans doute la volontĂ© de crĂ©er un cercle d’amis est-elle importante. Mais il y a en creux d’autres logiques, plus diffuses, que seule une lecture serrĂ©e des textes permet de dĂ©busquer. En sus de la prospĂ©ritĂ©, nous tenterons de montrer que la « frontiĂ©risation » et la quĂȘte de la diffĂ©rence sont les points gĂ©omĂ©triques privilĂ©giĂ©s de la politique europĂ©enne de voisinage. Cette dynamique nous conduira Ă  soutenir que les leviers de la politique europĂ©enne de voisinage, la socialisation et la conditionnalitĂ©, parce qu’ils suscitent des attentes diverses chez les partenaires, conduisent inexorablement l’Union europĂ©enne Ă  instituer un complexe de sĂ©curitĂ© Ă  gĂ©omĂ©trie variable.The project underlying the European Neighbourhood Policy is not located where one would expect it to be. The will to create a circle of close friends may have played a significant role. However, there are other more diffuse logics at play that can only be uncovered through the close reading of the official texts. We will try to show that in addition to prosperity, the cardinal points orienting the ENP are to be found in the practice of “bordering” and the quest for difference. These dynamics will here allow highlighting that the levers of the ENP, i.e. socialisation and conditionality, because they bring different expectations together, inexorably lead the European Union to establish a security complex based on the principle of variable geometry

    Editorial. Construire le voisin. Pratiques européennes

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    La politique europĂ©enne de voisinage (PEV) est un dispositif intĂ©grĂ©, particuliĂšrement ambitieux, de politique Ă©trangĂšre. Son but principal est de s’assurer que les frontiĂšres externes de l’Union europĂ©enne (UE) n’entravent les Ă©changes commerciaux, la coopĂ©ration rĂ©gionale, les interactions sociales et culturelles. Les processus de la PEV combinent donc, d’un seul tenant, les trois piliers de l’Union . L’un des traits les plus fascinants de la PEV est le rapport, pas tout Ă  fait dĂ©terminĂ©, ..

    La politique européenne de voisinage, un complexe de sécurité à géométrie variable

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    Le projet Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans la politique europĂ©enne de voisinage ne se situe pas dans la direction oĂč l’on songerait spontanĂ©ment Ă  le localiser. Sans doute la volontĂ© de crĂ©er un cercle d’amis est-elle importante. Mais il y a en creux d’autres logiques, plus diffuses, que seule une lecture serrĂ©e des textes permet de dĂ©busquer. En sus de la prospĂ©ritĂ©, nous tenterons de montrer que la « frontiĂ©risation » et la quĂȘte de la diffĂ©rence sont les points gĂ©omĂ©triques privilĂ©giĂ©s de la politique europĂ©enne de voisinage. Cette dynamique nous conduira Ă  soutenir que les leviers de la politique europĂ©enne de voisinage, la socialisation et la conditionnalitĂ©, parce qu’ils suscitent des attentes diverses chez les partenaires, conduisent inexorablement l’Union europĂ©enne Ă  instituer un complexe de sĂ©curitĂ© Ă  gĂ©omĂ©trie variable.The project underlying the European Neighbourhood Policy is not located where one would expect it to be. The will to create a circle of close friends may have played a significant role. However, there are other more diffuse logics at play that can only be uncovered through the close reading of the official texts. We will try to show that in addition to prosperity, the cardinal points orienting the ENP are to be found in the practice of “bordering” and the quest for difference. These dynamics will here allow highlighting that the levers of the ENP, i.e. socialisation and conditionality, because they bring different expectations together, inexorably lead the European Union to establish a security complex based on the principle of variable geometry

    Is Grand Strategy a Research Program? A Review Essay

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    The literature on grand strategy is dynamic and voluminous. Yet a vital set of questions remains unsettled. There is little agreement on such basic issues as a common definition of grand strategy, the appropriate methods that should be employed in studying it, which countries qualify as comparative cases, and whether the purpose of research is explanatory or prescriptive. This article examines four recent, important books as a platform for addressing these issues and argues that, as currently constituted, grand strategy is a field of study rather than a mature research program. It concludes by offering a modest range of options that can be employed to rectify these problems and develop a comparative grand strategy program

    Reclaiming the political : emancipation and critique in security studies

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    The critical security studies literature has been marked by a shared commitment towards the politicization of security – that is, the analysis of its assumptions, implications and the practices through which it is (re)produced. In recent years, however, politicization has been accompanied by a tendency to conceive security as connected with a logic of exclusion, totalization and even violence. This has resulted in an imbalanced politicization that weakens critique. Seeking to tackle this situation, the present article engages with contributions that have advanced emancipatory versions of security. Starting with, but going beyond, the so-called Aberystwyth School of security studies, the argument reconsiders the meaning of security as emancipation by making the case for a systematic engagement with the notions of reality and power. This revised version of security as emancipation strengthens critique by addressing political dimensions that have been underplayed in the critical security literature
