19 research outputs found

    Decentralization of public governance system: content, advantages and disadvantages

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    The article analyzes the variety of definitions, types and sorts, used to characterize the decentralization, advantages and disadvantages of decentralization. Conceptions and classifications of types and sorts of decentralization by different authors are compared; similarities and differences of conceptions and classifications are identified. Advantages and disadvantages of decentralization are discussed based on the classic scheme for division of public governance competencies into three groups, i. e., allocation of public goods, redistribution of income and macroeconomic stabilization. A generalized list of advantages and disadvantages of decentralization is presented.Straipsnyje analizuojama viešojo valdymo sistemos decentralizacijai apibūdinti vartojamų apibrėžimų, tipų ir rūšių įvairovė, decentralizacijos pranašumai ir trūkumai. Palyginamos įvairių autorių decentralizacijos sampratos bei decentralizacijos tipų ir rūšių klasifikacijos, nustatomi sampratų ir klasifikacijų panašumai ir skirtumai. Remiantis klasikiniu viešojo valdymo kompetencijų suskirstymu į tris grupes - viešųjų paslaugų teikimo, pajamų perskirstymo ir makroekonomin÷s stabilizacijos - analizuojami decentralizacijos pranašumai ir trūkumai

    Lietuvos subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros ir vietos savivaldybių bei apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencija: empirinio tyrimo rezultatų analizė

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    The article presents the results of questionnaire survey on improvement possibilities of the sub-national government structure and competence of local municipalities and county governors’ institutions in Lithuania. Levels of sub-national government, competence and interaction of local municipalities and county governors’ institutions are analysed. Arguments of the respondents – experts of sub-national government – for and against the modification of sub-national government structure and competence of local municipalities and county governors’ institutions of Lithuania are weighted; guidelines for the solution of the problem in question are being searched.Straipsnyje pateikiami Lietuvos subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros ir vietos savivaldybių bei apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencijos tobulinimo galimybių anketinio tyrimo rezultatai. Pasirinkta tyrimo problema analizuojama remiantis šiais kriterijais: teritorine sandara (teritorijos administracinių vienetų sistema), subnacionalinio valdymo lygiais, vietos savivaldybių ir apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencija ir sąveika. Svarstomi respondentų - subnacionalinio valdymo ekspertų argumentai, pritariantys ir prieštaraujantys tam, kad reikalinga koreguoti Lietuvos subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros ir vietos savivaldybių bei apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetenciją, taip pat ieškoma nagrinėjamos problemos sprendimo gairių

    Lietuvos subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros ir vietos savivaldybių bei apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencija : empirinio tyrimo rezultatų analizė

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    Straipsnyje pateikiami Lietuvos subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros ir vietos savivaldybių bei apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencijos tobulinimo galimybių anketinio tyrimo rezultatai. Pasirinkta tyrimo problema analizuojama remiantis šiais kriterijais: teritorine sandara (teritorijos administracinių vienetų sistema), subnacionalinio valdymo lygiais, vietos savivaldybių ir apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencija ir sąveika. Svarstomi respondentų - subnacionalinio valdymo ekspertų argumentai, pritariantys ir prieštaraujantys tam, kad reikalinga koreguoti Lietuvos subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros ir vietos savivaldybių bei apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetenciją, taip pat ieškoma nagrinėjamos problemos sprendimo gairių. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Subnacionalinio valdymo struktūra; Vietos savivaldybių ir apskričių viršininkų institucijų kompetencija; Sub-national government structure; Competence of local municipalities and county governors' institutionsThe article presents the results of questionnaire survey on improvement possibilities of the sub-national government structure and competence of local municipalities and county governors' institutions in Lithuania. Levels of sub-national government, competence and interaction of local municipalities and county governors' institutions are analysed. Arguments of the respondents - experts of sub-national government - for and against the modification of sub-national government structure and competence of local municipalities and county governors' institutions of Lithuania are weighted; guidelines for the solution of the problem in question are being searched

    Kai gyvenome jausmais ir menais

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    In the ninth decade of the 20th century, when the stagnation all of a sudden changed into freedom of speech reconstruction, that freedom, especially the freedom of literary word was sincerely appreciated by the artists, readers and viewers of films and theater, at the time comprising - and maybe always - humanist brotherhood, existing in the rebellious spirit of vagante of the new era. This vagante brotherhood was joined by wonderful Estonian writers, actors, directors, whose books, films, roles for a lot of people became a part of the soul, left indelible but beautiful impressions. Theater critic Tatjana Baltušnikienė writes about them

    Interaction between public governance structure and competency of institutions functioning at various public governance levels

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    When de-concentrating or decentralizing the state governance, politicians and civil servants face the problem of structuring of the state and local governance subsystems and identifying the limits of competence of institutions of different levels of public governance for the purpose of satisfying the social needs of the inhabitants as efficiently as possible and at the smallest costs. The article aims at analyzing the criteria for searching for the optimum combination of the competences of the state and local governance structures and the institutions, belonging to different levels of public governance. The economic literature provides conflicting criteria, i. e. subsidiarity, economy of scale, side effect and fiscal capacity of territorial governance subjects, by forming different combinations of which it is recommended to design the structure of the state and local governance and establish the competence of institutions, functioning on different levels of governance. Due to the economy of scale, characteristic of certain public services it is impossible to accurately identify the only optimum size of a territorial administrative unit: a region of benefit of a public service can be small however complex technologies or exceptional competences might be needed for provision of the service. The fiscal capacity of territorial governance subjects can be stabilized by consolidating several municipalities, by improving the fiscal capacities stabilization system and developing the balanced regions’ development policies. In order to implement the public governance functions as efficiently as possible, it is also necessary to appropriately structure the vertical dimension of public governance

    Contemporary problems of governance transformation of counties and regions in Lithuania

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the criteria and conditions of division of competence between territorial municipalities and other subjects of public governance as well as theoretical aspects of competence establishment of territorial municipalities and sub-national governance structure. The first part of the article examines the criteria and terms of division of competence between territorial municipalities and other subjects of public governance. The second part analyzes theoretical aspects pertaining to size and competence establishment of territorial municipalities. The third part deals with the peculiarities of establishing the number of sub-national governance levels and competence of territorial municipalities.After analyzing the scientific literature it can be stated that when shaping and improving the public governance system of a specific country, it is beneficial to parallely assess and combine the competence components of public governance structure and governance subjects, which are inter-related through ties of mutual dependence. Although guidelines are offered in economic theories for structurization of sub-national governance and establishment of the competence of territorial municipalities, the structure of sub-national governance and competence of territorial municipalities varies significantly from one country to another, subject to a variety of situational variables. A conclusion was therefore made that it is practically impossible to establish an optimal size of territorial municipalities and the number of levels of sub-national governance due to the complicated assessment of diverse and changing conditions for production and organization of public goods, the cost structure of public goods produced and organized by territorial municipalities, qualitative aspects and the scope of externality.Straipsnyje analizuojami teritorinių savivaldybių ir kitų viešojo valdymo subjektų kompetencijos atskyrimo kriterijai ir sąlygos, teritorinių savivaldybių dydžio ir kompetencijos nustatymo problemos. Nagrinėjamos ekonominės teorijos, pagrindžiančios įvairius subnacionalinio valdymo struktūros formavimo aspektus. Išryškinami teritorinės konsolidacijos ir fragmentacijos pranašumai ir trūkumai. Atskleidžiami subnacionalinio valdymo lygių skaičiaus ir teritorinių savivaldybių kompetencijos nustatymo ypatumai. Susisteminami papildomo viešojo valdymo lygio įsteigimo pranašumai ir trūkumai

    Mutual learning of pre-school children through music games

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjama ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų mokymosi vienam iš kito, žaidžiant muzikinius žaidimus, problema. Vaikų mokymasis vienam iš kito yra neatsiejama ugdymo proceso dalis, vykstanti natūraliai ir apimanti įvairias vaikų ugdymosi sritis, bet dažniausiai yra susijęs su žaidybine veikla. Žaisdami muzikinius žaidimus, vaikai įpranta pamatyti, išgirsti vienas kitą, prakalbinti, pakviesti žaisti, keistis informacija, derinti sumanymus ir veiksmus. Mokymasis vienam iš kito, žaidžiant muzikinius žaidimus, yra svarbus ugdytinių elgesio, emocijų ir gebėjimų formavimuisi, užtikrinantis teigiamų santykių su bendraamžiais palaikymą ir įvairiapusę vaiko raidą. Atliktas empirinis tyrimas padėjo išsiaiškinti, kad vaikai, žaisdami muzikinius žaidimus, mokosi vienas iš kito žaidimo taisyklių, atlikti žaidimo judesius, atkartoti dainelės žodžius, reikiamus garsus, šokti. Mokydamiesi vieni iš kitų vaikai taiko įvairius būdus: parodo, kaip atlikti užduotį, daro kartu, paaiškina žaidimo judesių tinkamą atlikimą, pastebi kito vaiko padarytą klaidą, pasiūlo žaisti kartu, dalijasi savo žiniomis, pasako komplimentą, modeliuoja, stebi, klausia, siekdami išsiaiškinti, prašo kito pagalbos. Vaikai ne tik mokosi vieni iš kitų, bet ir ugdosi socialinius, komunikacinius, meninius, pažintinius, sveikatos saugojimo gebėjimusThis article examines the problem of pre-school children mutually learning through music games. Mutual learning of children through music games is an integral part of the education process, which takes place naturally and covers a variety of fields of children education and is often related with gaming activities. By playing music games children have a habit of observing, hearing each other, talking, inviting to play, exchanging information, combining ideas and actions. Mutual learning through music games is important for the pupils behavioral, emotional and their abilities formation, ensuring the maintenance of positive relations with peers and comprehensive development of the child. The empirical research revealed that while playing music games children learn from each other the rules of the game, proper movements and words of the song, learn to repeat required sounds and to dance. Children usually learn from each other by applying various ways: most commonly they demonstrate how to perform a task, carry it together, explain how to perform proper movements, they notice mistakes made by others, offer other children to join the activity, share their knowledge, pay a compliment, model, observe, question in order to understand, ask for the help. Children not only learn from each another but also develop their social, communicative, artistic, cognitive and health abilitiesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij