145 research outputs found

    Transmission Phase of an Isolated Coulomb-Blockade Resonance

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    In two recent papers, O. Entin-Wohlman et al. studied the question: ``Which physical information is carried by the transmission phase through a quantum dot?'' In the present paper, this question is answered for an islolated Coulomb-blockade resonance and within a theoretical model which is more closely patterned after the geometry of the actual experiment by Schuster et al. than is the model of O. Entin-Wohlman et al. We conclude that whenever the number of leads coupled to the Aharanov-Bohm interferometer is larger than two, and the total number of channels is sufficiently large, the transmission phase does reflect the Breit-Wigner behavior of the resonance phase shift.Comment: 6 pages and one figur

    Spin Effects and Transport in Quantum Dots with overlapping Resonances

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    The role of spin is investigated in the transport through a quantum dot with two overlapping resonances (one having a width larger than the level separation and the other very narrow, cf. Silvestrov and Imry, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 2565 (2000)). For a series of consecutive charging resonances, one electron from the leads populates one and the same broad level in the dot. Moreover, there is the tendency to occupy the same level also by the second electron within the same resonance. This second electron is taken from the narrow levels in the dot. The narrow levels are populated (and broad level is depopulated) via sharp rearrangements of the electronic configuration in the Coulomb blockade valleys. Possible experimental manifestations of this scenario are considered. Among these there are sharp features in the valleys and in the Mixed Valence regime and an unusual Kondo effect.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, just a published versio

    Towards an Explanation of the Mesoscopic Double-Slit Experiment: a new model for charging of a Quantum Dot

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    For a quantum dot (QD) in the intermediate regime between integrable and fully chaotic, the widths of single-particle levels naturally differ by orders of magnitude. In particular, the width of one strongly coupled level may be larger than the spacing between other, very narrow, levels. In this case many consecutive Coulomb blockade peaks are due to occupation of the same broad level. Between the peaks the electron jumps from this level to one of the narrow levels and the transmission through the dot at the next resonance essentially repeats that at the previous one. This offers a natural explanation to the recently observed behavior of the transmission phase in an interferometer with a QD.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Journal versio

    Quantum universal detectors

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    We address the problem of estimating the expectation value of an arbitrary operator O via a universal measuring apparatus that is independent of O, and for which the expectation values for different operators are obtained by changing only the data-processing. The ``universal detector'' performs a joint measurement on the system and on a suitably prepared ancilla. We characterize such universal detectors, and show how they can be obtained either via Bell measurements or via local measurements and classical communication between system and ancilla.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Kinetic energy density functionals from the Airy gas, with an application to the atomization kinetic energies of molecules

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    We construct and study several semilocal density functional approximations for the positive Kohn-Sham kinetic energy density. These functionals fit the kinetic energy density of the Airy gas and they can be accurate for integrated kinetic energies of atoms, molecules, jellium clusters and jellium surfaces. We find that these functionals are the most accurate ones for atomization kinetic energies of molecules and for fragmentation of jellium clusters. We also report that local and semilocal kinetic energy functionals can show "binding" when the density of a spin unrestricted Kohn-Sham calculation is used.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of vibratory stimulation of foot support areas in rats on the functional state of leg muscles and the content of N2A titin isoforms in gravity relief

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    In this work, we studied the effect of vibratory stimulation of the foot support zones on the functional state of the leg muscles and the content of N2A titin isoforms in rats under simulated microgravity (suspension model). The results of this study showed that vibratory stimulation of the support zones of the rat foot in a gravity discharge may reduce the drop in the amplitude of leg muscle motor response and undesirable reduction of the titin content. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Scattering phases in quantum dots: an analysis based on lattice models

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    The properties of scattering phases in quantum dots are analyzed with the help of lattice models. We first derive the expressions relating the different scattering phases and the dot Green functions. We analyze in detail the Friedel sum rule and discuss the deviation of the phase of the transmission amplitude from the Friedel phase at the zeroes of the transmission. The occurrence of such zeroes is related to the parity of the isolated dot levels. A statistical analysis of the isolated dot wave-functions reveals the absence of significant correlations in the parity for large disorder and the appearance, for weak disorder, of certain dot states which are strongly coupled to the leads. It is shown that large differences in the coupling to the leads give rise to an anomalous charging of the dot levels. A mechanism for the phase lapse observed experimentally based on this property is discussed and illustrated with model calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. to appear in Physical Review

    Effect of vibrostimulation of foot and supporting afferentation on functional state of shin muscles in rats during hindlimb unloading

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    © 2014, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. The goal of this work was to study the influence of daily 3-hr vibrostimulation of the supporting zones of the foot and 3-hr of usual locomotion on the functional state of the soleus, gastrocnemius, and tibial anterior muscles in rats after 7 and 14 days of hindlimb unloading. After 7 days of unloading the soleus weight decreased, while the weight of gastrocnemius and tibial anterior remained unchanged. After 14 days of hindlimb unloading a weight reduction was observed in all studied muscles. Vibrostimulation of the foot and supporting afferentation prevented the loss of weight in gastrocnemius and tibial anterior during the first week of unloading and reduced the negative effect of hindlimb unloading in 14 days. Our results demonstrate that the amplitude of the M-response after 7 days of hindlimb unloading was decreased predominantly in soleus as compared to gastrocnemius and tibial anterior. By the 14 day we observed restoration of the amplitude of the M-response in gastrocnemius and tibial anterior, and the increased amplitude of the M-response in soleus. Different techniques for foot stimulation in rats during hindlimb unloading demonstrated the positive effect in regard to M-response restoration — the amplitude of the M-response was increased in all studied muscles. Thus, our results demonstrate that foot vibrostimulation or supporting afferentation can completely prevent atrophy caused by hindlimb unloading in gastrocnemius and tibial anterior and decrease atrophy in soleus in rats

    Laplacian-level density functionals for the kinetic energy density and exchange-correlation energy

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    We construct a Laplacian-level meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) for the non-interacting (Kohn-Sham orbital) positive kinetic energy density τ\tau of an electronic ground state of density nn. This meta-GGA is designed to recover the fourth-order gradient expansion τGE4\tau^{GE4} in the appropiate slowly-varying limit and the von Weizs\"{a}cker expression τW=∣∇n∣2/(8n)\tau^{W}=|\nabla n|^2/(8n) in the rapidly-varying limit. It is constrained to satisfy the rigorous lower bound τW(r)≤τ(r)\tau^{W}(\mathbf{r})\leq\tau(\mathbf{r}). Our meta-GGA is typically a strong improvement over the gradient expansion of τ\tau for atoms, spherical jellium clusters, jellium surfaces, the Airy gas, Hooke's atom, one-electron Gaussian density, quasi-two dimensional electron gas, and nonuniformly-scaled hydrogen atom. We also construct a Laplacian-level meta-GGA for exchange and correlation by employing our approximate τ\tau in the Tao, Perdew, Staroverov and Scuseria (TPSS) meta-GGA density functional. The Laplacian-level TPSS gives almost the same exchange-correlation enhancement factors and energies as the full TPSS, suggesting that τ\tau and ∇2n\nabla^2 n carry about the same information beyond that carried by nn and ∇n\nabla n. Our kinetic energy density integrates to an orbital-free kinetic energy functional that is about as accurate as the fourth-order gradient expansion for many real densities (with noticeable improvement in molecular atomization energies), but considerably more accurate for rapidly-varying ones.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure

    Changes in the functional state of spinal-cord cell structures under gravitational unloading

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.The functional properties of the spinal-cord structures of experimental rats under a 7-day gravitational unloading were assessed using the method of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Hypogravity was modeled by hanging the animals by their tails in an antiorthostatic position. The gastrocnemius muscle potentials evoked by magnetic stimulation of the efferent structures of the spinal cord were registered. We found that gravitational unloading causes significant changes in motor-potential parameters and the central motor transmission time. We propose that the cause of the revealed transformations is afferent inflow limitation, first of all the motor type, as well as adaptation of the central nervous system to new conditions of motor activity
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