65 research outputs found


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    Currently textiles are mainly produced in Asian countries. In Europe during the last years the textile production is sharply reduced. For the most part there are working those companies that have found a specific niche or flocked to the production of technical textile. Consequently, in Latvia the companies in this sector should also think about their products that could be able to compete on the open market. Textile with integrated electrical systems is a research area that combines innovations both in textile sector and electronics, as well as electrical engineering etc. The integration of Light emitting diodes in the textile products allows assigning of additional functions, such as the visibility on the street, or may serve as a fashion design. The paper provides analysis for applications of the opportunities of smart textile, the costs of production and materials, and the potential problems in the production process, as well as the possible ecological problems by manufacture, wear and recycling are also discussed. Some practical textile solutions with integrated electrical systems and LEDs are also offered


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    Use of hemp fibre is rapidly increasing in Europe. This tendency is related to carbon and glass fibre substitution with recycled and biodegradable raw materials for use in car production. Scientists and manufacturers work to obtain new composite materials where hemp fibre will be as reinforcement. Hemp fibres are light and with high tensile strength comparing with other technical fibres. Advantage ā€“ ecoā€“friendly utilization possibilities. The research work to determine hemp fibre efficiency was carried out for two years at the Latgale Agricultural Research Centre. In this work different hemp fibre varieties were used. To determine the most suitable varieties for Latvian climatic conditions all the varieties were tested at the laboratories of Riga Technical University, Institute of Textile Material Technologies and Design. We are looking for new possibilities to make technical textile samples from different hemp fibre varieties. In cooperation with Laboratories of the Scientific Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment ā€œBIORā€ the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in different variety cannabis plants were determined. It was concluded that amount of THC of different openā€“air cultivation varieties grown in Latvia is different but anyway this amount is much below the acceptable norm


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    Population decline is taking place in rural areas in Latvia as well as in rural areas in Europe. There is a question of utmost importance - will people choose to live in the rural area doing remote work or will they choose the job in the towns. Increased pace of population declining is forecasted in the event of steady decreasing working places and services. Growing service costs per inhabitant may infl uence lowering of accessibility of some services in the territory. Till nowadays measurements of telework potential have been made in the national and regional level. There is shortage of these measurements in different municipalities. The purpose of this article is to study the attitude of Latvian people with regard to telework adoption in two municipalities: Limbazi and Balvi in Latvia. Scientists indicate a positive effect of the information and communication technology (ICT) on the local economy if it is integrated into rural economy relating with needs of entrepreneurs and inhabitants (Grimes, 2000). Scientifi c methods of qualitative analysis of documents and such methods of quantitative analysis like statistical data and analyses of questionnaires have been used there. Observation and questionnaires were used in conjunction with the literature to develop an understanding of the infl uencing issues. Questionnaires ensure information about frequency of telework, willingness to do remote work and about benefi ts and barriers of teleworking in the rural areas and towns. The research reveals development possibilities of rural territories relying on higher involvement of ICT and knowledge economy. The main fi ndings are revealing signifi cant challenges faced by rural territories in a globalized world as the number of jobs in agriculture and public services is decreasing. It is important to develop not only agricultural activities but to provide other kinds of entrepreneurship with jobs physically (providing transport possibilities) or virtually (providing ICT). Results. 81% percent of the responding persons positively evaluate opportunity of telework. It reveals willingness of the people to do remote work as an alternative form of the existing work form. The largest interest (30%) about telework was shown in the age group of 31 ā€“ 40 in Limbazi municipality but the largest interest (26%) about telework in Balvi municipality was shown in the age group of 18 ā€“ 30. A significant percentage of the responding persons, 82% have the necessary computer abilities and knowledge on this topic. The majority of respondents is willing and is able to do telework taking into account the specifics of telework. The distribution of responses reveals that (52%) respondents are willing to use the premises of telecentres. In result the clients of the telecentres are not obliged to invest money into personal computers, multifunctional equipment and into different computer programs at home. When teleworking is offered, 77% of the respondents are interested to work from home but 14% prefer to work in a telecentre. When analysing the respondentsā€™ answers about available services in the telecentre they indicate the most important services for them: copying, printing, scenery, accessibility of computer and the Internet-equipped working place. They are also interested in socializing and networking activities. They are also interested to receive some advice about entrepreneurship, job vacancies etc. Integration of telecentres in the territory helps to save commuting time. This is important for 52% percent of the responding persons. 34% percent of the responding persons would be able to save from 30 min to 1 hour of commuting time, 34% of the responding persons would be able to save more than 1 hour, 21% of the responding persons would be able to save less than 1/2 hour. Respondents indicate the economical and personal benefits as the main benefits of telework. 56% of the respondents indicate personal benefits to be the most important. They have more time for family, flexible working time. However, 39% of the respondents emphasised economic benefits as the most important, for example, less transport costs. Conclusions. 1. Rural territories face significant challenges in a globalized world as the number of jobs in agriculture and public services is decreasing. At the same time, information and communication technologies, as well as changes in professional duties allow the community from these regions to participate in the knowledge economy. The importance of virtual accessibility will grow when the costs of energy resources and transport are rising. Telework ensure possibility to involve disabled people in the labour market. 2. Involvement of remote work could improve accessibility of jobs in towns for people living in the rural areas using ICT and in such way partly or completely resolving internal and external migration problems. It brings benefits for municipalities, inhabitants and for entrepreneurs as well. Implementation of telework and telecentre in the territory can improve the assessment of a definite region from the working age people. It becomes more attractive place for living and staying there. 3. There are direct and indirect benefits from telework and telecentres as follows: reduction of expenditures like reduction of fuel and fuel expenditures, expenditures of car parking in the city or transport expenditures, the reduction of commuting time. It influences opportunity for cost reduction and growth of productivity if individual uses the saved time alternatively and productively. There are social benefits too, e.g. elastic working time, de-reutilization of work, reduction of external effects, e.g. the reduction of noise and stress in the office, increase in mentoring opportunities, more time for family and friends, hobbies, improved work/life balance, the possibility of living in rural areas while retaining challenging jobs in the knowledge economy traditionally linked to metropolis etc. 4. Participation by community members would increase through the use of telecentres. The main factors are the development of ICT and its infrastructure, wider use of ICT, changes in professional duties allow the community from these regions to participate in the knowledge economy. Promoting factor for entrepreneurs is cost saving, lowering of costs as follows: furniture purchase, ICT, programmes, public utilities payment, staff training and rent. Telework approach helps company to attract good, high motivated staff even with better qualification

    Novēlotas kaņepju stiebru novākÅ”anas ietekme uz Ŕķiedru kvalitāti

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    Tā kā kaņepju auga veÄ£etācijas periods ir 120 -150 un vairāk dienu, sējas darbi Latvijas klimatiskos apstākļos bieži var sākties tikai maija sākumā vai pat vidÅ«, tad novākÅ”ana var iekavēties lÄ«dz pat septembra otrai pusei. VeiksmÄ«gai Ŕķiedras atdalÄ«Å”anai no koksnes ir nepiecieÅ”ams veikt tilināŔanu, kas prasa vēl papildus vairākas nedēļas. Latvijā rudeņos bieži ir liels nokriŔņu daudzums, kas apgrÅ«tina lauksaimniecÄ«bas tehnikas darbu uz lauka. Tādēļ darbā izvirzÄ«ts uzdevums noteikt vai Latvijas klimatiskos apstākļos var kaņepju stiebrus Ŕķiedras iegÅ«Å”anai izturēt ziemā uz lauka. RÄ«gas Tehniskajā universitātē tika veikts pētÄ«jums kā kaņepāju Ŕķiedru kvalitāti ietekmē stiebru pļauÅ”ana pavasarÄ« vai pat vēl ilgāka izturÄ“Å”ana uz lauka. PētÄ«jumā secināts, ka kaņepāju kompleksās Ŕķiedras vieglāk atdalÄ«t no stiebru koksnes kārtas, tās ir smalkākas, lokanākas, bet tās bÅ«tiski ir zaudējuÅ”as savu stiprÄ«bu un kļuvuÅ”as pelēkas. LÄ«dz ar to bÅ«tiski tiek ierobežota kaņepāju Ŕķiedru lietoÅ”ana gan sadzÄ«ves, gan tehniskajās tekstilijās

    HidrofobizējoÅ”as apretes celulozes Ŕķiedrmateriāliem

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    Speciāla pielietojuma tekstilmateriāliem bieži nepiecieÅ”ama Å«deni atgrÅ«doÅ”a nobeiguma apdare ā€“ hidrofobizācija. Hidrofobitātes iegÅ«Å”anai paÅ”laik populārākie ir fluoru saturoÅ”i savienojumi, ko piedāvā dažādu valstu firmas, neatklājot to Ä·Ä«misko sastāvu. NepilnÄ«gā informācija neļauj spriest par preparātu efektivitāti salÄ«dzinājumā vienam ar otru. Darbā izmantoti trÄ«s fluorsaturoÅ”i hidrofobizatori, noskaidrots apretes optimālais sastāvs un uzneÅ”anas tehnoloÄ£ija kokvilnas audumam. Apretes efektivitātes novērtÄ“Å”anai izmantotas slapÄ“Å”anas lenÄ·a, Å«dens necaurlaidÄ«bas ar penetrometru un gaisa caurlaidÄ«bas noteikÅ”anas metodes. PētÄ«jumi liecina, ka visi izmantotie preparāti (Aquastop FCN, Hydrophobol XAN, Oleophobol CO) nodroÅ”ina auduma hidrofobitāti. Optimālā pētÄ«to hidrofobizatoru koncentrācija ir 20 ml/l. EfektÄ«vākais ir preparāts Oleophobol CO. Apretes sastāvs un uzneÅ”anas paņēmiens praktiski neietekmē tekstilmateriāla gaisa caurlaidÄ«bu. Auduma izturÄ“Å”ana apretes Ŕķīdumā nav nepiecieÅ”ama

    Gultasveļas audumu kvalitāte

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    Gultasveļā tiek izmantoti dažādi Ŕķiedru materiāli, pinumi un krāsas, dažādas ir izmantoto audumu Ä«paŔības. Darbā pētÄ«ta Latvijas tirgÅ« piedāvātās gultasveļas kvalitāte un dotas rekomendācijas uzņēmumiem un iestādēm, kas rÄ«ko konkursus gultasveļas iegādei vairumā, minēto audumu kvalitātes novērtÄ“Å”anai

    Gultasveļas sortiments un ārējās tirdzniecības plūsma

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    Lai palÄ«dzētu izdzÄ«vot Latvijas gultasveļas ražotājiem konkurences apstākļos, kā darba mērÄ·is tika izvirzÄ«ts apzināt importētās gultas veļas sortimentu un ārējā tirdzniecÄ«bas plÅ«smas Latvijā. Lai izpētÄ«tu importētās gultasveļas sortimentu, tika nolemts analizēt interneta katalogu piedāvājumu Latvijā. Uz 2008. gada februāra mēnesi, tika secināts, ka Quelle (Q) , Anttila (A) , Hobby-hall (H), ir katalogi, kas uz doto periodu, internetā piedāvāja gultasveļu plaŔākā izvēlē. Darbā tika aplÅ«kota piedāvātā gultasveļas komplektācija, krāsu, izmēru un Ŕķiedru sastāva dažādÄ«ba. Katalogos piedāvātais priekÅ”metu skaits variē no viena lÄ«dz pat seÅ”iem izstrādājumiem komplektā. Bieži vien tiek piedāvātas vairākas krāsu variācijas, saglabājot to paÅ”u modeli un rakstu, kādā veidots gultasveļas komplekts. Lielākas modeļu krāsu variācijas ir vienkārŔākajiem gultasveļas izstrādājumiem, piemēram, palagiem. Izmēru dažādÄ«ba vieniem un tiem paÅ”iem gultasveļas piederumiem ir ļoti liela. VisplaŔāk tiek piedāvāta kokvilnas gultasveļa. Gultasveļa tiek ražota krāsaina, ar dažādām apdrukām. Ja agrāk cilvēki lielākoties lietoja baltu gultasveļu, tas tagad dažādo materiālu un Ä·Ä«misko krāsvielu dēļ krāsu dažādÄ«ba ir tieŔām pārsteidzoÅ”a. AtbilstoÅ”i klientu vēlmēm gultasveļa tiek veidota dažādos toņos un rakstos, apdrukās. NosacÄ«ti piedāvājumu varētu iedalÄ«t divās kategorijās: pasteļtoņu un spilgtu krāsu gultas veļā. Pārsvarā ražotāji dod iespēju izvēlēties vienu un to paÅ”u modeli gan koŔās krāsās, gan pasteļtoņos, tādejādi radot plaŔāku sortimentu, kas atbilst dažādām gaumēm un interjeram. Visbiežāk sastopami ziedu, dabas motÄ«vu, kā arÄ« dzÄ«vnieku un dažādu animācijas tēlu vai pasaku personāžu attēli. Protams, neizpaliek arÄ« klasiskais rÅ«tiņu un dažāda platuma svÄ«tru raksts. Gultasveļas apdrukas motÄ«vs atkarÄ«gs no pircēju mērÄ·auditorijas, piemēram, animāciju attēli paredzēti bērniem. Tuvāk papētot apdrukas, var secināt, ka pārsvarā dominē apdruka pa visu gultasveļas materiālu, taču sastopami arÄ« zÄ«mējumi vai dažādi ornamenti, kas noklāj tikai joslas vai ir centrēti kādā noteiktā gultasveļas apgabalā.. Vienkrāsaina gultasveļa sastopama retāk, praktiski vienkrāsainais izstrādājums lielākoties ir palags. Pārsvarā izstrādājumos dominē audekla pinums, satÄ«ns, saržs, dažādi atvasinātie pinumi. Pamatojoties uz Latvijas Centrālās Statistikas pārvaldes Ārējās tirdzniecÄ«bas datubāzi, tika analizēts gultasveļas imports un eksports no 2004 lÄ«dz 2007. gadam. AnalÄ«zes rezultātā redzams, ka importētās gultasveļas apjomi visu laiku palielinās. Visvairāk tiek importēta apdrukāta kokvilnas austās un neaustās grupas gultasveļa, kā arÄ« neapdrukāta tāda paÅ”a sastāva un struktÅ«ras gultasveļa. Lielākās importētējvalstis ir Somija, Ķīna, Lietuva, Dānija, Pakistāna, Igaunija, Indija un Itālija. Uzskatāmi parādās cenu lÄ«meņa starpÄ«ba starp dažādām valstÄ«m. Lētākās preces nāk no tādām valstÄ«m, kā Indija, Pakistāna, Turcija, Norvēģija, Ķīna. Var secināt, ka Latvijas patērētāji iecienÄ«juÅ”i dabiskos Ŕķiedru materiālus, jo treŔā vietā importa ziņā var minēt lina un rāmijas Ŕķiedru gultasveļu. SalÄ«dzinoÅ”i nelieli importa apjomi ir gultasveļai no Ä·Ä«miskām Ŕķiedrām, to piejaukumu un trikotāžas gultasveļai. PatÄ«kami, ka eksporta apjomi pārsniedz importa apjomus. VienÄ«gi jāatzÄ«mē, ka no 2004 lÄ«dz 2006. gadam vērojama eksporta apjoma palielināŔanās, tad 2007.gadā Å”ie apjomi ir krituÅ”ies. JāatzÄ«mē, ka Latvija praktiski pamatā eksportē to paÅ”u grupu gultasveļu, ko importē. Lielākie apdrukātas austās un neaustās kokvilnas grupas gultasveļas apjomi tiek eksportēti uz Zviedriju, Norvēģiju, Somiju un Austriju, bet neapdrukātas austo un neausto drānu kokvilnas gultasveļas lielākie apjomi uz Austriju, Vāciju, Dāniju, Lietuvu, Igauniju. JāatzÄ«mē, ka pavisam maz Latvija eksportē linu gultasveļu. Å im sortimenta veidam vajadzētu pievērst daudz lielāku uzmanÄ«bu nākotnē. MÅ«su ražotājiem jādomā par jaunu tehnoloÄ£iju ievieÅ”anu. Kā viena no iespējām varētu bÅ«t viedo tekstiliju izmantoÅ”ana gultasveļā

    Incorporation of Light Emitting Diodes in the Clothing

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    The integration of Light emitting diodes in the textile products allows assign additional functions, such as the visibility on the street, or may serve as a fashion design. During the conductive system integration in the textile structures there should be find the solutions for approximation of both electronic and textile physical characteristics (for example, flexibility, elasticity etc.). The aim of this research is to analyze integration possibilities of light emitting diodes in the clothing. Depending on the type of light-emitting element and their construction, there are designed a variety of integration and incorporation technologies; some of them are summarized in the table 1. Using the solder method, there are getting a high-quality, reliable electrical connections, where the connection point is durable and it has a good electrical conductivity, however the mechanical properties are not suitable for textile characteristics - it is not flexible and is subject to breakage and disconnection of electrical circuit. The using of conductive adhesives is more suitable than soldering method, since they conduct the electricity very well, are durable and flexible, they comply with a folding of textile and cover electronics parts. Popular and appropriate method for electronics incorporation in the textile is attaching by sewing, using conductive threads. In such way created sewn LED provides a good connection with the sewn circuit integrated in the clothing fabric, due to the enough wide conductors, while 3-dimensional foot material protects the LED of mechanical defect potentialities and provides a necessary stability for electrical circuit
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