59 research outputs found
An Integrated Planning Representation Using Macros, Abstractions, and Cases
Planning will be an essential part of future autonomous robots and integrated intelligent systems. This paper focuses on learning problem solving knowledge in planning systems. The system is based on a common representation for macros, abstractions, and cases. Therefore, it is able to exploit both classical and case based techniques. The general operators in a successful plan derivation would be assessed for their potential usefulness, and some stored. The feasibility of this approach was studied through the implementation of a learning system for abstraction. New macros are motivated by trying to improve the operatorset. One heuristic used to improve the operator set is generating operators with more general preconditions than existing ones. This heuristic leads naturally to abstraction hierarchies. This investigation showed promising results on the towers of Hanoi problem. The paper concludes by describing methods for learning other problem solving knowledge. This knowledge can be represented by allowing operators at different levels of abstraction in a refinement
A Fast and Accurate Object Detection Algorithm on Humanoid Marathon Robot
This paper introduces a fast and accurate object detection algorithm based on a convolutional neural network for humanoid marathon robot applications. The algorithm is capable of operating on a low-performance CPU without relying on the GPU or hardware accelerator. A new region proposal algorithm, based on color segmentation, is proposed to extract a region containing a potential object. As a classifier, the convolution neural network is used to predict object classes from the proposed region. In the training phase, the classifier is trained with an Adam optimizer to minimize the loss function, using datasets collected from humanoid marathon competitions and diversified using image augmentation. An NVIDIA GTX 1070 training machine, with 500 batch images per epoch and a learning rate of 0.001, required 12 seconds to minimize the loss value below 0.0374. In the accuracy evaluation, the proposed method successfully recognizes and localizes three classes of marker with a training accuracy of 99.929%, validation accuracy of 99.924%, and test accuracy of 98.821%. As a real-time benchmark, the algorithm achieves 41.13 FPS while running on a robot computer with Intel i3-5010U CPU @ 2.10GHz
Vision-Based Imitation Learning in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems: Varying Physiology and Skill
Abstract: Imitation learning enables a learner to improve its abilities by observing others. Most robotic imitation learning systems only learn from demonstrators that are similar physically and in terms of skill level. In order to employ imitation learning in a heterogeneous multi-agent environment, we must consider both differences in skill, and physical differences (physiology, size). This paper describes an approach to imitation learning from heterogeneous demonstrators, using global vision. It supports learning from physiologically different demonstrators (wheeled and legged, of various sizes), and self-adapts to demonstrators with varying levels of skill. The latter allows different parts of a task to be learned from different individuals (that is, worthwhile parts of a task can still be learned from a poorly-performing demonstrator). We assume the imitator has no initial knowledge of the observable effects of its own actions, and train a set of Hidden Markov Models to create an understanding of the imitator's own abilities. We then use a combination of tracking sequences of primitives and predicting future primitives from existing combinations of primitives, using forward models to learn abstract behaviors from demonstrations. This approach is evaluated using a group of heterogeneous robots that have been previously used in RoboCup soccer competitions
Position Control of the Single Spherical Wheel Mobile Robot by Using the Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller
A spherical wheel robot or Ballbot—a robot that balances on an actuated spherical ball—is a new and recent type of robot in the popular area of mobile robotics. This paper focuses on the modeling and control of such a robot. We apply the Lagrangian method to derive the governing dynamic equations of the system. We also describe a novel Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller (FSMC) implemented to control a spherical wheel mobile robot. The nonlinear nature of the equations makes the controller nontrivial. We compare the performance of four different fuzzy controllers: (a) regulation with one signal, (b) regulation and position control with one signal, (c) regulation and position control with two signals, and (d) FSMC for regulation and position control with two signals. The system is evaluated in a realistic simulation and the robot parameters are chosen based on a LEGO platform, so the designed controllers have the ability to be implemented on real hardware
In the last ten years, advances in machine learning methods have brought tremendous developments to the field of robotics. The performance in many robotic applications such as robotics grasping, locomotion, human–robot interaction, perception and control of robotic systems, navigation, planning, mapping, and localization has increased since the appearance of recent machine learning methods. In particular, deep learning methods have brought significant improvements in a broad range of robot applications including drones, mobile robots, robotics manipulators, bipedal robots, and self-driving cars. The availability of big data and more powerful computational resources, such as graphics processing units (GPUs), has made numerous robotic applications feasible which were not possible previously
Adaptive Path Planner for Highly Dynamic
This paper describes adaptive path planning, a novel approach to path planning for car-like mobile robots. Instead of creating a new plan from scratch, whenever changes in the environment invalidate the current plan, the adaptive path planner attempts to adapt the old plan to the new situation. The paper proposes an e#cient representation for path that is easily amendable to adaptation. Associated with the path planner is a set of repair strategies. These repair strategies are local methods to fix a plan to compensate for object movement in the domain. The repair strategies are specific and have a high probability of being able to fix a plan. An empirical evaluation shows that adaptive path planning is suitable to highly dynamic domains, such as RoboCup
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