4 research outputs found

    The effect of differential training-based occupational therapy on hand and arm function in patients after stroke: Results of the pilot study

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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of differential training-based occupational therapy on the recovery of arm function and to compare these data with the results obtained after conventional occupational therapy. Methods A total of 27 patients who had suffered a cerebral infarction in the left brain hemisphere were recruited for the study. There were 9 men (33.33%) and 18 women (66.67%). All the patients had paresis of the right arm. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the control group comprised 15 patients who were given conventional occupational therapy (5 times per week) and the study group consisted of 12 patients who underwent conventional occupational therapy (3 times per week) along with occupational therapy based on differential training (2 times per week). Results In the control group, the mean performance time of only 2 tasks, i.e., flip cards and fold towel, improved significantly (P<0.05), while significant deterioration in the mean performance time of the task “lift can” was observed (P<0.05). In the study group, the mean performance time of all the tasks except for forearm to box (side), hand to box (front), and lift paperclip improved significantly (P<0.05), and no deterioration in arm function was observed. Conclusion Both patients’ groups improved arm function after occupational therapy sessions, but the patients who underwent conventional occupational therapy along with differential training-based occupational therapy recovered their arm function more effectively than their counterparts after conventional occupational therapy

    The Impact of interactive rehabilitation devices on the cognitive functions and independence of patients after ischemic stroke in the early phase of their rehabilitation

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    Aim and objectives. The aim: To assess the impact of interactive rehabilitation devices on the cognitive functions and independence of patients after ischemic stroke in the early phase of rehabilitation. The objectives: 1. To evaluate and compare the changes of cognitive functions of patients after ischemic stroke while applying different impact methods during occupational therapy sessions in the early phase of rehabilitation. 2. To evaluate and compare the changes of independence of patients after ischemic stroke while applying different impact methods during occupational therapy sessions in the early phase of rehabilit-ation. 3. To analyze the connections between independence and cognitive functions in patients after ischemic stroke. 4. To assess the recovery of cognitive functions in patients after ischemic stroke when applying various intervention methods, with respect to factors. Organization and sample size of research Kaunas Regional Biomedical Research Ethics Committee’s permission No. BE-2-33 (appendix 1) and the State Data Protection Inspectorate’s permission No. 2R-1293 (appendix 2) were obtained. Research was carried out between December 2015 and May 2018 at the 2nd Department of Phy-sical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Kaunas Clinical Hospital where 2nd level in-patient rehabilitatio

    Change of cognitive functions after stroke with rehabilitation systems

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    The objective of this study is to assess and compare the effect of applying a computerised cognitive training programme and virtual environment rehabilitation system on cognitive functions in patients after a stroke. Methods. A controlled trial included 121 persons referred to second stage rehabilitation. The subjects were differentiated into three impact groups by a single blinded trial. Results. The trial revealed that cognitive functions improved in all patient groups (p<0.001). A paired comparison analysis of all groups demonstrated a tendency for cognitive functions, evaluated by the MoCA–LT test, to be more strongly improved in patients who practised a computerised cognitive training programme during their OT sessions than those who did not (p=0.054). Conclusions. The final outcome of the trial was that cognitive functions significantly improved in patients who practised computerised cognitive training programmes or virtual environment rehabilitation systems, compared to those participants who only had occupational therapy sessions

    Accessibility of occupational therapist services for elderly people living in care homes in Lithuania and abroad

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    Vykstant demografiniams pokyčiams, visame pasaulyje daugėja senų žmonių. Gyventojų senėjimas yra viena iš aktualiausių visuomenės sveikatos problemų. Daugėjant senų žmonių, reikalinga jų ligų prevencijos, gydymo, globos ir slaugos paslaugų plėtra. Ergoterapeutai yra svarbūs sveikatos priežiūros komandos nariai ilgalaikės priežiūros namuose. Unikali ergoterapijos praktikos apimtis ir įgūdžiai ypač aktualūs klientams, kurių funkciniai pajėgumai mažėja, o funkcionavimo kliūtys kyla dėl jų daugelio lėtinių ir progresuojančių ligų. Nepriklausomybės praradimas arba per didelė slaugytojo našta yra institucionalizacijos priežastis, daugiausia demencija sergantiems ir neuropsichiatrinių simptomų (NPS) turintiems žmonėms. Tyrimo tikslas − įvertinti ergoterapeuto paslaugų prieinamumą senyvo amžiaus asmenims, gyvenantiems Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių globos namuose. Tyrime dalyvavo 67 darbuotojai, dirbantys senyvo amžiaus asmenų globos namuose Lietuvoje ir užsienio šalyse. Duomenų surinkimui buvo naudojama anoniminė anketinė apklausa, parengta remiantis moksline literatūra ir kasdienės veiklos vertinimo klausimynu. Klausimynas buvo sudarytas keturiomis kalbomis: lietuvių, anglų, vokiečių ir portugalų. Klausimynas buvo parengtas elektroniniu ir popieriniu formatu ir išplatintas globos namams. Apklausos metu buvo vertinamos sociodemografinės dalyvių charakteristikos, dalyvių nuomonė apie pagyvenusių asmenų savarankiškumo problemas, ergoterapijos paslaugų reikšmingumą ugdant pagyvenusių asmenų savarankiškumo įgūdžius ir dalyvių nuomonė apie ergoterapijos paslaugų prieinamumą globos namuose gyvenantiems senyvo amžiaus asmenims. Klausimyno duomenų analizė parodė, kad senyvo amžiaus asmenų, gyvenančių globos namuose, savarankiškumo problemos yra panašios, lyginant Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių patirtis. Dažniausiai pasitaikančios savarankiškumo problemos yra susijusios su gebėjimu valgyti, eiti į tualetą, apsirengti ir atlikti asmens higieną. Dauguma globos namų darbuotojų Lietuvoje ir užsienio šalyse mano, kad ergoterapeuto paslaugos gerina senyvo amžiaus asmenų kasdienę veiklą, o ergoterapeuto paslaugos yra labiau prieinamos pagyvenusiems žmonėms, gyvenantiems globos namuose užsienyje, nei Lietuvoje. Raktažodžiai: senyvo amžiaus asmuo, ergoterapija, ergoterapijos paslaugų prieinamumas, palyginimas, savarankiškumas.Demographic change is increasing the number of older people worldwide. Population aging is one of the most pressing public health problems. The increasing number of older people requires the development of services for the prevention, treatment, care and nursing of their diseases. Occupational therapists are important members of the healthcare team in long-term care homes. The unique scope and skills of occupational therapy practice are particularly relevant for clients with declining functional capacity and barriers to functioning due to the often multiple chronic and progressive conditions with which they live. Loss of independence or excessive caregiver burden is a cause of institutiosymptoms. The aim of the study was to assess the accessibility of occupational therapist services for elderly people living in care homes in Lithuania and abroad. The study involved 67 employees working in elderly care homes in Lithuania and abroad. An anonymous questionnaire based on scientific literature and a questionnaire to assess daily activities was used to collect data. The questionnaire was written in four languages: English, German, Portuguese and English. The questionnaire was produced in electronic and paper formats and distributed to care homes. The survey assessed the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, the participants‘ views on the problems of independence of elderly persons, the importance of occupational therapy services in developing the independence skills of elderly persons and the participants‘ views on the accessibility of occupational therapy services for elderly persons living in care homes. The analysis of the questionnaire data showed that the problems of independence of elderly people living in care homes are similar when comparing the experiences of Lithuanian and foreign countries. The most common problems with independence are eating, going to the toilet, getting dressed and bathing. The majority of care home staff in Lithuania and abroad believe that occupational therapist services improve older people‘s performance of everyday activities and that occupational therapist services are more accessible to older people living in care homes abroad than to those living in Lithuania. Keywords: elderly person, occupational therapy, accessibility of occupational therapy services, comparison, independence