39 research outputs found

    Identifying feasible metabolic routes in Mycobacterium smegmatis and possible alterations under diverse nutrient conditions

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    Background: Many studies on M. tuberculosis have emerged from using M. smegmatis MC2 155 (Msm), since they share significant similarities and yet Msm is non-pathogenic and faster growing. Although several individual molecules have been studied from Msm, many questions remain open about its metabolism as a whole and its capability to be versatile. Adaptability and versatility are emergent properties of a system, warranting a molecular systems perspective to understand them. Results: We identify feasible metabolic pathways in Msm in reference condition with transcriptome, phenotypic microarray, along with functional annotation of the genome. Together with transcriptome data, specific genes from a set of alternatives have been mapped onto different pathways. About 257 metabolic pathways can be considered to be feasible in Msm. Next, we probe cellular metabolism with an array of alternative carbon and nitrogen sources and identify those that are utilized and favour growth as well as those that do not support growth. In all, about 135 points in the entire metabolic map are probed. Analyzing growth patterns under these conditions, lead us to hypothesize different pathways that can become active in various conditions and possible alternate routes that may be induced, thus explaining the observed physiological adaptations. Conclusions: The study provides the first detailed analysis of feasible pathways towards adaptability. We obtain mechanistic insights that explain observed phenotypic behaviour by studying gene-expression profiles and pathways inferred from the genome sequence. Comparison of transcriptome and phenome analysis of Msm and Mtb provides a rationale for understanding commonalities in metabolic adaptability

    Meta-analysis of host response networks identifies a common core in tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis remains a major global health challenge worldwide, causing more than a million deaths annually. To determine newer methods for detecting and combating the disease, it is necessary to characterise global host responses to infection. Several high throughput omics studies have provided a rich resource including a list of several genes differentially regulated in tuberculosis. An integrated analysis of these studies is necessary to identify a unified response to the infection. Such data integration is met with several challenges owing to platform dependency, patient heterogeneity, and variability in the extent of infection, resulting in little overlap among different datasets. Network-based approaches offer newer alternatives to integrate and compare diverse data. In this study, we describe a meta-analysis of host’s whole blood transcriptomic profiles that were integrated into a genome-scale protein–protein interaction network to generate response networks in active tuberculosis, and monitor their behaviour over treatment. We report the emergence of a highly active common core in disease, showing partial reversals upon treatment. The core comprises 380 genes in which STAT1, phospholipid scramblase 1 (PLSCR1), C1QB, OAS1, GBP2 and PSMB9 are prominent hubs. This network captures the interplay between several biological processes including pro-inflammatory responses, apoptosis, complement signalling, cytoskeletal rearrangement, and enhanced cytokine and chemokine signalling. The common core is specific to tuberculosis, and was validated on an independent dataset from an Indian cohort. A network-based approach thus enables the identification of common regulators that characterise the molecular response to infection, providing a platform-independent foundation to leverage maximum insights from available clinical data

    Identifying Personalized Metabolic Signatures in Breast Cancer.

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    Cancer cells are adept at reprogramming energy metabolism, and the precise manifestation of this metabolic reprogramming exhibits heterogeneity across individuals (and from cell to cell). In this study, we analyzed the metabolic differences between interpersonal heterogeneous cancer phenotypes. We used divergence analysis on gene expression data of 1156 breast normal and tumor samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and integrated this information with a genome-scale reconstruction of human metabolism to generate personalized, context-specific metabolic networks. Using this approach, we classified the samples into four distinct groups based on their metabolic profiles. Enrichment analysis of the subsystems indicated that amino acid metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, citric acid cycle, androgen and estrogen metabolism, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification distinguished these four groups. Additionally, we developed a workflow to identify potential drugs that can selectively target genes associated with the reactions of interest. MG-132 (a proteasome inhibitor) and OSU-03012 (a celecoxib derivative) were the top-ranking drugs identified from our analysis and known to have anti-tumor activity. Our approach has the potential to provide mechanistic insights into cancer-specific metabolic dependencies, ultimately enabling the identification of potential drug targets for each patient independently, contributing to a rational personalized medicine approach

    Genome-scale metabolic model of the rat liver predicts effects of diet restriction.

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    Mapping network analysis in cells and tissues can provide insights into metabolic adaptations to changes in external environment, pathological conditions, and nutrient deprivation. Here, we reconstructed a genome-scale metabolic network of the rat liver that will allow for exploration of systems-level physiology. The resulting in silico model (iRatLiver) contains 1,882 reactions, 1,448 metabolites, and 994 metabolic genes. We then used this model to characterize the response of the liver\u27s energy metabolism to a controlled perturbation in diet. Transcriptomics data were collected from the livers of Sprague Dawley rats at 4 or 14 days of being subjected to 15%, 30%, or 60% diet restriction. These data were integrated with the iRatLiver model to generate condition-specific metabolic models, allowing us to explore network differences under each condition. We observed different pathway usage between early and late time points. Network analysis identified several highly connected hub genes (Pklr, Hadha, Tkt, Pgm1, Tpi1, and Eno3) that showed differing trends between early and late time points. Taken together, our results suggest that the liver\u27s response varied with short- and long-term diet restriction. More broadly, we anticipate that the iRatLiver model can be exploited further to study metabolic changes in the liver under other conditions such as drug treatment, infection, and disease

    Modulation of Immune Checkpoints by Chemotherapy in Human Colorectal Liver Metastases.

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    Metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major cause of cancer-related death, and incidence is rising in younger populations (younger than 50 years). Current chemotherapies can achieve response rates above 50%, but immunotherapies have limited value for patients with microsatellite-stable (MSS) cancers. The present study investigates the impact of chemotherapy on the tumor immune microenvironment. We treat human liver metastases slices with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) plus either irinotecan or oxaliplatin, then perform single-cell transcriptome analyses. Results from eight cases reveal two cellular subtypes with divergent responses to chemotherapy. Susceptible tumors are characterized by a stemness signature, an activated interferon pathway, and suppression of PD-1 ligands in response to 5-FU+irinotecan. Conversely, immune checkpoint TIM-3 ligands are maintained or upregulated by chemotherapy in CRC with an enterocyte-like signature, and combining chemotherapy with TIM-3 blockade leads to synergistic tumor killing. Our analyses highlight chemomodulation of the immune microenvironment and provide a framework for combined chemo-immunotherapies

    Metabolic Network Analysis Reveals Altered Bile Acid Synthesis and Metabolism in Alzheimer\u27s Disease.

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    Increasing evidence suggests Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) pathophysiology is influenced by primary and secondary bile acids, the end product of cholesterol metabolism. We analyze 2,114 post-mortem brain transcriptomes and identify genes in the alternative bile acid synthesis pathway to be expressed in the brain. A targeted metabolomic analysis of primary and secondary bile acids measured from post-mortem brain samples of 111 individuals supports these results. Our metabolic network analysis suggests that taurine transport, bile acid synthesis, and cholesterol metabolism differ in AD and cognitively normal individuals. We also identify putative transcription factors regulating metabolic genes and influencing altered metabolism in AD. Intriguingly, some bile acids measured in brain tissue cannot be explained by the presence of enzymes responsible for their synthesis, suggesting that they may originate from the gut microbiome and are transported to the brain. These findings motivate further research into bile acid metabolism in AD to elucidate their possible connection to cognitive decline

    Architectural plan of transcriptional regulation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Transcriptional regulation enables adaptation in bacteria. Typically, only a few transcriptional events are well understood, leaving many others unidentified. The recent genome-wide identification of transcription factor binding sites in Mycobacterium tuberculosis has changed this by deciphering a molecular road-map of transcriptional control, indicating active events and their immediate downstream effects

    Gene expression profiles of wild-type and isoniazid-resistant strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis

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    The global variations in the gene expression pattern of drug treated (½X) and laboratory evolved drug-resistant strains (2XR and 4XR) of Mycobacterium smegmatis were obtained and compared with the M. smegmatis mc2 155 (WT) strain. The genes exhibiting two-fold change and p-value <0.05 under the treated conditions have been considered as differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Overall, the numbers of DEGs observed are 1529 in ½X (596—up, 933—down), 1381 (899—up, 482—down) in 2XR and 716 in 4XR (267—up, 449—down) conditions. The data is publicly available through the GEO database with accession number GSE64132

    Complete Genome Sequences of a Mycobacterium smegmatis Laboratory Strain (MC<SUP>2</SUP> 155) and Isoniazid-Resistant (4XR1/R2) Mutant Strains

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    We report the whole genome sequences of a Mycobacterium smegmatis laboratory wild-type strain (MC2 155) and mutants (4XR1, 4XR2) resistant to isoniazid. Compared to Mycobacterium smegmatis MC2 155 (NC_008596), a widely used strain in laboratory experiments, the MC2 155, 4XR1, and 4XR2 strains are 60, 128 and 93 bp longer, respectively

    Systems modeling of metabolic dysregulation in neurodegenerative diseases.

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    Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) encompass a wide range of conditions that arise owing to progressive degeneration and the ultimate loss of nerve cells in the brain and peripheral nervous system. NDDs such as Alzheimer\u27s, Parkinson\u27s, and Huntington\u27s diseases negatively impact both length and quality of life, due to lack of effective disease-modifying treatments. Herein, we review the use of genome-scale metabolic models, network-based approaches, and integration with multiomics data to identify key biological processes that characterize NDDs. We describe powerful systems biology approaches for modeling NDD pathophysiology by leveraging in silico models that are informed by patient-derived multiomics data. These approaches can enable mechanistic insights into NDD-specific metabolic dysregulations that can be leveraged to identify potential metabolic markers of disease and predisease states