27 research outputs found

    The null hypothesis significance test in health sciences research (1995-2006): statistical analysis and interpretation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The null hypothesis significance test (NHST) is the most frequently used statistical method, although its inferential validity has been widely criticized since its introduction. In 1988, the <it>International Committee of Medical Journal Editors </it>(ICMJE) warned against sole reliance on NHST to substantiate study conclusions and suggested supplementary use of confidence intervals (CI). Our objective was to evaluate the extent and quality in the use of NHST and CI, both in English and Spanish language biomedical publications between 1995 and 2006, taking into account the <it>International Committee of Medical Journal Editors </it>recommendations, with particular focus on the accuracy of the interpretation of statistical significance and the validity of conclusions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Original articles published in three English and three Spanish biomedical journals in three fields (General Medicine, Clinical Specialties and Epidemiology - Public Health) were considered for this study. Papers published in 1995-1996, 2000-2001, and 2005-2006 were selected through a systematic sampling method. After excluding the purely descriptive and theoretical articles, analytic studies were evaluated for their use of NHST with P-values and/or CI for interpretation of statistical "significance" and "relevance" in study conclusions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among 1,043 original papers, 874 were selected for detailed review. The exclusive use of P-values was less frequent in English language publications as well as in Public Health journals; overall such use decreased from 41% in 1995-1996 to 21% in 2005-2006. While the use of CI increased over time, the "significance fallacy" (to equate statistical and substantive significance) appeared very often, mainly in journals devoted to clinical specialties (81%). In papers originally written in English and Spanish, 15% and 10%, respectively, mentioned statistical significance in their conclusions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Overall, results of our review show some improvements in statistical management of statistical results, but further efforts by scholars and journal editors are clearly required to move the communication toward ICMJE advices, especially in the clinical setting, which seems to be imperative among publications in Spanish.</p

    Versión reducida del cuestionario CaMir (CaMir-R) para la evaluación del apego [Short version of CaMir questionnaire (CaMir-R) to assess attachment].

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    The CaMir is a questionnaire aimed at measuring attachment cognitions. It is based on subjects' evaluations of past and present attachment experiences and family functioning. It is a widely used tool both in research and in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to develop a short version of CaMir in Spanish (CaMir-R) and to obtain evidence about its validity and reliability in a sample of 676 adolescents (364 female and 312 male) belonging to different groups (clinical, maltreated, and community samples) with an age range between 13 and 19 years (M = 15.62, SD = 1.49). We examined its internal structure, convergent, and decision validity, the relationship between its dimensions and psychopathological symptoms, as well as its internal consistency and temporal stability. The CaMir-R included 7 factors whose internal consistency indexes ranged between 0.60 and 0.85. With the exception of the «Parental Permissiveness» dimension, which did not show good reliability, the results suggest that the CaMir-R provides a valid and reliable assessment of attachment representations and of the conception of family functioning

    A Short Form of the Portuguese Version of the Youth Self-Report

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    The youth self-report (YSR), which is theoretically based in the field of developmental psychopathology and follows a dimensional approach, is an important instrument to assess the behavioral and emotional problems and the psychosocial competencies of adolescents between the ages of 11 and 18 years in both clinical and research contexts. Our main aims were to propose a short form of the YSR, conduct a first validation study, and compare the short-form YSR with the full version of the Portuguese YSR. We conducted the first study (Study 1) in a sample of 1,266 Portuguese community adolescents between the ages of 11 and 21 years to analyze the factor structure of the YSR. We conducted the second study (Study 2) in a sample of 302 community adolescents between the ages of 11 and 21 years to validate the factor structure of the short form of the YSR, which consisted of 33 items that focused on the dimensions of internalization-depression, internalization-anxiety, externalization-destructiveness and externalization-exhibitionism. Our findings confirmed that the YSR-SF provides a good fit to the data, explains similarly the variance on several criteria compared with the longer version, and is sensitive to sex and age differences