282 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Transport Properties of Graphite and Multigraphene Samples

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    This work deals with the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the graphene layers inside the graphite structure, in particular the influence of defects and interfaces. We discuss the evidence for ballistic transport found in mesoscopic graphite samples and the possibility to obtain the intrinsic carrier density of graphite, without the need of free parameters or arbitrary assumptions. The influence of internal interfaces on the transport properties of bulk graphite is described in detail. We show that in specially prepared multigraphene samples the transport properties show clear signs for the existence of granular superconductivity within the graphite interfaces. We argue that the superconducting-insulator or metal-insulator transition (MIT) reported in the literature for bulk graphite is not intrinsic of the graphite structure but it is due to the influence of these interfaces. Current-Voltage characteristics curves reveal Josephson-like behavior at the interfaces with superconducting critical temperatures above 150K.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures. To be published in "Graphene, Book 2" by Intech, Open Access Publisher 2011, ISBN: 979-953-307-180-

    Enhancement of the ferromagnetic order of graphite after sulphuric acid treatment

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    We have studied the changes in the ferromagnetic behavior of graphite powder and graphite flakes after treatment with diluted sulphuric acid. We show that this kind of acid treatment enhances substantially the ferromagnetic magnetization of virgin graphite micrometer size powder as well as in graphite flakes. The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) amplitude at 300 K measured in a micrometer size thin graphite flake after acid treatment reaches values comparable to polycrystalline cobalt.Comment: 3.2 pages, 4 figure

    Revealing the origin of the vertical hysteresis loop shifts in an exchange biased Co/YMnO3_3 bilayer

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    We have investigated exchange bias effects in bilayers composed by the antiferromagnetic o-YMnO3_3 and ferromagnetic Co thin film by means of SQUID magnetometry, magnetoresistance, anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect. The magnetization and magnetotransport properties show pronounced asymmetries in the field and magnetization axes of the field hysteresis loops. Both exchange bias parameters, the exchange bias field HE(T)H_{E}(T) as well as the magnetization shift ME(T)M_E(T), vanish around the N\'eel temperature TN45T_N \simeq 45 K. We show that the magnetization shift ME(T)M_E(T) is also measured by a shift in the anisotropic magnetoresistance and planar Hall resistance having those a similar temperature dependence as the one obtained from magnetization measurements. Because the o-YMnO3_3 film is highly insulating, our results demonstrate that the ME(T)M_E(T) shift originates at the interface within the ferromagnetic Co layer. To show that the main results obtained are general and not because of some special characteristics of the o-YMO3_3 layer, similar measurements were done in Co/CoO micro-wires. The transport and magnetization characterization of the micro-wires supports the main conclusion that these effects are related to the response of the ferromagnetic Co layer at the interface.Comment: 16 Figures, in press at J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 201

    Disordered Electrical Potential Observed on the Surface of SiO2_2 by Electric Field Microscopy

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    The electrical potential on the surface of 300\sim 300 nm thick SiO2_2 grown on single crystalline Si substrates has been characterized at ambient conditions using electric field microscopy. Our results show an inhomogeneous potential distribution with fluctuations up to 0.4\sim 0.4 V within regions of 1μ1 \mum. The potential fluctuations observed at the surface of these usual dielectric holders of graphene sheets should induce strong variations in the graphene charge densities and provide a simple explanation for some of the anomalous behaviors of the transport properties of graphene.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    The affinity of different MBD proteins for a specific methylated locus depends on their intrinsic binding properties

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    The methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) family of proteins was defined based on sequence similarity in their DNA binding domains. In light of their high degree of conservation, it is of inherent interest to determine the genomic distribution of these proteins, and their associated co-repressor complexes. One potential determinant of specificity resides in differences in the intrinsic DNA binding properties of the various MBD proteins. In this report, we use a capillary electrophoretic mobility shift assay (CEMSA) with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and neutral capillaries to calculate MBD-DNA binding affinities. MBD proteins were assayed on pairs of methylated and unmethylated duplex oligos corresponding to the promoter regions of the BRCA1, MLH1, GSTP1 and p16(INK4a) genes, and binding affinities for each case were calculated by Scatchard analyses. With the exception of mammalian MBD3 and Xenopus MBD3 LF, all the MBD proteins showed higher affinity for methylated DNA (in the nanomolar range) than for unmethylated DNA (in the micromolar range). Significant differences between MBD proteins in the affinity for methylated DNA were observed, ranging within two orders of magnitude. By mutational analysis of MBD3 and using CEMSA, we demonstrate the critical role of specific residues within the MBD in conferring selectivity for methylated DNA. Interestingly, the binding affinity of specific MBD proteins for methylated DNA fragments from naturally occurring sequences are affected by local methyl-CpG spacing

    Evidence of Josephson-coupled superconducting regions at the interfaces of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite

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    Transport properties of a few hundreds of nanometers thick (in the graphene plane direction) lamellae of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) have been investigated. Current-Voltage characteristics as well as the temperature dependence of the voltage at different fixed input currents provide evidence for Josephson-coupled superconducting regions embedded in the internal two-dimensional interfaces, reaching zero resistance at low enough temperatures. The overall behavior indicates the existence of superconducting regions with critical temperatures above 100 K at the internal interfaces of oriented pyrolytic graphite.Comment: 6 Figures, 5 page

    Spin Transfer from a Ferromagnet into a Semiconductor through an Oxide barrier

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    We present results on the magnetoresistance of the system Ni/Al203/n-doped Si/Al2O3/Ni in fabricated nanostructures. The results at temperature of 14K reveal a 75% magnetoresistance that decreases in value up to approximately 30K where the effect disappears. We observe minimum resistance in the antiparallel configurations of the source and drain of Ni. As a possibility, it seems to indicate the existence of a magnetic state at the Si/oxide interface. The average spin diffusion length obtained is of 650 nm approximately. Results are compared to the window of resistances that seems to exist between the tunnel barrier resistance and two threshold resistances but the spin transfer seems to work in the range and outside the two thresholds

    Single cell profiling of COVID-19 patients: an international data resource from multiple tissues

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    In late 2019 and through 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, presenting both scientific and medical challenges associated with understanding and treating a previously unknown disease. To help address the need for great understanding of COVID-19, the scientific community mobilized and banded together rapidly to characterize SARS-CoV-2 infection, pathogenesis and its distinct disease trajectories. The urgency of COVID-19 provided a pressing use-case for leveraging relatively new tools, technologies, and nascent collaborative networks. Single-cell biology is one such example that has emerged over the last decade as a powerful approach that provides unprecedented resolution to the cellular and molecular underpinnings of biological processes. Early foundational work within the single-cell community, including the Human Cell Atlas, utilized published and unpublished data to characterize the putative target cells of SARS-CoV-2 sampled from diverse organs based on expression of the viral receptor ACE2 and associated entry factors TMPRSS2 and CTSL (Muus et al., 2020; Sungnak et al., 2020; Ziegler et al., 2020). This initial characterization of reference data provided an important foundation for framing infection and pathology in the airway as well as other organs. However, initial community analysis was limited to samples derived from uninfected donors and other previously-sampled disease indications. This report provides an overview of a single-cell data resource derived from samples from COVID-19 patients along with initial observations and guidance on data reuse and exploration