6 research outputs found
Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation, volume 1
This document is the Executive Summary of a technical report on a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) of the Space Shuttle vehicle performed under the sponsorship of the Office of Space Flight of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It briefly summarizes the methodology and results of the Shuttle PRA. The primary objective of this project was to support management and engineering decision-making with respect to the Shuttle program by producing (1) a quantitative probabilistic risk model of the Space Shuttle during flight, (2) a quantitative assessment of in-flight safety risk, (3) an identification and prioritization of the design and operations that principally contribute to in-flight safety risk, and (4) a mechanism for risk-based evaluation proposed modifications to the Shuttle System. Secondary objectives were to provide a vehicle for introducing and transferring PRA technology to the NASA community, and to demonstrate the value of PRA by applying it beneficially to a real program of great international importance
Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 4: System models and data analysis
In this volume, volume 4 (of five volumes), the discussion is focussed on the system models and related data references and has the following subsections: space shuttle main engine, integrated solid rocket booster, orbiter auxiliary power units/hydraulics, and electrical power system
Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 5: Auxiliary shuttle risk analyses
Volume 5 is Appendix C, Auxiliary Shuttle Risk Analyses, and contains the following reports: Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Space Shuttle Phase 1 - Space Shuttle Catastrophic Failure Frequency Final Report; Risk Analysis Applied to the Space Shuttle Main Engine - Demonstration Project for the Main Combustion Chamber Risk Assessment; An Investigation of the Risk Implications of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster Chamber Pressure Excursions; Safety of the Thermal Protection System of the Space Shuttle Orbiter - Quantitative Analysis and Organizational Factors; Space Shuttle Main Propulsion Pressurization System Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Final Report; and Space Shuttle Probabilistic Risk Assessment Proof-of-Concept Study - Auxiliary Power Unit and Hydraulic Power Unit Analysis Report
Probabilistic risk assessment of the Space Shuttle. Phase 3: A study of the potential of losing the vehicle during nominal operation. Volume 2: Integrated loss of vehicle model
The application of the probabilistic risk assessment methodology to a Space Shuttle environment, particularly to the potential of losing the Shuttle during nominal operation is addressed. The different related concerns are identified and combined to determine overall program risks. A fault tree model is used to allocate system probabilities to the subsystem level. The loss of the vehicle due to failure to contain energetic gas and debris, to maintain proper propulsion and configuration is analyzed, along with the loss due to Orbiter, external tank failure, and landing failure or error
ABS TECHNICAL PAPERS 2007 Fire Risk Assessment of Gas Turbine Propulsion System for LNG Carriers
New and more efficient propulsion systems are being considered for LNG carriers. One of the proposed alternatives is a combination of a gas turbine with a heat recovery steam generator. This arrangement constitutes a novel approach which needs to be analyzed by a combination of engineering analysis and risk assessments to compensate for the lack of experience. Of specific concern is the high pressure fuel supply system. This paper describes the dispersion and fire analyses performed to better understand the risks involved in this arrangement and identify design improvements
Datos Epidemiol贸gicos de Hidatidosis en la Provincia de Catamarca durante el Per铆odo 2010-2016
La hidatidosis es una enfermedad parasitaria, producida por el cestodo Echinococcus granulosus, de importancia en Salud P煤blica debido a las elevadas p茅rdidas que produce en los sistemas de salud asociados a dificultades diagn贸sticas y a los altos costos de tratamiento de las personas. Laprovincia de Catamarca se localiza en la regi贸n noroeste de la Rep煤blica Argentina, presenta una superficie de 102 mil kil贸metros cuadrados y con una poblaci贸n de 367.820 habitantes. Est谩 integrada por 16 departamentos, los cualesen su mayor铆a se encuentran en zonas rurales, donde realizan faena de rumiantes mayores y menores en casas de familias como as铆 tambi茅n en la carnicer铆a de lazona ofreciendo a los perros como alimento achuras crudas. La patolog铆a es considerada una zoonosis end茅mica distribuy茅ndose en todo el territorio provincial, donde se identificaron 3 cepas del par谩sito, cepa Camello (G6), cepavaca (G5) y cepa Oveja (G1). El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar datos epidemiol贸gicos de casos registrados durante el per铆odo 2010-2016, la ubicaci贸n anat贸mica de los quistes y su distribuci贸n geogr谩fica. Los pacientesfueron atendidos y diagnosticados en cl铆nicas privadas y hospitales p煤blicos, derivados luego al Departamento de Zoonosis, para el registro del caso cl铆nico y entrega de albendazol para realizar el tratamiento. Se registraron 78casos, siendo 62 en adultos y 16 en menores de edad. La enfermedad se present贸 en 47 mujeres y 31 varones. La ubicaci贸n anat贸mica de los quistes por estudio ecogr谩fico revel贸 un 55,1% en h铆gado, 25,6% en pulm贸n, 6,41% con quistes m煤ltiples en h铆gado y pulm贸n, 5,12% en bazo, 3,84% en ri帽ones, 2,56% en abdomen y 1,28% medula espinal. En los 煤ltimos a帽os la presentaci贸n de la enfermedad y el ciclo parasitario comenz贸 a incrementarse en poblaciones y zonas urbanas poniendo en evidencia su evoluci贸n desfavorable. Es por ello necesario,mejorar el programa de prevenci贸n y control con el fin de disminuir la prevalencia de la enfermedad, profundizando actividades de educaci贸n a la poblaci贸n sobre medidas de prevenci贸n y al personal de salud en el desarrollo deestrategias de diagn贸stico precoz y tratamiento oportuno de las personas.Fil: Mart铆nez Bombelli, Mar铆a Constanza. Gobierno de la Provincia de Catamarca. Ministerio de Salud. Departamento de Zoonosis; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Gattarello, V.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Catamarca. Ministerio de Salud. Departamento de Zoonosis; ArgentinaFil: L贸pez, R. A.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Catamarca. Ministerio de Salud. Departamento de Zoonosis; ArgentinaFil: Sosa Ballesio, M. I.. Gobierno de la Provincia de Catamarca. Ministerio de Salud. Departamento de Zoonosis; ArgentinaFil: Malandrini, Jorge Bruno. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Soria, C. C.. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Fresco, M. J.. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Tomassi, Carla Antonella. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Carnevale, Silvana. Direcci贸n Nacional de Instituto de Investigaci贸n. Administraci贸n Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbr谩n"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pantano, L.. Direcci贸n Nacional de Instituto de Investigaci贸n. Administraci贸n Nacional de Laboratorio e Instituto de Salud "Dr. C. G. Malbr谩n"; ArgentinaFil: Vel谩squez, J.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Mu帽iz"; ArgentinaXVIII Simposio Internacional Sobre Enfermedades DesatendidasCiudad Aut贸noma de Buenos AiresArgentinaMundo San