14 research outputs found

    An ensemble-based collaborative framework to support customized user needs

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    Abstract—Collaborative platforms with advanced and customized visualization capabilities are getting growing interest regarding IT systems. We describe a system having novel capabilities for fusing the stored data to increase the accuracy of the decision derived from the system. We also present a visualization tool used for interpreting the content and details on decision in a way that is the most suitable for the user. Based on the experience we gained during developing the specific system, we explain how it could be extended to serve aims that are more general. These aims cover other application fields, like advanced visualization and user interaction, data privacy for wider collaboration, usercontrolled automated application generation, and robust navigation of the system. Moreover, since our approach highly relies on the combination of different user input to increase accuracy, we discuss on the computational environments that should be considered, and also possible collaborative framework solutions. I

    A versatile method to design stem-loop primer-based quantitative PCR assays for detecting small regulatory RNA molecules.

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    Short regulatory RNA-s have been identified as key regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes. They have been involved in the regulation of both physiological and pathological processes such as embryonal development, immunoregulation and cancer. One of their relevant characteristics is their high stability, which makes them excellent candidates for use as biomarkers. Their number is constantly increasing as next generation sequencing methods reveal more and more details of their synthesis. These novel findings aim for new detection methods for the individual short regulatory RNA-s in order to be able to confirm the primary data and characterize newly identified subtypes in different biological conditions. We have developed a flexible method to design RT-qPCR assays that are very sensitive and robust. The newly designed assays were tested extensively in samples from plant, mouse and even human formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues. Moreover, we have shown that these assays are able to quantify endogenously generated shRNA molecules. The assay design method is freely available for anyone who wishes to use a robust and flexible system for the quantitative analysis of matured regulatory RNA-s

    Combined Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening, Using Retina Photographs and Tear Fluid Proteomics Biomarkers

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    Background. It is estimated that 347 million people suffer from diabetes mellitus (DM), and almost 5 million are blind due to diabetic retinopathy (DR). The progression of DR can be slowed down with early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore our aim was to develop a novel automated method for DR screening. Methods. 52 patients with diabetes mellitus were enrolled into the project. Of all patients, 39 had signs of DR. Digital retina images and tear fluid samples were taken from each eye. The results from the tear fluid proteomics analysis and from digital microaneurysm (MA) detection on fundus images were used as the input of a machine learning system. Results. MA detection method alone resulted in 0.84 sensitivity and 0.81 specificity. Using the proteomics data for analysis 0.87 sensitivity and 0.68 specificity values were achieved. The combined data analysis integrated the features of the proteomics data along with the number of detected MAs in the associated image and achieved sensitivity/specificity values of 0.93/0.78. Conclusions. As the two different types of data represent independent and complementary information on the outcome, the combined model resulted in a reliable screening method that is comparable to the requirements of DR screening programs applied in clinical routine

    Measurement of siRNA expression with small RNA specific UPL-based quantitative PCR assays.

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    <p>Sequence specificity of PRMT1 specific siRNA for exon 3 of PRMT1 (A). PRMT1 specific siRNA levels as detected by qPCR and the corresponding mPRMT1 mRNA as well as protein levels detected by qPCR and Western blot analysis (B).</p

    Sensitivity and specificity of miRNA specific UPL-based quantitative PCR system.

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    <p>Amplification plot of mmu-mir-1 in range from 10 ng to 10<sup>–</sup>3 ng input mouse heart total RNA (A). Sequence similarities and differences between mir-181a, b, and c (B). Amplification plot of synthetic mir-181a miRNA ranging from 10 pM to 10<sup>–4</sup> pM input mir-181a amplicon (C). Standard curve of synthetic mir-181a miRNA (D). Specificity and relative detection capacity of mir-181 specific UPL-based qPCR assays. Numbers represent the percentage of the signals measured on the synthetic amplicons. 100% is always the signal measured by an assay on its specific synthetic amplicon, like mir-180a assay on the mir-181a synthetic amplicon. In brackets the corresponding Cp values are shown.(E).</p

    Schematic description of small RNA specific UPL-based quantitative PCR assay and our oligo design system.

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    <p>Two steps small RNA specific UPL-based quantitative PCR assay relies on reverse transcription using small RNA specific stem-loop RT primer and real-time quantitative PCR reaction using small RNA specific forward primer, UPL21 probe and universal reverse primer (A). Workflow of our oligo design system (B). Primers and probe for the designed hsa-mir-181a specific UPL-based quantitative PCR assay (C).</p