495 research outputs found

    The evolution of M 2-9 from 2000 to 2010

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    M 2-9, the Butterfly nebula, is an outstanding representative of extreme aspherical flows. It presents unique features such as a pair of high-velocity dusty polar blobs and a mirror-symmetric rotating pattern in the inner lobes. Imaging monitoring of the evolution of the nebula in the past decade is presented. We determine the proper motions of the dusty blobs, which infer a new distance estimate of 1.3+-0.2 kpc, a total nebular size of 0.8 pc, a speed of 147 km/s, and a kinematical age of 2500 yr. The corkscrew geometry of the inner rotating pattern is quantified. Different recombination timescales for different ions explain the observed surface brightness distribution. According to the images taken after 1999, the pattern rotates with a period of 92+-4 yr. On the other hand, the analysis of images taken between 1952 and 1977 measures a faster angular velocity. If the phenomenon were related to orbital motion, this would correspond to a modest orbital eccentricity (e=0.10+-0.05), and a slightly shorter period (86+-5 yr). New features have appeared after 2005 on the west side of the lobes and at the base of the pattern. The geometry and travelling times of the rotating pattern support our previous proposal that the phenomenon is produced by a collimated spray of high velocity particles (jet) from the central source, which excites the walls of the inner cavity of M 2-9, rather than by a ionizing photon beam. The speed of such a jet would be remarkable: between 11000 and 16000 km/s. The rotating-jet scenario may explain the formation and excitation of most of the features observed in the inner nebula, with no need for additional mechanisms, winds, or ionization sources. All properties point to a symbiotic-like interacting binary as the central source of M 2-9.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysics (10 pages, 8 figures

    Abundances of Disk Planetary Nebulae in M31 and the Radial Oxygen Gradient

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    We have obtained spectra of 16 planetary nebulae in the disk of M31 and determined the abundances of He, N, O, Ne, S and Ar. Here we present the median abundances and compare them with previous M31 PN disk measurements and with PNe in the Milky Way. We also derive the radial oxygen gradient in M31, which is shallower than that in the Milky Way, even accounting for M31's larger disk scale length.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 283, Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Futur

    Abundances of PNe in the Outer Disk of M31

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    We present spectroscopic observations and chemical abundances of 16 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the outer disk of M31. The [O III] 4363 line is detected in all objects, allowing a direct measurement of the nebular temperature essential for accurate abundance determinations. Our results show that the abundances in these M31 PNe display the same correlations and general behaviors as Type II PNe in the Milky Way Galaxy. We also calculate photoionization models to derive estimates of central star properties. From these we infer that our sample PNe, all near the peak of the Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function, originated from stars near 2 M_sun. Finally, under the assumption that these PNe are located in M31's disk, we plot the oxygen abundance gradient, which appears shallower than the gradient in the Milky Way.Comment: 48 pages, including 12 figures and 8 tables, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Rings and arcs around evolved stars. II. The Carbon Star AFGL 3068 and the Planetary Nebulae NGC 6543, NGC 7009 and NGC 7027

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    We present a detailed comparative study of the arcs and fragmented ring-like features in the haloes of the planetary nebulae (PNe) NGC 6543, NGC 7009, and NGC 7027 and the spiral pattern around the carbon star AFGL 3068 using high-quality multi-epoch HST images. This comparison allows us to investigate the connection and possible evolution between the regular patterns surrounding AGB stars and the irregular concentric patterns around PNe. The radial proper motion of these features, ~15 km/s, are found to be consistent with the AGB wind and their linear sizes and inter-lapse times (500-1900 yr) also agree with those found around AGB stars, suggesting a common origin. We find evidence using radiative-hydrodynamic simulations that regular patterns produced at the end of the AGB phase become highly distorted by their interactions with the expanding PN and the anisotropic illumination and ionization patterns caused by shadow instabilities. These processes will disrupt the regular (mostly spiral) patterns around AGB stars, plausibly becoming the arcs and fragmented rings observed in the haloes of PNe.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Unusual Distributions of Ionized Material and Molecular Hydrogen in NGC 6881: Signposts of Multiple Events of Bipolar Ejection in a Planetary Nebula

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    The planetary nebula NGC 6881 displays in the optical a quadrupolar morphology consisting of two pairs of highly collimated bipolar lobes aligned along different directions. An additional bipolar ejection is revealed by the hydrogen molecular emission, but its wide hourglass morphology is very different from that of the ionized material. To investigate in detail the spatial distribution of molecular hydrogen and ionized material within NGC 6881, and to determine the prevalent excitation mechanism of the H2 emission, we have obtained new near-IR Br-gamma and H2 and optical H-alpha and [N II] images, as well as intermediate resolution JHK spectra. These observations confirm the association of the H2 bipolar lobes to NGC 6881 and find that the prevalent excitation mechanism is collisional. The detailed morphology and very different collimation degree of the H2 and ionized bipolar lobes of NGC 6881 not only imply that multiple bipolar ejections have occurred in this nebula, but also that the dominant shaping agent is different for each bipolar ejection: a bipolar stellar wind most likely produced the H2 lobes, while highly collimated outflows are carving out the ionized lobes into the thick circumstellar envelope. The asymmetry between the southeast and northwest H2 bipolar lobes suggests the interaction of the nebula with an inhomogeneous interstellar medium. We find evidence that places NGC 6881 in the H II region Sh 2-109 along the Orion local spiral arm.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Spectroscopic confirmation of the planetary nebula nature of PM1-242, PM1-318 and PM1-333 and morphological analysis of the nebulae

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    We present intermediate resolution long-slit spectra and narrow-band Halpha, [NII] and [OIII] images of PM1-242, PM318 and PM1-333, three IRAS sources classified as possible planetary nebulae. The spectra show that the three objects are true planetary nebulae and allow us to study their physical properties; the images provide a detailed view of their morphology. PM1-242 is a medium-to-high-excitation (e.g., HeII4686/Hbeta ~0.4; [NII]6584/Halpha ~0.3) planetary nebula with an elliptical shape containing [NII] enhanced point-symmetric arcs. An electron temperature [Te([SIII])] of ~10250 K and an electron density [Ne([SII])] of ~2300 cm-3 are derived for PM1-242. Abundance calculations suggest a large helium abundance (He/H ~0.29) in PM1-242. PM1-318 is a high-excitation (HeII4686/Hbeta ~1) planetary nebula with a ring-like inner shell containing two enhanced opposite regions, surrounded by a fainter round attached shell brighter in the light of [OIII]. PM1-333 is an extended planetary nebula with a high-excitation (HeII4686/Hbeta up to ~0.9) patchy circular main body containing two low-excitation knotty arcs. A low Ne([SII]) of ~450 cm-3 and Te([OIII]) of ~15000 K are derived for this nebula. Abundance calculations suggest that PM1-333 is a type I planetary nebula. The lack of a sharp shell morphology, low electron density, and high-excitation strongly suggest that PM1-333 is an evolved planetary nebula. PM1-333 also shows two low-ionization polar structures whose morphology and emission properties are reminiscent of collimated outflows. We compare PM1-333 with other evolved planetary nebulae with collimated outflows and find that outflows among evolved planetary nebulae exhibit a large variety of properties, in accordance with these observed in younger planetary nebula.Comment: Accepted in The Astronomical Journal, 23 pages, 6 figure

    Disk Formation by AGB Winds in Dipole Magnetic Fields

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    We present a simple, robust mechanism by which an isolated star can produce an equatorial disk. The mechanism requires that the star have a simple dipole magnetic field on the surface and an isotropic wind acceleration mechanism. The wind couples to the field, stretching it until the field lines become mostly radial and oppositely directed above and below the magnetic equator, as occurs in the solar wind. The interaction between the wind plasma and magnetic field near the star produces a steady outflow in which magnetic forces direct plasma toward the equator, constructing a disk. In the context of a slow (10 km/s) outflow (10^{-5} M_sun/yr) from an AGB star, MHD simulations demonstrate that a dense equatorial disk will be produced for dipole field strengths of only a few Gauss on the surface of the star. A disk formed by this model can be dynamically important for the shaping of Planetary Nebulae.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted by Ap

    Outflows From Evolved Stars: The Rapidly Changing Fingers Of CRL 618

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    Our ultimate goal is to probe the nature of the collimator of the outflows in the pre-planetary nebula CRL 618. CRL 618 is uniquely suited for this purpose owing to its multiple, bright, and carefully studied finger-shaped outflows east and west of its nucleus. We compare new Hubble Space Telescope images to images in the same filters observed as much as 11 yr ago to uncover large proper motions and surface brightness changes in its multiple finger-shaped outflows. The expansion age of the ensemble of fingers is close to 100 yr. We find strong brightness variations at the fingertips during the past decade. Deep IR images reveal a multiple ring-like structure of the surrounding medium into which the outflows propagate and interact. Tightly constrained three-dimensional hydrodynamic models link the properties of the fingers to their possible formation histories. We incorporate previously published complementary information to discern whether each of the fingers of CRL 618 are the results of steady, collimated outflows or a brief ejection event that launched a set of bullets about a century ago. Finally, we argue on various physical grounds that fingers of CRL 618 are likely to be the result of a spray of clumps ejected at the nucleus of CRL 618 since any mechanism that form a sustained set of unaligned jets is unprecedented.HST GO 11580NASA through Space Telescope Science Institute GO11580NASA NAS5-26555Boeing ScholarshipOffice of Undergraduate Academic Affairs at the University of WashingtonSpanish MICINN CSD2009-00038NASA Office of Space Science NAG5-7584Astronom