540 research outputs found

    First Evidence of NfN_f-Dependence in the QCD Interquark Potential

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    We present a lattice calculation of the interquark potential between static quarks in a ``full'' QCD simulation with 2 flavours of dynamical Wilson-quarks at three intermediate sea-quark masses. We work at β=5.6\beta = 5.6 on lattice size of 163×3216^3 \times 32 with 100 configurations per sea-quark mass. We compare the full QCD potential with its quenched counterpart at equal lattice spacing, a12.0a^{-1} \simeq 2.0 GeV, which is at the onset of the quenched scaling regime. We find that the full QCD potential lies consistently below that of quenched QCD. We see no evidence for string-breaking effects on these lattice volumes, V(1.5fm)3V \simeq (1.5\,\,{\rm fm})^3.Comment: 9 pages (1 tex file epsf-style + 6 ps-figures

    Towards the glueball spectrum of full QCD

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    We present first results on masses of the scalar and tensor glueballs as well as of the torelon from simulations of QCD with two light flavours of Wilson fermions. The gauge configurations of extent 16^3*32 at beta = 5.6 and kappa = 0.156, 0.157 and 0.1575 have been generated as part of the SESAM collaboration programme. The present lattice resolutions correspond to 1/a = 2.0-2.3 GeV and ratios m(pi)/m(rho) = 0.83, 0.76 and 0.71, respectively. Studies on larger lattice volumes and closer to the chiral limit are in progress.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, espcrc2 and epsf styles required, 4 epsf figures, poster presented by G. Bali at Lattice '9

    Ab Initio Calculation of Relativistic Corrections to the Static Interquark potential I: SU(2) Gauge Theory

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    We test the capability of state-of-the-art lattice techniques for a precise determination of relativistic corrections to the static interquark potential, by use of SU(2) gauge theory. Emphasis is put on the short range structure of the spin dependent potentials, with lattice resolution a ranging from a approx 0.04 fm (at beta=2.74) down to a approx 0.02 fm (at beta=2.96) on volumes of 32^4 and 48^4 lattice sites. We find a new short range Coulomb-like contribution to the spin-orbit potential V_1'.Comment: 37 pages REVTeX with 20 encapsuled ps figure

    The (LATTICE) QCD Potential and Running Coupling: How to Accurately Interpolate between Multi-Loop QCD and the String Picture

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    We present a simple parameterization of a running coupling constant, defined via the static potential, that interpolates between 2-loop QCD in the UV and the string prediction in the IR. Besides the usual \Lam-parameter and the string tension, the coupling depends on one dimensionless parameter, determining how fast the crossover from UV to IR behavior occurs (in principle we know how to take into account any number of loops by adding more parameters). Using a new Ansatz for the LATTICE potential in terms of the continuum coupling, we can fit quenched and unquenched Monte Carlo results for the potential down to ONE lattice spacing, and at the same time extract the running coupling to high precision. We compare our Ansatz with 1-loop results for the lattice potential, and use the coupling from our fits to quantitatively check the accuracy of 2-loop evolution, compare with the Lepage-Mackenzie estimate of the coupling extracted from the plaquette, and determine Sommer's scale r0r_0 much more accurately than previously possible. For pure SU(3) we find that the coupling scales on the percent level for β6\beta\geq 6.Comment: 47 pages, incl. 4 figures in LaTeX [Added remarks on correlated vs. uncorrelated fits in sect. 4; corrected misprints; updated references.

    Quarkonium Suppression

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    I discuss quarkonium suppression in equilibriated strongly interacting matter. After a brief review of basic features of quarkonium production I discuss the application of recent lattice data on the heavy quark potential to the problem of quarkonium dissociation as well as the problem of direct lattice determination of quarkonium properties in finite temperature lattice QCD.Comment: Invited plenary talk presented on 4th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2001), November 26-30, 2001, Jaipur; 12 pp, LaTeX, uses pramana.st

    On the glueball spectrum in O(a)-improved lattice QCD

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    We calculate the light `glueball' mass spectrum in N_f=2 lattice QCD using a fermion action that is non-perturbatively O(a) improved. We work at lattice spacings a ~0.1 fm and with quark masses that range down to about half the strange quark mass. We find the statistical errors to be moderate and under control on relatively small ensembles. We compare our mass spectrum to that of quenched QCD at the same value of a. Whilst the tensor mass is the same (within errors), the scalar mass is significantly smaller in the dynamical lattice theory, by a factor of ~(0.84 +/- 0.03). We discuss what the observed m_q dependence of this suppression tells us about the dynamics of glueballs in QCD. We also calculate the masses of flux tubes that wind around the spatial torus, and extract the string tension from these. As we decrease the quark mass we see a small but growing vacuum expectation value for the corresponding flux tube operators. This provides clear evidence for `string breaking' and for the (expected) breaking of the associated gauge centre symmetry by sea quarks.Comment: 33pp LaTeX. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Remarks on abelian dominance

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    We used a renormalisation group based smoothing to address two questions related to abelian dominance. Smoothing drastically reduces short distance fluctuations but it preserves the long distance physical properties of the SU(2) configurations. This enabled us to extract the abelian heavy-quark potential from time-like Wilson loops on Polyakov gauge projected configurations. We obtained a very small string tension which is inconsistent with the string tension extracted from Polyakov loop correlators. This shows that the Polyakov gauge projected abelian configurations do not have a consistent physical meaning. We also applied the smoothing on SU(2) configurations to test how sensitive abelian dominance in the maximal abelian gauge is to the short distance fluctuations. We found that on smoothed SU(2) configurations the abelian string tension was about 30% smaller than the SU(2) string tension which was unaffected by smoothing. This suggests that the approximate abelian dominance found with the Wilson action is probably an accident and it has no fundamental physical relevance.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figure

    Glueballs and string breaking from full QCD

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    We present results on the static potential, and torelon and glueball masses from simulations of QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions on 163×3216^3\times 32 and 243×4024^3\times 40 lattices at β=5.6\beta=5.6.Comment: Talk presented by Gunnar Bali at International Symposium on Lattice Field Theories (Lattice 97), Edinburgh, July 1997, 3 pages LaTeX (epscrc2.sty) with 4 eps figure

    Complete O(v^2) corrections to the static interquark potential from SU(3) gauge theory

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    For the first time, we determine the complete spin- and momentum-dependent order v^2 corrections to the static interquark potential from simulations of QCD in the valence quark approximation at inverse lattice spacings of 2-3 GeV. A new flavor dependent correction to the central potential is found. We report a 1/r^2 contribution to the long range spin-orbit potential V_1'. The other spin-dependent potentials turn out to be short ranged and can be well understood by means of perturbation theory. The momentum-dependent potentials qualitatively agree with minimal area law expectations. In view of spectrum calculations, we discuss the matching of the effective nonrelativistic theory to QCD as well as renormalization of lattice results. In a first survey of the resulting bottomonia and charmonia spectra we reproduce the experimental levels within average errors of 12.5 MeV and 22 MeV, respectively.Comment: 54 pages REVTeX with 24 encapsuled ps figure