387 research outputs found

    Magic in Chinese religion

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    This item was digitized by the Internet Archive. Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universityhttps://archive.org/details/magicinchinesere00bal

    The nature of methadone diversion in England: a Merseyside case study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) is a key element in treatment for opiate addiction; however concerns about the diversion of methadone remain. More current empirical data on methadone diversion are required. This research investigated the market for diverted methadone in Merseyside, UK, in order to provide a case study which can be transferred to other areas undertaking methadone maintenance treatment on a large scale.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaires were completed (in interview format) with 886 past year users of methadone recruited both in and out of prescribing agencies. Topic areas covered included current prescribing, obtaining and providing methadone, reasons for using illicit methadone and other drug use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Large proportions of participants had obtained illicit methadone for use in the past year with smaller proportions doing so in the past month. Proportions of participants buying and being given methadone were similar. Exchange of methadone primarily took place between friends and associates, with 'dealers' rarely involved. Gender, age, whether participant's methadone consumption was supervised and whether the aims of their treatment had been explained to them fully, influenced the extent to which participants were involved in diverting or using diverted methadone.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Methadone diversion is widespread although drug users generally do not make use of illicit methadone regularly (every month). The degree of altruism involved in the exchange of methadone does not negate the potential role of this action in overdose or the possibility of criminal justice action against individuals. Treatment agencies need to emphasise these risks whilst ensuring that treatment aims are effectively shared with clients to ensure adherence to treatment.</p

    Floral micromorphology of the genus Restrepia (Orchidaceae) and the potential consequences for pollination

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    Restrepia is a small Pleurothallid genus, comprising 57 species, 44 of which were discovered since 1970. These species are indigenous to Central and South America, where their montane forest habitats are under increasing pressure from changes in land use. With resulting increasingly fragmented habitats and dwindling numbers, the pollination systems of obligate out-breeding genera, such as Restrepia, may no longer function efficiently which could potentially lead to their extinction. As such, the main aim of the current study was to perform an in-depth investigation of floral structures in the genus, using SEM and photographic technology to formulate a putative pollination mechanism for these species. The floral micromorphology of dorsal sepal and lateral petal osmophores, synsepal, labellum, cirrhi and calli were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), macro-photography and quantitative analyses of some floral proportions. The secretory nature of the labellum, synsepal and osmophore papillae were established and the calli were shown to possess a unique papillate, non-secretory structure. A pollination mechanism for the genus was proposed which includes the role of the scent trails produced by the osmophores and the ‘trapping’ role of the cirrhi. A ‘functional fit’ between the flower and the pollinator is suggested. In conclusion, we consider Restrepia to represent a non-nectar rewarding and ‘deceptive’ orchid genus and that this pollination mechanism may be directly linked to the breeding system (gametophytic self-incompatibility) in this genus

    Expanding the Dimensions of Best Practice in CBL

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    Four community-based learning projects that differ across time to completion, discipline, and team are examples used in developing a framework of possible project models in which universities can engage with community partners. The case study method contextualizes this framework and produces suggestions for "best practice" when project goals change over time, and new partnerships develop, as project needs and priorities change. Authors discuss the political nature of working with various stakeholders and offer suggestions for successful project completion based on student, faculty, and community partner perspectives. The authors seek to expand the scope of what constitutes best practice in CBL

    Elevated ACKR2 expression is a common feature of inflammatory arthropathies

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    Objectives. Chemokines are essential contributors to leucocyte accumulation at sites of inflammatory pathology. Interfering with chemokine or chemokine receptor function therefore represents a plausible therapeutic option. However, our currently limited understanding of chemokine orchestration of inflammatory responses means that such therapies have not yet been fully developed. We have a particular interest in the family of atypical chemokine receptors that fine-tune, or resolve, chemokine-driven responses. In particular we are interested in atypical chemokine receptor 2 (ACKR2), which is a scavenging receptor for inflammatory CC-chemokines and that therefore helps to resolve in vivo inflammatory responses. The objective of the current study was to examine ACKR2 expression in common arthropathies. Methods. ACKR2 expression was measured by a combination of qPCR and immuno-histochemistry. In addition, circulating cytokine and chemokine levels in patient plasma were assessed using multiplexing approaches. Results. Expression of ACKR2 was elevated on peripheral blood cells as well as on leucocytes and stromal cells in synovial tissue. Expression on peripheral blood leucocytes correlated with, and could be regulated by, circulating cytokines with particularly strong associations being seen with IL-6 and hepatocyte growth factor. In addition, expression within the synovium was coincident with aggregates of lymphocytes, potentially atopic follicles and sites of high inflammatory chemokine expression. Similarly increased levels of ACKR2 have been reported in psoriasis and SSc. Conclusion. Our data clearly show increased ACKR2 in a variety of arthropathies and taking into account our, and others’, previous data we now propose that elevated ACKR2 expression is a common feature of inflammatory pathologies

    North Alabama Ecological Forecasting: Spatial Modeling of the Fragmentation of Local Species Habitat from Increasing Urbanization in North Alabama

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    Alabama is one of the most biodiverse states in the United States and has the greatest diversity of aquatic species. As urbanization continues to increase in Alabama, this biodiversity is at risk. This project partnered with the Land Trust of North Alabama to identify sensitive habitats that are at risk for urbanization within Madison and Limestone counties. The Land Trust of North Alabama works to preserve land, primarily in Madison and Limestone counties of North Alabama, and encourages stewardship through environmental education. The team conducted a supervised classification of land class types utilizing data from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI), and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Version 4 (SRTM) to identify land cover changes and areas most vulnerable to future urbanization. Through incorporating land classification analysis and additional parameters indicative of urbanization, the team produced an urbanization prediction tool and a landscape fragmentation map. The urban prediction tool identified land highly suitable for development and found that, by 2045, 25% of highly suitable land will be urbanized using the measured 1% growth rate. Ecological impact was established using observation data of species of interest to the project partners. These tools will enable the Land Trust to target high risk areas of land for preservation

    Monitoring Extreme Weather in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region

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    Why is monitoring extreme weather events important? The HKH (Hindu Kush Himalaya region experiences many extreme weather events, such as thunderstorms, especially during monsoon season. These events can cause economic hardship and loss of life. Monitoring Extreme Weather in the HKH Region is a service in development through SERVIR-Hindu Kush Himalaya that aims to develop a customized numerical weather prediction toolkit to assess these high impact events in this relatively data-sparse region. The High Impact Weather Assessment Toolkit (HIWAT) consists of an ensemble Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)model, threat assessments based on the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) missions, and impact assessments based on Landsat and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery. In spring 2019, we began validation of forecasted precipitation using station data in Bangladesh and Climate Hazards Group InfraRed with Station data (CHIRPS)

    Interpreting the Ionization Sequence in Star-Forming Galaxy Emission-Line Spectra

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    High ionization star forming (SF) galaxies are easily identified with strong emission line techniques such as the BPT diagram, and form an obvious ionization sequence on such diagrams. We use a locally optimally emitting cloud model to fit emission line ratios that constrain the excitation mechanism, spectral energy distribution, abundances and physical conditions along the star-formation ionization sequence. Our analysis takes advantage of the identification of a sample of pure star-forming galaxies, to define the ionization sequence, via mean field independent component analysis. Previous work has suggested that the major parameter controlling the ionization level in SF galaxies is the metallicity. Here we show that the observed SF- sequence could alternatively be interpreted primarily as a sequence in the distribution of the ionizing flux incident on gas spread throughout a galaxy. Metallicity variations remain necessary to model the SF-sequence, however, our best models indicate that galaxies with the highest and lowest observed ionization levels (outside the range -0.37 < log [O III]/H\b{eta} < -0.09) require the variation of an additional physical parameter other than metallicity, which we determine to be the distribution of ionizing flux in the galaxy.Comment: 41 pages, 17 figures, 9 tables, accepted to MNRA

    An assessment of the conservation status of Restrepia (Orchidaceae) reveals the threatened status of the genus

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Plant Ecology and Diversity on 28/04/2020: https://doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2020.1735553 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Background: The genus Restrepia occurs throughout Central and South America in areas of montane forest heavily affected by deforestation. Aims: The current study was designed to test the feasibility of using available online resources to establish the threats facing these orchids and their conservation status for later inclusion in the IUCN online database. Methods: Online resources were searched for primary data on the distribution of species of Restrepia. The Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool (GeoCAT) was used to produce semiautomated IUCN Red List assessments. Locations of populations were examined in Google Earth to establish habitat loss. A comparison of the data produced a Red List assessment for each species. Results: The observed losses of Restrepia habitat were: Venezuela 45% of recorded locations for 15 species, Colombia 28% for 30 species, Ecuador 36% for 18 species, Peru 41% for eight species, Costa Rica 81% and Panama 32% for three species. This habitat loss coincided with the route of the Pan-American Highway in these countries. Conclusions: It was possible to establish the Red List Status of Restrepia species even with minimal data. The degree of threat facing these and other epiphytic orchid genera in these habitats was shown to be considerable
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