26,365 research outputs found

    Laser microprobe facility used in the elemental analysis of small feature of a sample

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    Laser microprobe facility is effective in the elemental analysis of small areas of heterogeneous samples. The instrument uses the focused beam of a pulsed laser to evaporate a small volume of material from a relatively massive sample

    Coercive force of thin magnetic films

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    Phenomenological model aids in understanding the mechanisms responsible for the easy-axis coercive force in thin magnetic films of NiFe, MnBi, and gadolinium iron garnet

    Symbolic algorithms for the Painlevé test, special solutions, and recursion operators for nonlinear PDEs

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    This paper discusses the algorithms and implementations of three MATHEMATICA packages for the study of integrability and the computation of closed-form solutions of nonlinear polynomial PDEs. The first package, PainleveTest.m, symbolically performs the Painlevé integrability test. The second package, PDESpecialSolutions.m, computes exact solutions expressible in hyperbolic or elliptic functions. The third package, PDERecursionOperator.m, generates and tests recursion operators

    Transferring saturation, the finite cover property, and stability

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    Saturation is (mu,kappa)-transferable in T if and only if there is an expansion T_1 of T with |T_1| = |T| such that if M is a mu-saturated model of T_1 and |M| \geq kappa then the reduct M|L(T) is kappa-saturated. We characterize theories which are superstable without the finite cover property (f.c.p.), or without f.c.p. as, respectively those where saturation is (aleph_0,lambda)-transferable or (kappa(T),lambda)-transferable for all lambda. Further if for some mu \geq |T|, 2^mu > mu^+, stability is equivalent to: or all mu \geq |T|, saturation is (\mu,2^mu)-transferable.Comment: This version replaces the 1995 submission: Characterization of the finite cover property and stability. This version submitted by John T. Baldwin. The paper has been accepted for the Journal of Symbolic Logi

    Development of large, horizontal-axis wind turbines

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    A program to develop large, horizontal-axis wind turbines is discussed. The program is directed toward developing the technology for safe, reliable, environmentally acceptable large wind turbines that can generate a significant amount of electricity at costs competitive with those of conventional electricity-generating systems. In addition, these large wind turbines must be fully compatible with electric utility operations and interface requirements. Several ongoing projects in large-wind-turbine development are directed toward meeting the technology requirements for utility applications. The machines based on first-generation technology (Mod-OA and Mod-1) successfully completed their planned periods of experimental operation in June, 1982. The second-generation machines (Mod-2) are in operation at selected utility sites. A third-generation machine (Mod-5) is under contract. Erection and initial operation of the Mod-5 in Hawaii should take place in 1986. Each successive generation of technology increased reliability and energy capture while reducing the cost of electricity. These advances are being made by gaining a better understanding of the system-design drivers, improving the analytical design tools, verifying design methods with operating field data, and incorporating new technology and innovative designs. Information is given on the results from the first- and second-generation machines (Mod-OA, - 1, and -2), the status of the Department of Interior, and the status of the third-generation wind turbine (Mod-5)

    Diffraction-limited CCD imaging with faint reference stars

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    By selecting short exposure images taken using a CCD with negligible readout noise we obtained essentially diffraction-limited 810 nm images of faint objects using nearby reference stars brighter than I=16 at a 2.56 m telescope. The FWHM of the isoplanatic patch for the technique is found to be 50 arcseconds, providing ~20% sky coverage around suitable reference stars.Comment: 4 page letter accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Recent U.S. Trade Policy and its Global Implications

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe United States trade policy since World War II, and to assess the possibility for ongoing U.S.trade-policy leadership. U.S. trade policy has shown remarkable consistency since World War II. It has never been as purely free-trade-focussed as some commentators suggest, but it has not recently shifted toward isolationism as dramatically as alarmists fear. It has almost always been best described as "open, but fair," with injury to import competitors being the measure of "fairness." The general consistency of U.S. trade policy over time is quite remarkable given the frequent change of political party in power, especially in the executive branch, but also in the Congress. U.S. trade-policy leadership seems still potentially strong despite a decline in U.S. hegemony. It is clearly strong in a protectionist direction.Any shift toward aggressive insularity justifies parallel trade-policy aggression in the eyes of trading partners. It is arguably strong ina liberalizing direction as well. The U.S. seems ideally poised for aggressive trade-policy peacemaking; perhaps multilaterally, but perhaps also bilaterally; perhaps with its traditional industrial trading partners, but perhaps also with Japan and newly industrializing Asian countries that play so importanta role in U.S. trade, and that, on many matters,may be closer in spirit to U.S. economic philosophy than Europe, Canada, or Latin America.
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