9 research outputs found

    Discovery of Versilian deposits suitable for beach nourishment on the continental shelf of Western Liguria.

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    In this paper we present the results of a study conducted in collaboration with the Ligurian Region, in the framework of the E.U. Beachmed-e Interreg IIIc Project, to distinguish relic coastal deposits on the continental shelf, suitable for beach nourishment. These deposits are related to transgressive-regressive sedimentary cycles, and they are due to Quaternary glacio-eustatic sea level variations. In fact, during the sea level low stand associated with the last glacial maximum (c.18\u201320,000 yBP) the sea level was 110\u2013120 m lower than its present level and the continental shelf was exposed. During the Versilian Transgression the coastline migrated from the shelf break to its present position. This migration was not continuous and conspicuous sediment bodies, associated with deltaic or littoral systems, were deposited during static periods. The results of a marine geology campaign with seismostratigraphic and sedimentological analyses enabled us to distinguish gravelly and sandy littoral deposits at depths of 20\u201340 m near the coast and 60\u201380 m on the outer shelf, in areas with only a thin Holocene mud cover (high stand deposits)

    Atlante dei lineamenti di pericolosit\ue0 geologica dei mari italiani

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    Questo volume rappresenta il primo Atlante dei lineamenti di pericolosit\ue0 geologica dei mari italiani, prodotto dalla comunit\ue0 scientifica italiana dei Geologi Marini ed ha come obiettivo la divulgazione di diversi importanti risultati scientifici: la mappatura dei lineamenti di pericolosit\ue0 geologica individuati sui fondali circostanti le coste italiane (produzione di 72 Fogli e 15 Tavole); la creazione di un database (Infor.mare) contenente tutte le informazioni esistenti sulla geologia dei mari italiani; la mappatura e la gerarchizzazione dei punti di criticit\ue0 ricadenti nei 72 Fogli. Inoltre, la stampa e pubblicazione dell\u2019opera permetter\ue0 di mettere in risalto l\u2019importanza della realizzazione di tali carte tematiche che costituiscono uno strumento conoscitivo di cui il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC) potr\ue0 disporre per la gestione dei rischi territoriali, ma anche come base di attivit\ue0 di ricerca in aree marine geologicamente complesse e in gran parte ancora poco conosciute

    Geohazard features of the Ligurian Sea

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    We present the characterization of geohazard-related features of the Ligurian Sea with the map of its physiographic domains (1:250,000 scale) and five maps (1:100,000 scale) of the morphological and morpho-bathymetric elements. These were realized in the framework of the MaGIC (Marine Geohazard along Italian Coasts) project, promoted by the Italian Civil Protection Department. The characterization of submarine geohazards along continental margins, together with mapping of marine geological features are critical for the management of coastal risks. Multibeam bathymetric data combined with high-resolution 2D reflection seismic data, allowed to identify and map the main tectono-sedimentary features related to mass movements along the Ligurian continental margin. A dense grid of seismic profiles allowed to improve the comprehension of the margin structure as well as its recent tectonic activity providing new insights concerning mass wasting processes and active tectonics relationships to plan further, focalized investigations in areas of maximum risk