12,597 research outputs found

    Questioni valutative in relazione alla definizione di "povert\ue0"

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    Questo contributo cerca di chiarire quali giudizi di valore siano alla base dei principali criteri di valutazione quantitativa della povert\ue0, e quali conseguenze pratiche abbia la scelta di un indicatore piuttosto di un altro quando si desideri valutare come la povert\ue0 stia mutando nel tempo o tra paesi, o quali siano gli effetti sulla povert\ue0 di una certa scelta di policy. Seguendo la tradizione di vari studi su questo tema, dividiamo l\u2019esposizione in tre parti, tenendo conto che per quantificare la povert\ue0 dobbiamo scegliere 1) lo spazio di valutazione, 2) la soglia che separa i poveri dagli altri e infine 3) l\u2019indice numerico che misura il fenomeno

    inequality in Italy

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    Inflation is usually assumed to affect all households with the same intensity. Since relative prices are subject to continuous changes, each household, depending on its specific pattern of consumption, is however characterised by a specific inflation rate. With the help of a rich set of microdata, this paper studies the distribution of inflation rates across Italian households during the period 1986-2004. The main findings are that rich households faced on average a slightly higher inflation rate than poor households, and that some demographic characteristics have been systematically associated with higher price increases. Also in 2002, the year of the changeover, inflation has been slightly higher for the rich. Using individual prices indexes, it is finally possible to show that, in the last few years, real living standards for many families have worsened

    Pressure induced magnetic phase separation in La0.75_{0.75}Ca0.25_{0.25}MnO3_{3} manganite

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    The pressure dependence of the Curie temperature TC(P)_{C}(P) in La0.75_{0.75}Ca0.25_{0.25}MnO3_{3} was determined by neutron diffraction up to 8 GPa, and compared with the metallization temperature TIM(P)_{IM}(P) \cite{irprl}. The behavior of the two temperatures appears similar over the whole pressure range suggesting a key role of magnetic double exchange also in the pressure regime where the superexchange interaction is dominant. Coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic peaks at high pressure and low temperature indicates a phase separated regime which is well reproduced with a dynamical mean-field calculation for a simplified model. A new P-T phase diagram has been proposed on the basis of the whole set of experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Karyological Observations on Two Crocus Species (Iridaceae) from Tuscany (Italy)

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    SUMMARYKaryotypical analysis of Crocus vernus (L.) Hill subsp. vernus (2n = 16 + 2B) and of Crocus etruscus Pari. (2n = 8) is reported. B-chromosomes in Crocus vernus (L.) Hill subsp. vemus are found for the first time. The karyological comparative analysis points out a true micromorphic differentiation between the two species considered

    Surnames in local newspapers and social mobility

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    This paper exploits an innovative data source, the surnames contained in local newspapers during almost a century in the Italian Province of Modena (NUTS-3 level), to study the phenomenon of social mobility over time. Based on the hypothesis that the surnames that appear in the newspapers have a particular social relevance, the study of changes in the frequency distribution of the set of surnames over time allows to identify periods of greater or lower social mobility. The results show that the periods of greatest change have been the years of transition between democracy and the fascist regime and vice versa, and the 1980s. A strong regression towards the mean in the relative importance of surnames is also observed
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