4,026 research outputs found

    Simulation and optimization of occupant behavior in energy consumption

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    One of the biggest part of building energy consumption is influenced by human element. Each occupant interacts with systems of his house, work place, etc. in his own way. This paper introduced the potential of following working with optimization of human element and showed possible solutions of reduction negative impact of occupant behavior on energy usage taking into account mental, economical and technologic aspects.Одной из основных статей в энергопотреблении зданий является человеческий фактор. Каждый потребитель электроэнергии по-своему взаимодействует с системами дома и рабочего места. В данном докладе описан потенциал дальнейших работ по оптимизации человеческого фактора, показаны возможные модели по снижению негативного воздействия жильца на энергозатраты, с учётом ментальных особенностей, экономического, психологического и технологического аспектов

    Enabling comparison of UrQMD with Geant4 hadronic models

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    Geant4 has an abundant set of physics models that handle the diverse interaction of particles with matter across a wide energy range. However, there are also many well established reaction codes currently used in the same fields where Geant4 is applied. One such code is the Ultra-relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics (UrQMD) model. In order to take advantage of the UrQMD code, we create a tool to enable comparisons among UrQMD and Geant4 hadronic models. This tool allows a user to process the output file of UrQMD through Geant4 toolkit, while at the same time, can choose among different Geant4 hadronic model generators. As an example, the UrQMD model is compared with the HARP-CDP experimental data and with the Binary and FRITIOF generators, in the framework of Geant4. It is shown that the UrQMD model can better reproduce charged pion production for p+Cu and Pb interactions at 3, 8 and 15 GeV/c, and is a good candidate for Geant4 hadronic models.Comment: 17 pages, 5 Figure

    On the evaporation dynamics of trinitrotoluene microparticles on the glass surface

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    The results of measuring the time dependence of the concentration of trinitrotoluene (TNT) vapor over its solid microconcentrations on the glass surface with a low TNT concentration on the surface of 100 ng/cm2 are presented. Such microconcentrations of traces are typical for the conditions of anti-terrorist control of objects for the presence of TNT. The measurements were made using a portable multicapillary gas chromatograph (GC) EKHO-V-IDTS (Russia) with TNT vapor concentration. The threshold for determining the concentration of TNT vapor by the EKHO-V-IDTS gas chromatograph corresponds to the modern level and is equal to 10-14 g/cm3. Vapor sampling is performed by a vortex sampling device (VSD), which is used in the anti-terrorist control of objects. It is shown that the initial surface concentration of TNT traces of 100 ng/cm2 on the glass surface decreases to 12 ng/cm2 in a time of 2.6 h due to evaporation into an open half-space under laboratory conditions. The vapor concentration over the residual TNT concentration of 12 ng/cm2 corresponds to the GC sensitivity threshold for TNT vapor concentration equal to 10-14 g/cm3


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    At present, there is an increased interest in geochemical methods of searching for hydrocarbon deposits by detecting on the Earth's surface the scattering halos of hydrocarbons that migrated from those deposits, namely the aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, xylenes. The concentrations of the migrated hydrocarbons on the surface of the Earth are usually low and could only be detected at the threshold level of the gas analyzers. Therefore, for their registration, the preconcentration is applied, in particular, the passive preconcentration. For this purpose, the concentrators are used, which are laid at shallow depths in the explored area. The survey technology that is being developed by the authors uses the reusable concentrators in the form of hollow stainless-steel tubes with SE-30 siloxane-based sorbent applied on their inner surface. The concentrators placed in the analytical containers are laid in the ground for 1-2 days. The analysis of the samples from the concentrators is carried out on a portable multicapillary gas chromatograph in the field conditions. The current article is devoted to the development of a special device for the sample injection from the passive concentrators and the experimental determination of the optimal mode of thermal desorption sample injection from the concentrators into the multicapillary column. The original injection scheme is given, where the gas-dynamic isolation of the injection device camera and the multicapillary column during the concentrator heating and sample analysis is implemented; the optimum concentrator heating time and the optimum sample injection time are determined.Keywords: passive concentrators, thermal desorption sample injection, gas-dynamic isolation of the injection device and columnDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.3.003(Russian)V.M. Gruznov1,2,3, M.N. Baldin1, A.O. Malysheva1,3 1Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Koptug Avenue, 3, Novosibirsk, 630090,Russian Federation2Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova St., 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation3Novosibirsk State Technical University, Prospekt K. Marx Avenue, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian FederationВ настоящее время возрос интерес к геохимическим методам поиска залежей углеводородов по выявлению на поверхности Земли ореолов углеводородов, мигрирующих из залежей, в частности ароматических углеводородов: бензола, толуола, ксилолов. Концентрации мигрирующих углеводородов на поверхности Земли, как правило низкие, и находятся на уровне пороговых значений для газоаналитических приборов. Поэтому для их регистрации применяют концентрирование, в частности пассивное. Для этого используют концентраторы, закладываемые на небольшие глубины на разведываемой площади. В технологии съёмки, разрабатываемой авторами, используются многоразовые концентраторы в виде полых трубок из нержавеющей стали с сорбентом на основе силоксана SE-30, нанесенного на внутреннюю поверхность. Концентраторы в аналитических контейнерах закладываются в грунт на 1-2 суток. Анализ проб с концентраторов осуществляется на портативном поликапиллярном газовом хроматографе в полевых условиях. Статья посвящена специальному устройству ввода пробы с пассивных концентраторов и экспериментальному определению оптимального режима термодесорбционного ввода пробы с концентраторов в поликапиллярную колонку. Приведена оригинальная схема ввода, в которой реализована газодинамическая изоляция камеры устройства ввода и поликапиллярной колонки во время нагрева концентратора и анализа пробы, определено оптимальное время нагревания концентраторов и время ввода пробы.Ключевые слова: пассивные концентраторы, ввод методом термической десорбции, газодинамическая изоляция устройства ввода и колонкиDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.3.00

    Subthreshold and near-threshold kaon and antikaon production in proton-nucleus reactions

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    The differential production cross sections of K^+ and K^- mesons have been measured at the ITEP proton synchrotron in p+Be, p+Cu collisions under lab angle of 10.5^0, respectively, at 1.7 and 2.25, 2.4 GeV beam energies. A detailed comparison of these data with the results of calculations within an appropriate folding model for incoherent primary proton-nucleon, secondary pion-nucleon kaon and antikaon production processes and processes associated with the creation of antikaons via the decay of intermediate phi mesons is given. We show that the strangeness exchange process YN->NNK^- gives a small contribution to the antikaon yield in the kinematics of the performed experiment. We argue that in the case when antikaon production processes are dominated by the channels with KK^- in the final state, the cross sections of the corresponding reactions are weakly influenced by the in-medium kaon and antikaon mean fields.Comment: 24 pages. accepted for publication at J.Phys.

    Qualitative exploration of the renal stone patients' experience and development of the renal stone-specific patient-reported outcome measure

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the experience of patients living with renal calculi via a qualitative methodology, aiming to develop and validate a disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for renal stones, the Cambridge Renal Stone PROM (CReSP). PATIENTS, SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Patients with radiologically confirmed renal calculi who had undergone a range of management options were invited to focus groups or semi-structured interviews to elicit patient input and generate the PROM content. The developed renal stone PROM underwent validity studies included Cronbach's α for internal consistency, Spearman's and Pearson's correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability. Discriminant validity was assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficients vs the EuroQol five-dimensional five-level questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L). Our project has Health and Social Care Research Ethics Committee approval. RESULTS: A total of 106 subjects participated in creating the newly developed PROM. In all, 36 patients were invited to 22 semi-structured interviews and four focus groups, until reaching saturation. Major issues reported, and themes selected for the renal stone PROM included pain, anxiety, limitations to social life and tiredness, urinary symptoms, dietary changes' impacts, and gastrointestinal tract symptoms. Reliability analysis for 30 patients to determine internal consistency using Cronbach's α with a mean (range) of 0.91 (0.90-0.93) within domains and Cronbach's α between domains was 0.92. Average inter-item Pearson's and Spearman's correlation within domains was performed, with a Pearson's correlation mean (range) of 0.77 (0.73-0.85) and Spearman's correlation mean (range) of 0.72 (0.63-0.77). The test-retest Pearson's correlation mean (range) was 0.85 (0.57-0.95). Validity assessment was performed for 20 patients vs 20 controls. Pearson's correlation with EQ-5D-5L was -0.74, showing the newly developed PROM successfully discriminated patients with kidney stones. Our final renal stone PROM consists of 14 questions that are rated on a Likert scale; the higher the score, the worse the effect on a patient's quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Although pain was the most frequent symptom, other health-related and social well-being issues significantly impacted patients' lives. Our validated patient-derived CReSP is a new instrument, specifically tailored to measure renal stone disease health outcomes from the patient's point of view


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    One of the current urgent task in medicine, and preventive medicine in particular, is the development of noninvasive (without surgery) methods of diagnosis and determination of the risks of various diseases. Much attention is paid to the possibilities of exhaled breath analysis for the diagnosis of various diseases such as cancer, gastroenterology, diabetes and others. Possibilities of such analyses are determined by a wide range of human exhaled volatile organic compounds. The growing interest in the development of noninvasive methods of diagnosis of diseases by the analysis of exhaled breath initiated the creation of easy-to-use and portable gas analyzers for the mass examination of patients in non-laboratory conditions. The main requirements for such gas analyzers are combinations of portability, speed, sensitivity and stability control. Current article presents a gas chromatographic method of rapid analysis of exhaled breath with an automated calibration of the vapor-phase concentration source that meets all of the above requirements. A portable polycapillary gas chromatography is used, which provides low thresholds for the determination of substances at the time of analysis of a few tens of seconds. The method of obtaining the vapor-phase calibration concentration of acetone vapors at the level of 10-10 g/cm3 is discussed. The calibration unit is integrated into the gas chromatograph (GC), and its software control ensures the automation of GC calibration. The original scheme of the sampling system (SS) provides multiple input samples from a single exhalation of a person and a completely similar input calibration air mixture in GC to reduce the calibration errors. The structure of the software is implemented in convenient terms for the chemist-analyst practice. Original SS, polycapillary gas chromatography, and built-in automated calibration provide real-time analysis of exhaled air in the presence of the patient. The possibility of differentiation of patients by metabolic disorders (metabolism) in the human body by express analysis of exhaled air using the proposed gas chromatographic method of express analysis of exhaled air with automated calibration is illustrated.Key words: automated sample device, express analysis of exhaled air, polycapillary gas chromatography, automated graduation, a head-space source of concentration(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.007A.O. Malysheva1, 3, M.N. Baldin1, V.M. Gruznov1, 2, 3, L.V. Blinova11Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Koptyug Avenue, 3, Novosibirsk, 630090,Russian Federation 2Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova St., 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation 3Novosibirsk State Technical University, K. Marx Avenue, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian FederationВ настоящее время актуальной задачей медицины, в частности профилактической, является разработка неинвазивных (бескровных) методик диагностики и определения риска различных заболеваний. Уделяется большое внимание возможностям анализа выдыхаемого воздуха для диагностики различных заболеваний – раковых, гастроэнтерологических, сахарного диабета и других. Возможности такого анализа определены широким набором выдыхаемых человеком летучих органических соединений. Возрастающий интерес к разработке неинвазивных методик диагностики заболеваний по анализу выдыхаемого человеком воздуха инициирует создание простых в обращении и портативных газовых анализаторов для массового обследования пациентов во внелабораторных условиях. Основные требования к газоанализаторам ‒ это сочетание портативности, быстродействия, чувствительности и контроля стабильности отклика. В статье изложен удовлетворяющий этим требованиям газохроматографический метод экспрессного анализа выдыхаемого воздуха с автоматизированной градуировкой парофазным источником концентрации. Использована портативная поликапиллярная газовая хроматография, обеспечивающая низкие пороги определения веществ при времени анализа в несколько десятков секунд. Обсуждается методика получения парофазной градуировочной концентрации паров ацетона на уровне 10–10 г/см3. Блок градуировки встроен в газовый хроматограф (ГХ), его программное управление обеспечивает автоматизацию градуировки ГХ. Оригинальная схема пробоотборного устройства (ПУ) обеспечивает многократный ввод пробы из разового выдоха человека и полностью аналогичный ввод градуировочной воздушной смеси в ГХ для уменьшения погрешностей градуировки. Структура программного обеспечения (ПО) реализована в терминах, удобных для практики химика-аналитика. Оригинальное ПУ, поликапиллярная газовая хроматография, встроенная автоматизированная градуировка обеспечивают анализ выдыхаемого воздуха в режиме реального времени в присутствии пациента. Проиллюстрирована возможность дифференцирования пациентов по нарушению метаболизма (обмену веществ) в организме человека по экспрессному анализу выдыхаемого воздуха предложенным газохроматографическим методом экспрессного анализа выдыхаемого воздуха с автоматизированной градуировкой.Ключевые слова: отбор выдыхаемого воздуха, экспрессный анализ выдыхаемого воздуха, поликапиллярная газовая хроматография, автоматизированная градуировка, парофазный источник концентрацииDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.00

    Collective behaviour of partons could be a source of energetic hadrons

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    We discuss the idea that collective behaviour of the quarks/partons, which has been intensely discussed for the last 40 years in relativistic hadron-nuclear and nuclear-nuclear interactions and confirmed by new data coming from the ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, can lead to energetic particle production. Created from hadronization of the quark/parton (or quarks/partons), energetic particles could get the energy of grouped partons from coherent interactions. Therefore, we think that in the centre of some massive stars, a medium with high density, close to Quantum Chromodynamic one could be a source of the super high-energy cosmic rays.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure