18 research outputs found

    Consensus statement for perioperative care in total hip replacement and total knee replacement surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations.

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    Background and purpose - There is a large volume of heterogeneous studies across all Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) components within total hip and total knee replacement surgery. This multidisciplinary consensus review summarizes the literature, and proposes recommendations for the perioperative care of patients undergoing total hip replacement and total knee replacement with an ERAS program.Methods - Studies were selected with particular attention being paid to meta-analyses, randomized controlled trials, and large prospective cohort studies that evaluated the efficacy of individual items of the perioperative treatment pathway to expedite the achievement of discharge criteria. A consensus recommendation was reached by the group after critical appraisal of the literature.Results - This consensus statement includes 17 topic areas. Best practice includes optimizing preoperative patient education, anesthetic technique, and transfusion strategy, in combination with an opioid-sparing multimodal analgesic approach and early mobilization. There is insufficient evidence to recommend that one surgical technique (type of approach, use of a minimally invasive technique, prosthesis choice, or use of computer-assisted surgery) over another will independently effect achievement of discharge criteria.Interpretation - Based on the evidence available for each element of perioperative care pathways, the ERAS® Society presents a comprehensive consensus review, for the perioperative care of patients undergoing total hip replacement and total knee replacement surgery within an ERAS® program. This unified protocol should now be further evaluated in order to refine the protocol and verify the strength of these recommendations

    Tumori Odontogeni misti: indagine sul significato delle correlazioni tra fibroma ameloblastico, fibro-odontoma ameloblastico e odontomi.

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the interrelationship between the mixed odontogenic tumors. A population of 292 cases--9 cases from our own files, 283 cases taken from the literature--was considered. Data concerning age, sex distribution and site of occurrence of the different lesions were statistically analyzed. The results showed a significant prevalence of odontomas in the anterior region and a highly significant correlation for age and site distribution in relation to the various lesions. It is supposed that ameloblastic fibroma, ameloblastic fibro-odontoma and odontoma represent different maturational stages of the same lesion whose histogenesis is linked to the odontogenic process

    Ultrasound-guided injection of intralesional steroids in acute hidradenitis suppurativa lesions: A prospective study

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    The management of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) flares with intralesional steroids lacks strong scientific evidence but limited data suggest that it may be useful. The objective of this study is to assess the clinical and ultrasound responses of HS flares to ultrasound-guided injections of intralesional triamcinolone (40 mg/ml) with a dilution 1:4 versus 1:2 at 30-day (t1), 60-day (t2), and 90-day (t3) follow-up. We recruited patients with ≤3 acute lesions, unresponsive to topical therapy. At baseline we assessed lesions clinically and by ultra-high frequency ultrasound (48 or 70 MHz) and randomly performed an ultrasound-guided injection of triamcinolone. Assessments were repeated at t1, t2, and t3 follow-up, re-injecting the lesion in the case of no or partial response. We treated 49 lesions: 38.8% showed improvements at t1; 46.9% at t2; 6% at t3; and 8.3% showed no clinical and ultrasound improvements. Long-term follow-up data confirmed a statistically significant reduction in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)-pain, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), and HS-Physician Global Assessment (HS-PGA), as well as edema and vascular signals. No adverse effects were reported. Our study suggests that ultrasound-injections with a 1:2 dilution are beneficial for HS flares that do not respond to topical treatment and should be included in the therapeutic algorithm