58 research outputs found

    Tracking sand-fairways through a deformed turbidite system : the Numidian (Miocene) of Central Sicily, Italy

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    The research presented here is funded by BG Group in partnership with CNPq-Brazil (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). Rosanna Maniscalco acknowledges a FIR 2014 grant awarded from the University of Catania. We thank Christian Haug Eide, David Hodgson and Enrico Tavarnelli for constructive and thorough reviews on an earlier draft that have greatly improved this contribution.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A kinetic study of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)-mediated S-nitrosoglutathione catabolism.

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    S-Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) is a nitric oxide (NO) donor compound which has been postulated to be involved in transport of NO in vivo. It is known that c-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is one of the enzymes involved in the enzyme-mediated decomposition of GSNO, but no kinetics studies of the reaction GSNO-GGT are reported in literature. In this study we directly investigated the kinetics of GGT with respect to GSNO as a substrate and glycyl- glycine (GG) as acceptor co-substrate by spectrophotometry at 334 nm. GGT hydrolyses the c-glutamyl moiety of GSNO to give S-nitroso-cysteinylglycine (CGNO) and c-glutamyl-GG. However, as both the substrate GSNO and the first product CGNO absorb at 334 nm, we optimized an ancillary reaction coupled to the enzymatic reaction, based on the copper-mediated decomposition of CGNO yielding oxidized cysteinyl-glycine and NO. The ancillary reaction allowed us to study directly the GSNO/GGT kinetics by following the decrease of the characteristic absorbance of nitrosothiols at 334 nm. A Km of GGT for GSNO of 0.398 ± 31 mM was thus found, comparable with Km values reported for other c-glutamyl substrates of GGT

    The Numidian of Sicily revisited : a thrust-influenced confined turbidite system

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    The research presented here is funded by BG Group in partnership with CNPq-Brazil (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). Rosanna Maniscalco acknowledges a FIR 2014 grant awarded by the University of Catania, Sicily. Patricia Pinter thanks Prof. Karin Goldberg for helpful discussions in the field and Thisiane dos Santos, Francesca Porro and Dario La Camiola for extensive field assistance. Finally we thank Simon Lomas and the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that helped us to improve this paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Interdisciplina: una oportunidad para entender los sistemas ambientales.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer una breve discusión sobre el tema de la interdisciplinariedad. La información fueron obtenida durante el formación “Análisis de los Cambios En El uso y la Tierra de agua y la Seguridad en la Cuenca de alimentaria del Plata”, patrocinado por el Instituto de Capacitación del IAI en abril de 2011, en Asunción, Paraguay. En el programa se debatieron en el uso de conceptos de cambios de la tierra y, y los impulsores naturales humana de los cambios; la cobertura de la tierra, el de la cubierta (la geomorfología y el clima; perturbaciones inducidas y naturales por el hombre, la demanda de alimentos, fibra, y energía: expansión deforestación y de los ecosistemas agrícolas, la demanda de agua (riego, consumo). La interdisciplinariedad surge como una oportunidad de análisis, teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de temas a considerar en los estudios de los cambios en el uso de la tierra.bitstream/item/61880/1/Doc-136-Interdisciplina-Final.pd

    Fracionamento de cobre em proteínas do plasma, músculo e fígado de tilápia do Nilo

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    Copper fractionation in plasma, muscle and liver of Nile tilapia was performed after protein separation by 2D-PAGE. SR XRF analysis indicated the presence of copper in three protein spots of plasma, and in two protein spots of muscle and liver, respectively. Copper ions were found to be distributed mostly in proteins that had a molar mass of less than 54 kDa and greater than 13 kDa and a pI in the 5.3-9.3 range. The copper concentration bound to these proteins was determined by GFAAS which showed concentrations in the 1.20-4.82 mg g-1 range

    Equipamentos, instalações e protocolos de mensuração de consumo de matéria seca em bovinos

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    Data of dry matter intake (DMI) individually measured in animals are critical to the feed efficiency (FE) indexes. This information guide the decisions made in breeding programs. Here, the objective was describes the technologies and protocols available to measure the DMI in cattle and the use of these information on genetic evaluations. The electronic identification by radio frequency when coupled with weighing bunks (plus storage of data) can be used for monitoring the DMI throughout the day. When performed at individual pens, the cattle feedlot may change the behavior, performance and, consequently, the FE. Thus, the relevance of data at these housing types can be questioned. Calan-gate is an alternative system for collective pens, however, dominant animals can get access to food of subordinates. In the GrowSafe System it is possible obtained data of DMI plus the time (duration) and frequency (bunk attendance). Studies indicate that changes in DMI are due to interactions and behavior of animals in collective pens. In the context of genetic evaluation, although individual pens (IP) are useful for measuring DMI, this condition is not representative. Data from IP can negatively impact on estimates of heritability for DMI and FE. Several studies have shown that there is moderate to strong genetic correlation between the DMI data and FE indexes, showing considerable variation exists among animals. Thus, genetic selection using these features greatly increase profitability in the beef cattle production system. Additionally, the accuracy and precision in the measurement of DMI are critical in this process.Dados de consumo de matéria seca (CMS) são fundamentais para o cálculo dos índices de eficiência alimentar, os quais norteiam as tomadas de decisões nos programas de seleção genética. Objetivou-se abordar as tecnologias disponíveis para medir o CMS em bovinos, os protocolos de mensuração de consumo, bem como a utilização destes nas avaliações genéticas. Entre as tecnologias, a identificação eletrônica por rádio frequência, acoplada a cochos com pesagem e armazenamento dos dados pode ser usada para o monitoramento do CMS ao longo do dia. Quando feito em baias individuais, o confinamento pode alterar o comportamento, desempenho e eficiência alimentar, e, consequentemente, a relevância dos dados nessas instalações pode ser questionada. O Calan-gate é um equipamento alternativo para baias coletivas, contudo animais dominantes podem conseguir acesso ao alimento dos subordinados. Já o GrowSafe, além de registrar o CMS de cada animal, efetua a medição do tempo (duração) e frequência (quantas vezes o animal frequenta o cocho). Visando qualidade dos dados de CMS e eficiência alimentar, os testes de desempenho devem ter duração mínima de 70 dias, contudo esse tempo pode variar de acordo com as diferenças biológicas entre os animais e variabilidade associada ao erro de medição. Vários trabalhos demonstram que existe de moderada a forte correlação genética entre os dados de CMS e os índices de eficiência alimentar, mostrando que considerável variação para esta característica existe entre os animais. Com isso, a seleção genética utilizando essas características aumentaria consideravelmente a rentabilidade no sistema de produção de bovinos de corte, sendo que a acurácia e precisão na mensuração do CMS são fundamentais nesse processo

    Elementos conceptuales y metodológicos para la evaluación de impactos ambientales acumulativos (eiaac) en bosques subtropicales : el caso del este de salta, argentina

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    163-178Northern Argentina experienced an unprecedented deforestation rate of xerophitic forests as a consequence of agricultural expansion. In the Province of Salta, 26 percent of the forest were removed between 1977 and 2008. At the end of 2007, just before the No. 26331 Law of Native Forest Protection was voted by the Congress, the highest annual rate of deforestation was registered, reaching a value of 2.1 percent. Regarding this situation, indigenous people of Eastern Salta along with the "criollos" (local small ranchers) appealed to the National Supreme Court of Justice for legal protection. The Court requested the province to elaborate a Cumulative Environmental Effects Assessment (CEEA) regarding the process of logging and deforestation in four departments of Salta Province (San Martín, Rivadavia, Santa Victoria, and Orán). The aim of this work is to present a conceptual framework to conduct a CEEA in eastern Salta and to present the evidences and existing methodologies to characterize the impacts of deforestation. The conceptual framework suggested depends on the quantitative characterization of the changes in the provision level of key ecosystem services as a function of the stress and/or disturbance level (in this case deforestation). Based on the literature and our own data, the effects of deforestation on four key ecosystem services have been assessed: C dynamics, energy balance and greenhouse gases emissions, water dynamics and landscape structure. Deforestation produced emissions of 2000 t of CH 4, 200 t of N 2O, above 20 Gg of C/year, a 1.1 watt/m2 reduction in reflected radiation and 4400 TJ radiative energy emissions caused by deforestation fires, increases in the risk of soil salinization and landscape fragmentation. Considering these aspects of the structure and functioning of the ecosystems provides objective elements to evaluate management alternatives and to elaborate monitoring programmes. To consider such management and monitoring alternatives arises technical challenges but also institutional and political ones

    Adherence issues related to sublingual immunotherapy as perceived by allergists

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    Objectives: Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is a viable alternative to subcutaneous immunotherapy to treat allergic rhinitis and asthma, and is widely used in clinical practice in many European countries. The clinical efficacy of SLIT has been established in a number of clinical trials and meta-analyses. However, because SLIT is self-administered by patients without medical supervision, the degree of patient adherence with treatment is still a concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception by allergists of issues related to SLIT adherence. Methods: We performed a questionnaire-based survey of 296 Italian allergists, based on the adherence issues known from previous studies. The perception of importance of each item was assessed by a VAS scale ranging from 0 to 10. Results: Patient perception of clinical efficacy was considered the most important factor (ranked 1 by 54% of allergists), followed by the possibility of reimbursement (ranked 1 by 34%), and by the absence of side effects (ranked 1 by 21%). Patient education, regular follow-up, and ease of use of SLIT were ranked first by less than 20% of allergists. Conclusion: These findings indicate that clinical efficacy, cost, and side effects are perceived as the major issues influencing patient adherence to SLIT, and that further improvement of adherence is likely to be achieved by improving the patient information provided by prescribers. © 2010 Scurati et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Apoptosis of thymocytes in developing sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.).

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    This study showed occurrence of an apoptotic process throughout the thymic development of a teleost fish. The thymus of larvae and juveniles of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) was processed for in situ end-labelling of fragmented DNA. Apoptotic cells were not found in the thymic anlage, and were first detected at day 35 post-hatching. Their number did not change significantly throughout early thymic development, while it increased at day 74 posthatching. Apoptotic thymocytes were more frequent in the cortex than in the medulla, and notably concentrated between the two regions. Apoptotic cells were less numerous in juvenile specimens, without changing the pattern of distribution. The apoptotic process has been confirmed by analysis for both high- and low-molecular weight DNA fragments and by cytomorphology