2,045 research outputs found

    Continuity of the radius of convergence of differential equations on pp-adic analytic curves

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    This paper deals with connections on pp-adic analytic curves, in the sense of Berkovich. The curves must be compact but the connections are allowed to have a finite number of meromorphic singularities on them. For any choice of a semistable formal model of the curve, we define an intrinsic notion of normalized radius of convergence as a function on the curve, with values in (0,1](0,1]. For a sufficiently refined choice of the semistable model, we prove continuity and logarithmic concavity of that function. We characterize \emph{Robba connections}, that is connections whose sheaf of solutions is constant on any open disk contained in the curve.Comment: 51 pages, 4 figure

    Algebraic Solutions of the Lam\'e Equation, Revisited

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    A minor error in the necessary conditions for the algebraic form of the Lam\'e equation to have a finite projective monodromy group, and hence for it to have only algebraic solutions, is pointed out. [See F. Baldassarri, "On algebraic solutions of Lam\'e's differential equation", J. Differential Equations 41 (1981), 44-58.] It is shown that if the group is the octahedral group S_4, then the degree parameter of the equation may differ by +1/6 or -1/6 from an integer; this possibility was missed. The omission affects a recent result on the monodromy of the Weierstrass form of the Lam\'e equation. [See R. C. Churchill, "Two-generator subgroups of SL(2,C) and the hypergeometric, Riemann, and Lam\'e equations", J. Symbolic Computation 28 (1999), 521-545.] The Weierstrass form, which is a differential equation on an elliptic curve, may have, after all, an octahedral projective monodromy group.Comment: 20 pages, elsart document class, no figure

    pp-adic formulas and unit root FF-subcrystals of the hypergeometric system

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    We define the notion of {\it Dwork family of logarithmic FF-crystals}, a typical example of which is the family of Gauss hypergeometricdifferential systems, viewed as parametrized by their exponents of algebraic monodromy. The pp-adic analytic dependence of the Frobenius operation upon those exponents, is Dwork's "Boyarsky Principle". We discuss, in favorable cases, the pp-adic analytic continuation of the unit root FF-subcrystal in the open tube of a singularity, uniformly w.r.t. the exponents. We obtain a conceptual proof of the Koblitz-Diamond formula pp-adically analog to Gauss' evaluation of F(a,b,c;1)F(a,b,c;1).Comment: 20 pages, Plain Te

    On Dwork cohomology and algebraic D-modules

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    After works by Katz, Monsky, and Adolphson-Sperber, a comparison theorem between relative de Rham cohomology and Dwork cohomology is established in a paper by Dimca-Maaref-Sabbah-Saito in the framework of algebraic D-modules. We propose here an alternative proof of this result. The use of Fourier transform techniques makes our approach more functorial.Comment: latex, 8 page

    Power laws statistics of cliff failures, scaling and percolation

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    The size of large cliff failures may be described in several ways, for instance considering the horizontal eroded area at the cliff top and the maximum local retreat of the coastline. Field studies suggest that, for large failures, the frequencies of these two quantities decrease as power laws of the respective magnitudes, defining two different decay exponents. Moreover, the horizontal area increases as a power law of the maximum local retreat, identifying a third exponent. Such observation suggests that the geometry of cliff failures are statistically similar for different magnitudes. Power laws are familiar in the physics of critical systems. The corresponding exponents satisfy precise relations and are proven to be universal features, common to very different systems. Following the approach typical of statistical physics, we propose a "scaling hypothesis" resulting in a relation between the three above exponents: there is a precise, mathematical relation between the distributions of magnitudes of erosion events and their geometry. Beyond its theoretical value, such relation could be useful for the validation of field catalogs analysis. Pushing the statistical physics approach further, we develop a numerical model of marine erosion that reproduces the observed failure statistics. Despite the minimality of the model, the exponents resulting from extensive numerical simulations fairly agree with those measured on the field. These results suggest that the mathematical theory of percolation, which lies behind our simple model, can possibly be used as a guide to decipher the physics of rocky coast erosion and could provide precise predictions to the statistics of cliff collapses.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. To appear in Earth Surface Processes and Lanforms (Rocky Coast special issue

    Violation of the Einstein relation in Granular Fluids: the role of correlations

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    We study the linear response in different models of driven granular gases. In some situations, even if the the velocity statistics can be strongly non-Gaussian, we do not observe appreciable violations of the Einstein formula for diffusion versus mobility. The situation changes when strong correlations between velocities and density are present: in this case, although a form of fluctuation-dissipation relation holds, the differential velocity response of a particle and its velocity self-correlation are no more proportional. This happens at high densities and strong inelasticities, but still in the fluid-like (and ergodic) regime.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Influence of correlations on the velocity statistics of scalar granular gases

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    The free evolution of inelastic particles in one dimension is studied by means of Molecular Dynamics (MD), of an inelastic pseudo-Maxwell model and of a lattice model, with emphasis on the role of spatial correlations. We present an exact solution of the 1d granular pseudo-Maxwell model for the scaling distribution of velocities and discuss how this model fails to describe correctly the homogeneous cooling stage of the 1d granular gas. Embedding the pseudo-Maxwell gas on a lattice (hence allowing for the onset of spatial correlations), we find a much better agreement with the MD simulations even in the inhomogeneous regime. This is seen by comparing the velocity distributions, the velocity profiles and the structure factors of the velocity field.Comment: Latex file: 6 pages, 5 figures (.eps). See also http://axtnt3.phys.uniroma1.it/Maxwel

    Continuity of the radius of convergence of p-adic differential equations on Berkovich analytic spaces

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    We consider a vector bundle with integrable connection (\cE,\na) on an analytic domain U in the generic fiber \cX_{\eta} of a smooth formal p-adic scheme \cX, in the sense of Berkovich. We define the \emph{diameter} \delta_{\cX}(\xi,U) of U at \xi\in U, the \emph{radius} \rho_{\cX}(\xi) of the point \xi\in\cX_{\eta}, the \emph{radius of convergence} of solutions of (\cE,\na) at \xi, R(\xi) = R_{\cX}(\xi, U,(\cE, \na)). We discuss (semi-) continuity of these functions with respect to the Berkovich topology. In particular, under we prove under certain assumptions that \delta_{\cX}(\xi,U), \rho_{\cX}(\xi) and R_{\xi}(U,\cE,\na) are upper semicontinuous functions of \xi; for Laurent domains in the affine space, \delta_{\cX}(-,U) is continuous. In the classical case of an affinoid domain U of the analytic affine line, R is a continuous function.Comment: 19 pages. We have simplified and improved the expositio
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