9 research outputs found

    „Człowiek, żołnierz, współpracownik MBP”. Sprawa Zenona Soboty „Świdy” – czyli o poplątanych życiorysach ludzi podziemia

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    „Ostatni kapitanowie”. Epilog Komendy Obszaru Lwowskiego „Nie” ewakuowanej na ziemie zachodnie Polski

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    "Eliminate the Lithuanians, release the Latvians: Vilnius region 1944

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    The study shows the executions of prisoners of war carried out by the Polish Home Army (AK) brigade of Lieutenant Gracjan Frog, alias "Szczerbiec" near Vilnius, in 1944. The motives, cases, and course of these dramatic events are presented. They took place during the occupation of Poland by the German army. The text was based on the accounts and memories of Polish veterans as well as reports from the Lithuanian and German police. Keywords: German occupation of Poland, Polish Home Army, Vilnius region, Lithuania, prisoners of war, executions

    Activity of Army Krajova Vilnius district partisan brigades

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    Article speaks about Army Krajova Vilnius district organisational structure, forms of armed fighting and various aspects of the daily life of Polish partisans. The chronological boundaries of the articlc are the beginning of 1944 (intensive development and surge of activity of Polish partisan squads) to July 1944 (Soviet return and re-occupation). The author of the article used original AK documents, reports and memoirs of former Polish partisans. The article also examines such aspects of AK activity as systems of squad liaisons with district commanders, functioning of various underground services (intelligence, counterintelligence, médical assistance), armament, uniforms, military training of Polish partisans, types of military actions, relations with the civilian population, and also Lithuanian-Polish relations during the years of Nazi occupation. The author does not shy away from examining thorny aspects of Lithuanian-Polish relations. The squirmishes between armed Lithuanian police divisions and Polish partisans caused tensions in Lithuanian-Polish relations; innocent blood of Lithuanians and Poles was spilled. In the authors opinion, such a merciless war between Poles and Lithuanians seemed inevitable to both parties, but in fact it was a waste of strength in the face of the approaching Soviet threat. Due to these events the Polish-Lithuanian dialogue continues to be difficult to this day. Historical research performed by historians of both countries went mutually ignored. Lack of good will, partiality, and nationalistic convictions impeded discussions. In the opinion of the author, both Poles and Lithuanians must diligently examine those events and evaluate them only afterwards. Polish and Lithuanian historians should undertake joint scientific research and harmonise their opinions

    Simulated Army Troops of Non-Frontline Diversion of the NKGB in Action. Casus Ławż Near Oszmiany

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    Artykuł prezentuje jedną z akcji specjalnych oddziałów pozorowanych sowieckich służb bezpieczeństwa operujących w latach 1944–1945 na Wileńszczyźnie i Nowogródczyźnie. Były to wielonarodowe formacje dowodzone przez Rosjan i podporządkowane pod pion dywersji pozafrontowej (Zarząd IV NKGB). Ta metoda działalności operacyjnej okazała się z punktu widzenia Moskwy bardzo skutecznym narzędziem zwalczania zbrojnego oporu Polaków i Litwinów stawiających opór sowieckiemu podbojowi ich ziem.The article presents one of the special actions of deception units of Soviet security services that operated in Vilnius and Nowogród areas in years 1944 – 1945. They were multinational formations led by Russians and subordinated to the division of the “behind-the-lines” diversion (IV Directorate of NKGB (People’s Commissariat for State Security)). This method of operational activity turned out to be a very effective tool to fight the resistance of Poles and Lithuanians who fought against the Soviet conquest of their territories

    Wydarzenia grudniowe 1970 roku poza Wybrzeżem

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