277 research outputs found

    Prediction of Metabolic Profiles from Transcriptomics Data in Human Cancer Cell Lines

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    The Metabolome and Transcriptome are mutually communicating within cancer cells, and this interplay is translated into the existence of quantifiable correlation structures between gene expression and metabolite abundance levels. Studying these correlations could provide a novel venue of understanding cancer and the discovery of novel biomarkers and pharmacological strategies, as well as laying the foundation for the prediction of metabolite quantities by leveraging information from the more widespread transcriptomics data. In the current paper, we investigate the correlation between gene expression and metabolite levels in the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia dataset, building a direct correlation network between the two molecular ensembles. We show that a metabolite/transcript correlation network can be used to predict metabolite levels in different samples and datasets, such as the NCI-60 cancer cell line dataset, both on a sample-by-sample basis and in differential contrasts. We also show that metabolite levels can be predicted in principle on any sample and dataset for which transcriptomics data are available, such as the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)

    The Transcriptome of SH-SY5Y at Single-Cell Resolution: A CITE-Seq Data Analysis Workflow

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    Cellular Indexing of Transcriptomes and Epitopes by Sequencing (CITE-seq) is a recently established multimodal single cell analysis technique combining the immunophenotyping capabilities of antibody labeling and cell sorting with the resolution of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). By simply adding a 12-bp nucleotide barcode to antibodies (cell hashing), CITE-seq can be used to sequence antibody-bound tags alongside the cellular mRNA, thus reducing costs of scRNA-seq by performing it at the same time on multiple barcoded samples in a single run. Here, we illustrate an ideal CITE-seq data analysis workflow by characterizing the transcriptome of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, a widely used model to study neuronal function and differentiation. We obtained transcriptomes from a total of 2879 single cells, measuring an average of 1600 genes/cell. Along with standard scRNA-seq data handling procedures, such as quality checks and cell filtering procedures, we performed exploratory analyses to identify most stable genes to be possibly used as reference housekeeping genes in qPCR experiments. We also illustrate how to use some popular R packages to investigate cell heterogeneity in scRNA-seq data, namely Seurat, Monocle, and slalom. Both the CITE-seq dataset and the code used to analyze it are freely shared and fully reusable for future research

    ∂-opioid receptor activation protects against Parkinson’s disease-related mitochondrial dysfunction by enhancing PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy

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    Our previous studies have shown that the 6-opioid receptor (DOR) is an important neuroprotector via the regulation of PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1), a mitochondria-related molecule, under hypoxic and MPP+ insults. Since mitochondrial dysfunctions are observed in both hypoxia and MPP+ insults, this study further investigated whether DOR is cytoprotective against these insults by targeting mitochondria. Through comparing DOR-induced responses to hypoxia versus MPP+-induced parkinsonian insult in PC12 cells, we found that both hypoxia and MPP+ caused a collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential and severe mitochondrial dysfunction. In sharp contrast to its inappreciable effect on mitochondria in hypoxic conditions, DOR activation with UFP-512, a specific agonist, significantly attenuated the MPP+-induced mitochondrial injury. Mechanistically, DOR activation effectively upregulated PINK1 expression and promoted Parkin’s mitochondrial translocation and modification, thus enhancing the PINK1-Parkin mediated mitophagy. Either PINK1 knockdown or DOR knockdown largely interfered with the DOR-mediated mitoprotection in MPP+ conditions. Moreover, there was a major difference between hypoxia versus MPP+ in terms of the regulation of mitophagy with hypoxia-induced mitophagy being independent from DOR-PINK1 signaling. Taken together, our novel data suggest that DOR activation is neuroprotective against parkinsonian injury by specifically promoting mitophagy in a PINK1-dependent pathway and thus attenuating mitochondrial damage

    Single-cell gene network analysis and transcriptional landscape of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cell lines

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    Neuroblastoma (NBL) is a pediatric cancer responsible for more than 15% of cancer deaths in children, with 800 new cases each year in the United States alone. Genomic amplification of the MYC oncogene family member MYCN characterizes a subset of high-risk pediatric neuroblastomas. Several cellular models have been implemented to study this disease over the years. Two of these, SK-N-BE-2-C (BE2C) and Kelly, are amongst the most used worldwide as models of MYCN-Amplified human NBL. Here, we provide a transcriptome-wide quantitative measurement of gene expression and transcriptional network activity in BE2C and Kelly cell lines at an unprecedented single-cell resolution. We obtained 1105 Kelly and 962 BE2C unsynchronized cells, with an average number of mapped reads/cell of roughly 38,000. The single-cell data recapitulate gene expression signatures previously generated from bulk RNA-Seq. We highlight low variance for commonly used housekeeping genes between different cells (ACTB, B2M and GAPDH), while showing higher than expected variance for metallothionein transcripts in Kelly cells. The high number of samples, despite the relatively low read coverage of single cells, allowed for robust pathway enrichment analysis and master regulator analysis (MRA), both of which highlight the more mesenchymal nature of BE2C cells as compared to Kelly cells, and the upregulation of TWIST1 and DNAJC1 transcriptional networks. We further defined master regulators at the single cell level and showed that MYCN is not constantly active or expressed within Kelly and BE2C cells, independently of cell cycle phase. The dataset, alongside a detailed and commented programming protocol to analyze it, is fully shared and reusable

    Complete Exact Solution of Diffusion-Limited Coalescence, A + A -> A

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    Some models of diffusion-limited reaction processes in one dimension lend themselves to exact analysis. The known approaches yield exact expressions for a limited number of quantities of interest, such as the particle concentration, or the distribution of distances between nearest particles. However, a full characterization of a particle system is only provided by the infinite hierarchy of multiple-point density correlation functions. We derive an exact description of the full hierarchy of correlation functions for the diffusion-limited irreversible coalescence process A + A -> A.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (postscript). Typeset with Revte