20 research outputs found

    Relationship between the night shift work and thyroid disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    AbstractObjectives. The night shift workers were reported to have health consequences, ranging from mild, as cluster headache, to severe, as heart attacks and hormonal irregularities. This study is aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analyze of the association between the night shift work and the thyroid disorders.Methods. We comprehensively searched eight databases, including PubMed and Google Scholar for the relevant articles. This systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement.Results. We finally included six papers involving 4074 participants. Four papers were eligible for meta-analysis involving 1864 night shift workers and 2017 day shift workers. We against found that thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is significantly higher in the night shift group compared to the day shift group.Conclusions. The higher TSH among the night shift workers is attributed to disruption of the circadian rhythm and sleep/wake cycle, with subsequent eating disorders. We proposed that more attention should be paid to the working pattern and the related health consequences

    Risk of latent tuberculosis infection among healthcare workers in Italy: a retrospective study with Quantiferon Test

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    OBJECTIVE. The latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a state of persistent immune response to stimulation by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis antigens without clinical manifestation: the healthcare workers (HCWs) have a higher exposure risk so prevention is an important challenge for occupational medicine. The aim of our study is to evaluate the prevalence of LTBI among HCWs of the Foundation Policlinic “Tor Vergata”. METHODS. This is a retrospective study conducted by analyzing the clinical records of 825 HCWs of the PTV, from January 1st to December 31th 2016. To evaluate the TB infection we used the Quantiferon TB Gold interferon-gamma release assay. RESULTS. Our study underline the low prevalence of LTBI in the Italian healthcare workers. CONCLUSION. Although the LTBI status is not contagious, the diagnosis and the safety strategies require specific clinical and preventive considerations

    Aterosclerosi polidistrettuale: ruolo delle cellule progenitrici endoteliali.

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    Aterosclerosi polidistrettuale: ruolo delle cellule progenitrici endoteliali

    Esposizione occupazionale ad atmosfere iperbariche: aggiornamenti in tema di fisiopatologia

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    Aggiornamento in termini di fisiopatologia dell'esposizione professionale ad atmosfere iperbariche al fine di definire protocolli di sorveglianza sanitaria mirata

    Pre-vaccination IgG screening for mumps is the most cost-effectiveness immunization strategy among Health Care Workers

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    Health Care Workers (HCWs) have an increased risk of contracting contagious disease, including mumps. In January 2017 the Italian National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2017–2019, recommended the administration of a dose of MMR vaccine (Measles-Mumps-Rubella) to the Health Care Workers (HCWs) that, working in a risky environment, did not carry out the complete vaccination cycle of MMR or that are seronegative for at least one of the three vaccine viruses. In October of the same year, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended a third dose of a vaccine containing Mumps Virus for people previously vaccinated with 2 doses, belonging to a group or to a population at increased risk of acquire mumps in the event of an epidemic. We analyzed the clinical records and values of mumps-specific IgG antibodies of 3032 HCWs (mean age 32.80 ± 10.75 years), that underwent occupational health surveillance between January 1st 2017 and March 31th 2018. The HCWs were also screened for measles, rubella, mumps using serological methods. 13% (405) was seronegative for mumps, especially among HCWs between 18 and 36 years. We calculated the cost-effectiveness of two-doses and three-doses MMR vaccination. The cost of vaccination without screening was significantly more expensive (cost difference: 99 712 € and 184 996 €) both in case of two-dose and three-dose MMR vaccination respectively. Our study suggests that, in HCWs, the assessment of the mumps antibody titer before vaccination may be a useful complement to vaccination itself, because it is more accurate and cost-effective than direct immunization of unvaccinated subjects

    Seroprevalence survey for Varicella among healthcare workers and medical students in Italy

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    Varicella is a potentially serious infectious disease caused by Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV). In Italy childhood varicella vaccine have gradually introduced into national immunization program since 2003 and from 2017 a two-doses schedule has been stated nationally for all newborns and has become compulsory for school attendance. VZV exposures among healthcare workers (HCWs) and patients can be really dangerous and expensive. According to Centers of Disease Control and Italian national immunization plan health care, institutions should verify that all HCWs have clear evidence of immunity to VZV and should ensure that susceptible subjects will receive 2 doses of VZV vaccine. Currently, the vaccination of HCWs is not compulsory in Italy and the risk of varicella infection among these subjects is not well known. We evaluated the clinical records of 840 HCWs (256 male and 584 female) who underwent the annual occupational screening, from 1st January to 31st August 2018. HCWs were divided into three subgroups according to their age: 18–30, 31–40, and over 40 years old. We compared the mean values of IgG-specific antibodies between the age group through analysis of variance (ANOVA). A total of 784 (93.33%) HCWs were protected for VZV IgG antibodies level. There wasn’t a significant difference between male and female while was found between age group (P < 0.001). Protection levels for varicella are inadequate among HCWs. Despite the epidemiology of varicella in general population has changed with the implementation of the childhood varicella vaccination program transmission of VZV in hospitals is still a serious problem, so it is necessary to increase prevention activities in these settings, including vaccination

    L’importanza di una corretta alimentazione durante l'attività lavorativa

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    A teoria da açao motriz consiste em um instrumento de compreensao do mundo dos jogos e esportes, estabelecendo cientificamente o entendimento da lógica interna de qualquer manifestaçao da cultura corporal. Como se utilizássemos uma objetiva mais precisa em uma câmera fotográfica para observar as manifestaçoes da cultura corporal. O presente estudo trata de discutir um modelo que permita analisar as propostas curriculares para a Educaçao Física no Brasil, principalmente a proposta da Base Comum Curricular Nacional, e o ensino dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos. Os resultados deste modelo apresentam as possíveis contribuiçoes da praxiologia motriz para a organizaçao do trabalho pedagógico e da didática na Educaçao Física, em especial para o ensino dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos, principalmente nos aspectos didáticos e metodológicos desse grupo de modalidade

    Seroprevalence for vaccine-preventable diseases among Italian healthcare workers

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    Healthcare workers (HCWs) have an increased risk to be exposed to infectious diseases compared to the general population. For this reason, according to the National Immunization and Prevention Plan, all HCWs should have demonstrable evidence of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and Hepatitis B. Earlier studies have already shown that a large percentage of Italian operators lacked immune protection for one or more of those pathogens. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunization status for vaccine-preventable diseases of HCWs in a large Italian teaching hospital. We retrospectively evaluated clinical records and serological data of HCWs who followed the occupational health surveillance program between January 1 and December 31 2019. We reviewed the clinical records of 1,017 HCWs: 393 males and 624 females with a median age of 35.69 y (range: 19-67). Protective IgG antibody values were documented in the 88.0%, 75.7%, 90.3%, 87.4% and 85.7% of the HCWs screened, respectively, against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and Hepatitis B. Age was significantly related to serological protection against measles, mumps and varicella but was not significantly related to protective IgG levels for rubella and HBV. Female gender was significantly related to a higher protection rate against Hepatitis B (87.8 vs 82.4%;p&lt; .01) whereas males were significantly more protected against varicella (92-4 vs 84.1%;p&lt; .01). Our study shows suboptimal levels of protection among Italian HCWs and a consequent increased risk of infection for them and their patients. Public health policies should be focused on improving preventive strategies, including serological screening and workplace vaccination of nonimmune individuals