1,273 research outputs found

    Multiple-relaxation-time Finsler-Lagrange dynamics in a compressed Langmuir monolayer

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    In this paper an information geometric approach has been proposed to describe the two-dimensional (2d) phase transition of the first order in a monomolecular layer (monolayer) of amphiphilic molecules deposited on air/water interface. The structurization of the monolayer was simulated as an entropy evolution of a statistical set of microscopic states with a large number of relaxation times. The electrocapillary forces are considered as information constraints on the statistical manifold. The solution curves of Euler-Lagrange equations and the Jacobi field equations point out contracting pencils of geodesic trajectories on the statistical manifold, which may change into spreading ones, and converse. It was shown that the information geometrodynamics of the first-order phase transition in the Langmuir monolayer finds an appropriate realization within the Finsler-Lagrange framework

    Reconstruction of Bandlimited Functions from Unsigned Samples

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    We consider the recovery of real-valued bandlimited functions from the absolute values of their samples, possibly spaced nonuniformly. We show that such a reconstruction is always possible if the function is sampled at more than twice its Nyquist rate, and may not necessarily be possible if the samples are taken at less than twice the Nyquist rate. In the case of uniform samples, we also describe an FFT-based algorithm to perform the reconstruction. We prove that it converges exponentially rapidly in the number of samples used and examine its numerical behavior on some test cases

    Ovarian enterobiasis: a case report

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    Enterobius vermicularis (the pinworm) is the most common intestinal nematode in gastrointestinal tract of humans. It commonly infests the lumen of the intestine but on rare occasions has been found in the wall or in the tissues outside the gastrointestinal tract; female genital tract and peritoneum being the commonest sites. It is usually seen as an incidental finding. This is a case of 29-year-old female presented for elective sterilization. A tiny nodule was noted on the surface of ovary during procedure which was sent for histopathological examination. Lesion was composed of necrotic areas and inflammatory cells with cross section of a degenerated worm. The features of the eggs were diagnostic of Enterobius vermicularis. Multiple histologic sections may be required to establish diagnosis in older lesions as in this case

    Staging of plastic operations and multiple surgery procedures after massive weight loss

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr. 1 „Nicolae Anestiadi”, Catedra de chirurgie nr.4, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Pierderea masivă a masei corporale (PMMC) se asociază cu apariția unui exces esențial de piele, falduri dermice în zona abdominală și alte regiuni ale corpului uman. Acești pacienți solicită, de obicei, mai multe procedee chirurgicale pentru a reduce perioada de recuperare. Scopul. Evaluarea operațiilor simultane și a criteriilor de siguranță în chirurgia plastica după PMMC. Material și metode. Am realizat 81 de operații plastice la 39 de pacienți cu PMMC. Am efectuat 24 operații simultane și 57 în etape. 29 de pacienți au avut PMMC după operații bariatrice (bypass gastric (27), "gastric sleeve" (2), iar 10 pacienți după un tratament dietetic și comportamental. S-au efectuat următoarele procedee de chirurgie plastică: abdomenoplastia "fleur de lys", circumferențială sau extinsă; hernioplastia, brahioplastia; torsoplastia, mamoplastia, liftingul de coapse și fesier, liftingul facial și blefaroplastia. Două echipe de chirurgi au efectuat operațiile simultane în scopul de a reduce timpul de operare, riscurile și timpul de recuperare. Rezultate. Cele mai frecvente operații simultane au fost abdominoplastia "Fleur de Lys" cu hernioplastie sau cu mamoplastie, liftingul intern al coapsei cu brahioplastia. Concluzii. Operațiile simultane nu sunt asociate cu o rată mai mare a complicațiilor postoperatorii. Etapizarea operațiilor oferă o alternativă bună pentru pacienții cu IMC> 30kg/m2, sau pentru pacienți, care nu pot efectua operații simultane din alte motive.Introduction. Massive weight loss (MWL) is associated with the appearance of an essential skin excess, dermal folds in the abdominal area and other parts of human body. These patients usually want to perform multiple surgical procedures to reduce the recovery period. Purpose. Assessment of simultaneous operations and safety criteria in plastic surgery after MWL. Materials and methods. We performed 81 plastic operations on 39 patients with MWL. We done 24 simultaneous operations and 57 in stages respectively. Massive body mass lost 29 patients after bariatric surgery (gastric bypass (27), "gastric sleeve" (2), and 10 patients have lost weight through dietary and behavioral treatment. The following plastic surgery procedures were made: "fleur de lys" abdominoplasty, circumferential or extended abdominoplasty; hernioplasty, brahioplasty; torsoplasty, mammoplasty; thighs and buttock lift; internal thigh lift, face lift and blepharoplasty. Two teams of surgeons performed simultaneous operations in order to reduce the operating time, risk and recovery time. Results. The most common combination in simultaneous operations were "Fleur de Lys "abdominoplasty with hernioplasty or mammoplasty, internal thigh lift with upper arm lift. No major complications were recorded. Conclusion. Simultaneous operations are not associated with a higher rate of postoperative complications. Staging operations provides a good alternative for patients with BMI> 30kg/m2, or for patients who cannot be made simultaneous operations for other reasons

    Serializing the Parallelism in Parallel Communicating Pushdown Automata Systems

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    We consider parallel communicating pushdown automata systems (PCPA) and define a property called known communication for it. We use this property to prove that the power of a variant of PCPA, called returning centralized parallel communicating pushdown automata (RCPCPA), is equivalent to that of multi-head pushdown automata. The above result presents a new sub-class of returning parallel communicating pushdown automata systems (RPCPA) called simple-RPCPA and we show that it can be written as a finite intersection of multi-head pushdown automata systems

    Crystallization, data collection and data processing of maltose-binding protein (MalE) from the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

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    Maltose-binding protein is the periplasmic component of the ABC transporter responsible for the uptake of maltose/maltodextrins. The Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri maltose-binding protein MalE has been crystallized at 293 Kusing the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystal belonged to the primitive hexagonal space group P6_122, with unit-cell parameters a = 123.59, b = 123.59, c = 304.20 Å, and contained two molecules in the asymetric unit. It diffracted to 2.24 Å resolution