242 research outputs found

    Reproductive biology of Parapenaeopsis stylifera

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    Controversy exists regarding the incidence and reproductive habits of Parapenaeopsis stylifera along the coast of Kerala, India. Results are reported of a detailed study on the different aspects of the reproductive biology based on the trawl catches landed at Neendakara Coast for a period of one year. This species breeds throughout the year with peak breeding activity in May and November. The monsoon catches consist of juveniles. Life span of the species is 2.5 years and total length at first maturity is 75 mm. Measures for the effective management of the species in the area are discussed

    Environmental inventory and the distribution of inorganic nutrients in a tropical estuary of the south-west coast of India

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    Dissolved nutrients (PO sub(4)-P, NO sub(3)-N, NO sub(2)-N and SiO sub(4)-Si) estimated in the surface and bottom waters of five selected stations of the Paravur Lake, Kerala, India, during February 1987 to January 1988 revealed distinct seasonal variations. Rainfall and land drainage play significant roles in the nutrient economy, particularly NO sub(3)-N and SiO sub(4)-Si, of this water body. Abnormally high values of PO sub(4)-P indicated extremely polluted condition at the wetting zone of the lake during the premonsoon season. SiO sub(4)-Si showed significant negative relationship with salinity

    Maturation and spawning in the hill-stream loach Noemacheilus triangularis Day

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    Five stages of maturity have been delineated for Noemacheilus triangularis Day. Progression of the mode in each stage of maturity has been traced from ova-diameter studies. The size at first maturity for male is around 44.5 mm and for female around 52 mm. Spawning is asynchronous and prolonged. There may be successive spawning during the year. Sexes are present in almost equal numbers. Fecundity is dependent on length and weight of fish and on length and weight of ovary

    Bronchopulmonary malinosculation: a case report

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    Pulmonary malinosculation, which include a broad spectrum of disorders that involve abnormalities in one or more of the three main components of the lung, namely, the airways and lung parenchyma, arteries and veins. A case of bronchopulmonary malinosculation was presented due to its rarity

    Alzheimers Disease Diagnosis using Machine Learning: A Review

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    Alzheimers Disease AD is an acute neuro disease that degenerates the brain cells and thus leads to memory loss progressively. It is a fatal brain disease that mostly affects the elderly. It steers the decline of cognitive and biological functions of the brain and shrinks the brain successively, which in turn is known as Atrophy. For an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimers disease, cutting edge methods like machine learning are essential. Recently, machine learning has gained a lot of attention and popularity in the medical industry. As the illness progresses, those with Alzheimers have a far more difficult time doing even the most basic tasks, and in the worst case, their brain completely stops functioning. A persons likelihood of having early-stage Alzheimers disease may be determined using the ML method. In this analysis, papers on Alzheimers disease diagnosis based on deep learning techniques and reinforcement learning between 2008 and 2023 found in google scholar were studied. Sixty relevant papers obtained after the search was considered for this study. These papers were analysed based on the biomarkers of AD and the machine-learning techniques used. The analysis shows that deep learning methods have an immense ability to extract features and classify AD with good accuracy. The DRL methods have not been used much in the field of image processing. The comparison results of deep learning and reinforcement learning illustrate that the scope of Deep Reinforcement Learning DRL in dementia detection needs to be explored.Comment: 10 pages and 3 figure

    Evaluation of oil spill trajectory model with the observed SVP drifter track

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    Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) collaborated with Indian Coast Guard(ICG) and conducted Surface Velocity Program (SVP) drifter experiment at Mumbai High region for evaluating the operational oil spill trajectory model. INCOIS adopted General National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) Operational Modelling Environment(GNOME) from NOAA and customised it in diagnostic mode for Indian ocean. GNOME was operationalised during May 2014. The objective of this experiment is to compare the drift pattern obtained from an oil spill trajectory model with the observed drifter track. SVP drifter was procured from M/s. Pacific Gyre, USA. It gives the Lagrangian trajectory path over the ocean. It was deployed by officials of Indian Coast Guard at Mumbai High region on 20 November 2016,12.45 hrs at 72.2295º E, 18.91035º N off Mumbai. It gave its drifted path along the west coast of India for ten days, before it beached near Diu on 3 December 2016.This observed track was considered for comparing the simulated positions obtained from GNOME when forced with currents of different ocean general circulation models. The results show that the positions of the drifter obtained, while forced with analysed currents of GODAS -MOM4p1 (GM4p1) and Hybrid Co-ordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) are found to be in better agreement with the actual position of the drifter

    Genus Perna along the coasts of India with the description of a new species Perna indica

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    The green and brown mussels hitherto described from the coasts of India as Mytilus have been brought under the genus Perna. The green mussel recorded and described as M. viridis by earlier workers has been renamed as P. viridis. The brown mussel exhibits characters which separate it from the green mussel (P. viridis) and hence has been subjected to a detailed study on the basis of which it has been assigned to a new species P. indic

    Simulation of coastal winds along the central west coast of India using the MM5 mesoscale model

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    A high-resolution mesoscale numerical model (MM5) has been used to study the coastal atmospheric circulation of the central west coast of India, and Goa in particular. The model is employed with three nested domains. The innermost domain of 3 km mesh covers Goa and the surrounding region. Simulations have been carried out for three different seasons-northeast (NE) monsoon, transition period and southwest (SW) monsoon with appropriate physics options to understand the coastal wind system. The simulated wind speed and direction match well with the observations. The model winds show the presence of a sea breeze during the NE monsoon season and transition period, and its absence during the SW monsoon season. In the winter period, the synoptic flow is northeasterly (offshore) and it weakens the sea breeze (onshore flow) resulting in less diurnal variation, while during the transition period, the synoptic flow is onshore and it intensifies the sea breeze. During the northeast monsoon at an altitude of above 750 m, the wind direction reverses, and this is the upper return current, indicating the vertical extent of the sea breeze. A well-developed land sea breeze circulation occurs during the transition period, with vertical extension of 300 and 1,100 m, respectively


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      Objectives: To create a radiological profile of fungal sinusitis and determine the radiological differences between fungal and nonfungal sinusitis based on the presence of hyperattenuation, bony erosion, neo-osteogenesis, air-fluid level, and extrasinus extension.Methods: This is a retrospective, single-blind, case-control study involving the analysis of 119 computed tomography (CT) scans of the paranasal sinuses. Based on the histopathology, they were divided into cases comprising fungal sinusitis and controls of nonfungal sinusitis. Benign and malignant tumors and previously operated cases of fungal sinusitis were excluded from the study. The principal investigators were blinded to the diagnosis. The comparison parameters were hyperattenuation, the presence of air-fluid level, bone erosion, neo-osteogenesis, and extrasinus extension. Data was analyzed by Chi-square and Fischer exact t-test using SPSS 14.0 software and a p < 0.05 was considered significant.Results: Our study showed the presence of hyperattenuation, neo-osteogenesis, bone erosion, air-fluid level, extrasinus extension in 75.2%, 48.3%, 25.9%, 36.2%, and 6.9% of the cases and 13.1%, 16.4%, 6.6%, 9.8%, and 0 controls, respectively. All the parameters were statistically significant in cases when compared to controls.Conclusion: Hyperattenuation, neo-osteogenesis, air-fluid level, bone erosion, and extrasinus extension are the parameters on CT imaging that will help routinely assess and differentiate fungal sinusitis from nonfungal sinusitis with considerable accuracy, although, there is an overlap with malignancy when the parameter of bone erosion is considered as a differential diagnosis of chronic invasive fungal sinusitis. It reiterates the fact that history, clinical examination, and laboratory evaluation hold an important role in provisional diagnosis

    High prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes among tuberculosis patients in peripheral health facilities in Kerala

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    Supported by the TB Union//MSF Course on Operational Researc