237 research outputs found

    Finite element splitting methods applied to incompressible navier-stokes flow solvers and introduction to mixed mass method

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    Splitting Methods are considered to be a strong candidate for obtaining accurate, robust and computationally efficient incompressible Navier-Stokes (NS) solvers based on Finite Element Method. The type of spatial errors such as the numerical boundary layer observed on pressure solution near walls is known to affect the stability of NS solvers. The inclusion of stabilization terms such as upwinding or artificial viscosity terms would adversely affect the accuracy of the solver. NS solvers based on LBB compliant elements, such as Taylor Hood (TH) elements do not require stabilization terms to simulate higher Reynolds number flow provided their robustness is not affected by above mentioned type of error. This motivates the study of Splitting Methods based on Taylor Hood elements with the emphasis on how well they handle numerical boundary layer type errors to obtain highly accurate NS flow solvers. The effect of the enrichment of the TH elements with pressure bubble nodes is also investigated. The present work brings several well-known Splitting Methods under a common theoretical framework and classifies them appropriate to the study

    NILC_USP: aspect extraction using semantic labels

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    This paper details the system NILC USP that participated in the Semeval 2014: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis task. This system uses a Conditional Random Field (CRF) algorithm for extracting the aspects mentioned in the text. Our work added semantic labels into a basic feature set for measuring the efficiency of those for aspect extraction. We used the semantic roles and the highest verb frame as features for the machine learning. Overall, our results demonstrated that the system could not improve with the use of this semantic information, but its precision was increased.FAPES

    BuscaOpinioes: searching for opinions over the internet

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    This paper describes the BuscaOpinioes website, a tool for searching for opinions over the internet. Our system uses Google search engine to retrieve reviews from the internet and a lexicon-based sentimento analysis approach to identify opinions in these reviews. A web interface is available to visualize the results as well as some statistics.FAPES

    Cake-Hut: A Novel E-Commerce Platform for Booking and Purchasing Cakes Online

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    This research paper proposes an e-commerce cake shopping system: ‘Cake-Hut’ which will enable customers and cake bakery owners to handle their regular online selling and buying activities. Cake Hut is a Web Application where people can purchase customized cakes online from their favorite cake bakery according to their preferred designs or else, they can choose pre-defined cake designs from set of designs which were uploaded by sellers. The system is developed to replace the existing cake purchasing and order management methods, making it more effective and efficient while also addressing user needs. Agile software development methodology approach has been used to develop and test the system in a systematic manner, which includes the development phases of planning, design, and testing and implementation. This system is developed using React JS for frontend development and Express JS for backend development, MongoDB database, and runs on Node JS runtime environment

    NILC_USP: an improved hybrid system for sentiment analysis in Twitter messages.

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    This paper describes the NILC USP system that participated in SemEval-2014 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter, a re-run of the SemEval 2013 task under the same name. Our system is an improved version of the system that participated in the 2013 task. This system adopts a hybrid classification process that uses three classification approaches: rule-based, lexiconbased and machine learning. We suggest a pipeline architecture that extracts the best characteristics from each classifier. In this work, we want to verify how\ud this hybrid approach would improve with better classifiers. The improved system achieved an F-score of 65.39% in the Twitter message-level subtask for 2013 dataset (+ 9.08% of improvement) and 63.94% for 2014 dataset.FAPESPSAMSUN

    Interaction of Small Ionic Species With Phospholipid Membranes: The Role of Metal Coordination

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    In studies of the transfer, distribution and biochemical activity of metal ions it is typically assumed that the phospholipid bilayer acts as an inert barrier. Yet, there is mounting evidence that metal ions can influence the physical properties of membranes. Little is known of the basis of this effect. In this work the location and distribution of common metal ions: Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ in phospholipid membranes were studied. Computer simulations of lipid membrane segments in aqueous environment showed that the ions penetrate the membrane headgroup zone and co-localize with the phosphate and the ester moieties. Analysis of the chemical environment of the ions in the simulations suggested that the co-localization is facilitated by coordination to the polar oxygen atoms of the phosphate and ester groups in typical coordination geometries of each ionic species, where the coordination shells are completed by water molecules. In contrast, the counterions do not penetrate the headgroup zone but form a layer over the membrane instead; this layer is also an effective metal exclusion zone. Importantly, the choline groups appear to be distributed almost exactly in the same plane as the phosphate, suggesting that the zwitterion dipole is preferentially horizontally aligned: this suggests that the distribution of the Cl− over the membrane surface is not a direct result of interaction with the choline groups, but rather an effect of the field emanating from the metal ion content of the membrane. Such a well defined ion distribution is expected to have a strong influence on membrane properties, in particular phase transition temperatures via increased in-plane cohesion; this was proven by calorimetry measurements using differential scanning calorimetry of suspended liposomes and quartz crystal microbalance-based measurements on supported single bilayer membranes. These findings shed a new light on the role metal ions play in stabilizing biological membranes

    A large corpus of product reviews in Portuguese: tackling out-of-vocabulary words

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    Web 2.0 has allowed a never imagined communication boom. With the widespread use of computational and mobile devices, anyone, in practically any language, may post comments in the web. As such, formal language is not necessarily used. In fact, in these communicative situations, language is marked by the absence of more complex syntactic structures and the presence of internet slang, with missing diacritics, repetitions of vowels, and the use of chat-speak style abbreviations, emoticons and colloquial expressions. Such language use poses severe new challenges for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and applications, which, so far, have focused on well-written texts. In this work, we report the construction of a large web corpus of product reviews in Brazilian Portuguese and the analysis of its lexical phenomena, which support the development of a lexical normalization tool for, in future work, subsidizing the use of standard NLP products for web opinion mining and summarization purposes.University of São PauloSamsung Eletrônica da Amazônia LtdaFAPESPCNP

    A qualitative analysis of a corpus of opinion summaries based on aspects

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    Aspect-based opinion summarization is the task of automatically generating a summary\ud for some aspects of a specific topic from a set of opinions. In most cases, to evaluate the quality of the automatic summaries, it is necessary to have a reference corpus of human\ud summaries to analyze how similar they are. The scarcity of corpora in that task has been a limiting factor for many research works. In this paper, we introduce OpiSums-PT, a corpus of extractive and abstractive summaries of opinions written in Brazilian Portuguese. We use this corpus to analyze how similar human summaries are and how people take into account the issues of aspect coverage and sentimento orientation to generate manual summaries. The results of these analyses show that human summaries are diversified and people generate summaries only for some aspects, keeping the overall sentiment orientation with little variation.Samsung Eletrônica da Amazônia Ltda

    Formation Flying and Change Detection for the UNSW Canberra Space ‘M2’ Low Earth Orbit Formation Flying CubeSat Mission

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    The University of New South Wales, Canberra (UNSW Canberra) embarked on an ambitious CubeSatellite research, development, and education program in 2017 through funding provided by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). The program consisted of M1 (Mission 1), M2 Pathfinder, and concludes with the formation flying mission M2. M2 is the final mission comprising two 6U CubeSatellites flying in formation using differential aerodynamic drag control. The M2 satellites were launched in a conjoined 12U form factor on RocketLab’s ‘They Go Up So Fast’ launch in March 2021. On 10th September 2021 the spacecraft divided into two 6U CubeSats (M2-A and M2-B) under the action of a small spring force in their near-circular 550km, 45-degree inclination orbit. The formation is controlled by varying the spacecrafts’ attitude, which creates a large variation in the aerodynamic drag force due to the change in the cross-sectional area from the large, double-deployable, solar arrays located on the zenith face of the spacecraft. This paper presents the outcomes of the Formation Flying and Change Detection primary mission objectives for the mission. The results are generated by collecting and analysing optical and RF (Radio Frequency) space domain awareness sensor data from the ground and validating them against GPS (Global Positioning System) and attitude data downlinked from the spacecraft. The outcomes of the broader mission objectives, which include increasing the Technology Readiness Level for a suite of intelligent on-board optical and RF sensor technologies, will be presented in subsequent publications. The results presented here comprise two major campaigns: 1.) The spacecraft separation campaign when the original 12U form factor deployed following launch split in half to form the M2-A and M2-B satellites, and 2) the demonstration of active formation control of the spacecraft via differential aerodynamic drag. M2-A and M2-B underwent several major configuration changes during the spacecraft separation campaign. The results from ground-based sensors detecting the 12U spacecraft separating into two distinct (6U) objects are presented. The effect of the double-deployable solar arrays deployment on the relative orbital motion of the M2-A and M2-B spacecraft is illustrated and compared to data from optical and RF ground-based measurements taken during this window. The formation control campaign involved actively controlling the spacecraft via differential aerodynamic drag in order to significantly alter the separation distance. The mission demonstrated the capability to switch the leading spacecraft’s position between M2-A and M2-B and to actively control separation distance ranging from 130km down to 1km. Formation control is achieved via open-loop, pre-scheduled, commands issued from the UNSW Canberra Space ground station. A two-stage modelling and simulation process is used to derive the scheduled attitude states. Firstly, a batch least squares orbit determination algorithm is applied to GPS data from a steady-state differential drag actuation period (where one spacecraft is in maximum drag and the other in its minimum drag attitude configuration). The batch least squares orbit determination is conducted out using the NASA General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT), resulting in precise state estimates for each spacecraft and drag coefficient (Cd) estimates for both the maximum and minimum drag configurations. Predictions of trajectory for various attitude profiles can be produced by tailoring the spacecraft’s drag coefficients between the maximum and minimum values generated by the batch least squares state estimation process. Ground-based optical and RF space domain awareness (SDA) sensor measurements collected during the manoeuvre campaign are compared to the spacecraft’s GPS and attitude telemetry data. The SDA sensors are actively seeking to detect changes in the separation distance between the spacecraft. Initial results from an investigation into whether changes observed in photometric light curve signatures can signal the commencement of a differential drag manoeuvre are presented
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