1,986 research outputs found

    Inequivalence of the Massive Vector Meson and Higgs Models on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The exact quantization of two models, the massive vector meson model and the Higgs model in the London limit, both describing massive photons, is presented. Even though naive arguments (based on gauge-fixing) may indicate the equivalence of these models, it is shown here that this is not true in general when we consider these theories on manifolds with boundaries. We show, in particular, that they are equivalent only for a special choice of the boundary conditions that we are allowed to impose on the fields.Comment: 14 pages, LATEX File (revised with minor corrections

    Covariant Quantum Fields on Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    A spinless covariant field ϕ\phi on Minkowski spacetime \M^{d+1} obeys the relation U(a,Λ)ϕ(x)U(a,Λ)1=ϕ(Λx+a)U(a,\Lambda)\phi(x)U(a,\Lambda)^{-1}=\phi(\Lambda x+a) where (a,Λ)(a,\Lambda) is an element of the Poincar\'e group \Pg and U:(a,Λ)U(a,Λ)U:(a,\Lambda)\to U(a,\Lambda) is its unitary representation on quantum vector states. It expresses the fact that Poincar\'e transformations are being unitary implemented. It has a classical analogy where field covariance shows that Poincar\'e transformations are canonically implemented. Covariance is self-reproducing: products of covariant fields are covariant. We recall these properties and use them to formulate the notion of covariant quantum fields on noncommutative spacetimes. In this way all our earlier results on dressing, statistics, etc. for Moyal spacetimes are derived transparently. For the Voros algebra, covariance and the *-operation are in conflict so that there are no covariant Voros fields compatible with *, a result we found earlier. The notion of Drinfel'd twist underlying much of the preceding discussion is extended to discrete abelian and nonabelian groups such as the mapping class groups of topological geons. For twists involving nonabelian groups the emergent spacetimes are nonassociative.Comment: 20 page

    Quantum Geons and Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Physical considerations strongly indicate that spacetime at Planck scales is noncommutative. A popular model for such a spacetime is the Moyal plane. The Poincar\`e group algebra acts on it with a Drinfel'd-twisted coproduct. But the latter is not appropriate for more complicated spacetimes such as those containing the Friedman-Sorkin (topological) geons. They have rich diffeomorphism groups and in particular mapping class groups, so that the statistics groups for N identical geons is strikingly different from the permutation group SNS_N. We generalise the Drinfel'd twist to (essentially) generic groups including to finite and discrete ones and use it to modify the commutative spacetime algebras of geons as well to noncommutative algebras. The latter support twisted actions of diffeos of geon spacetimes and associated twisted statistics. The notion of covariant fields for geons is formulated and their twisted versions are constructed from their untwisted versions. Non-associative spacetime algebras arise naturally in our analysis. Physical consequences, such as the violation of Pauli principle, seem to be the outcomes of such nonassociativity. The richness of the statistics groups of identical geons comes from the nontrivial fundamental groups of their spatial slices. As discussed long ago, extended objects like rings and D-branes also have similar rich fundamental groups. This work is recalled and its relevance to the present quantum geon context is pointed out.Comment: 41 page

    Edge States in Gauge Theories: Theory, Interpretations and Predictions

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    Gauge theories on manifolds with spatial boundaries are studied. It is shown that observables localized at the boundaries (edge observables) can occur in such models irrespective of the dimensionality of spacetime. The intimate connection of these observables to charge fractionation, vertex operators and topological field theories is described. The edge observables, however, may or may not exist as well-defined operators in a fully quantized theory depending on the boundary conditions imposed on the fields and their momenta. The latter are obtained by requiring the Hamiltonian of the theory to be self-adjoint and positive definite. We show that these boundary conditions can also have nice physical interpretations in terms of certain experimental parameters such as the penetration depth of the electromagnetic field in a surrounding superconducting medium. The dependence of the spectrum on one such parameter is explicitly exhibited for the Higgs model on a spatial disc in its London limit. It should be possible to test such dependences experimentally, the above Higgs model for example being a model for a superconductor. Boundary conditions for the 3+1 dimensional BFBF system confined to a spatial ball are studied. Their physical meaning is clarified and their influence on the edge states of this system (known to exist under certain conditions) is discussed. It is pointed out that edge states occur for topological solitons of gauge theories such as the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles.Comment: 36 pages, LATEX File (revised because figures had problems

    Edge States and Entanglement Entropy

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    It is known that gauge fields defined on manifolds with spatial boundaries support states localized at the boundaries. In this paper, we demonstrate how coarse-graining over these states can lead to an entanglement entropy. In particular, we show that the entanglement entropy of the ground state for the quantum Hall effect on a disk exhibits an approximate ``area " law.Comment: 16 pages, minor corrections and futher details adde

    Discrete Time from Quantum Physics

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    't Hooft has recently developed a discretisation of (2+1) gravity which has a multiple-valued Hamiltonian and which therefore admits quantum time evolution only in discrete steps. In this paper, we describe several models in the continuum with single-valued equations of motion in classical physics, but with multiple-valued Hamiltonians. Their time displacements in quantum theory are therefore obliged to be discrete. Classical models on smooth spatial manifolds are also constructed with the property that spatial displacements can be implemented only in discrete steps in quantum theory. All these models show that quantization can profoundly affect classical topology.Comment: 21 pages with 2 figures, SU-4240-579 (figures corrected in this version

    Twisted Gauge and Gravity Theories on the Groenewold-Moyal Plane

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    Recent work [hep-th/0504183,hep-th/0508002] indicates an approach to the formulation of diffeomorphism invariant quantum field theories (qft's) on the Groenewold-Moyal (GM) plane. In this approach to the qft's, statistics gets twisted and the S-matrix in the non-gauge qft's becomes independent of the noncommutativity parameter theta^{\mu\nu}. Here we show that the noncommutative algebra has a commutative spacetime algebra as a substructure: the Poincare, diffeomorphism and gauge groups are based on this algebra in the twisted approach as is known already from the earlier work of [hep-th/0510059]. It is natural to base covariant derivatives for gauge and gravity fields as well on this algebra. Such an approach will in particular introduce no additional gauge fields as compared to the commutative case and also enable us to treat any gauge group (and not just U(N)). Then classical gravity and gauge sectors are the same as those for \theta^{\mu \nu}=0, but their interactions with matter fields are sensitive to theta^{\mu \nu}. We construct quantum noncommutative gauge theories (for arbitrary gauge groups) by requiring consistency of twisted statistics and gauge invariance. In a subsequent paper (whose results are summarized here), the locality and Lorentz invariance properties of the S-matrices of these theories will be analyzed, and new non-trivial effects coming from noncommutativity will be elaborated. This paper contains further developments of [hep-th/0608138] and a new formulation based on its approach.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 figur

    Edge states in Gravity and Black Hole Physics

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    We show in the context of Einstein gravity that the removal of a spatial region leads to the appearance of an infinite set of observables and their associated edge states localized at its boundary. Such a boundary occurs in certain approaches to the physics of black holes like the one based on the membrane paradigm. The edge states can contribute to black hole entropy in these models. A ``complementarity principle" is also shown to emerge whereby certain ``edge" observables are accessible only to certain observers. The physical significance of edge observables and their states is discussed using their similarities to the corresponding quantities in the quantum Hall effect. The coupling of the edge states to the bulk gravitational field is demonstrated in the context of (2+1) dimensional gravity.Comment: Revtex file, 22 pg. ( refs added , minor typos corrected

    Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann S-Matrix elements on the Moyal Plane

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    Field theories on the Groenewold-Moyal(GM) plane are studied using the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann(LSZ) formalism. The example of real scalar fields is treated in detail. The S-matrix elements in this non-perturbative approach are shown to be equal to the interaction representation S-matrix elements. This is a new non-trivial result: in both cases, the S-operator is independent of the noncommutative deformation parameter θμν\theta_{\mu\nu} and the change in scattering amplitudes due to noncommutativity is just a time delay. This result is verified in two different ways. But the off-shell Green's functions do depend on θμν\theta_{\mu\nu}. In the course of this analysis, unitarity of the non-perturbative S-matrix is proved as well.Comment: 18 pages, minor corrections, To appear in Phys. Rev. D, 201