2,129 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Naked Barley Landraces for Agro-morphological Traits

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    Naked barley (Hordeum vulgare var. nudum L.) is a traditional, culturally important, climate-resilient winter cereal crop of Nepal. Evaluation of the naked barely genotypes for yield and disease is fundamental for their efficient utilization in plant breeding schemes and effective conservation programs. Therefore, to identify high yielding and yellow rust resistant landraces of naked barley for hilly and mountainous agro-ecosystem, twenty naked barley landraces collected from different locations of Nepal, were evaluated in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications during winter season of 2016 and 2017 at Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. Combined analysis of variances revealed that NGRC04902 (3.46 t/ha), NGRC00886 (3.28 t/ha), NGRC02309 (3.21 t/ha) and NGRC06026 (3.10 t/ha) were the high yielding landraces and statistically at par with the released variety 'Solu Uwa' (3.15 t/ha). The landraces namely NGRC00837 (ACI Value: 1.86) was found resistant to yellow rust diseases. Landraces NGRC06034 (131.7 days) and NGRC02363 (130.8 days) were found early maturing and NGRC02306 (94.36 cm) was found dwarf landraces among tested genotypes. These landraces having higher yield and better resistance to yellow rust need to be deployed to farmers' field to diversify the varietal options and used in resistant breeding program to improve the productivity of naked barley for Nepalese farmers

    Inverse Transport Theory of Photoacoustics

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    We consider the reconstruction of optical parameters in a domain of interest from photoacoustic data. Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) radiates high frequency electromagnetic waves into the domain and measures acoustic signals emitted by the resulting thermal expansion. Acoustic signals are then used to construct the deposited thermal energy map. The latter depends on the constitutive optical parameters in a nontrivial manner. In this paper, we develop and use an inverse transport theory with internal measurements to extract information on the optical coefficients from knowledge of the deposited thermal energy map. We consider the multi-measurement setting in which many electromagnetic radiation patterns are used to probe the domain of interest. By developing an expansion of the measurement operator into singular components, we show that the spatial variations of the intrinsic attenuation and the scattering coefficients may be reconstructed. We also reconstruct coefficients describing anisotropic scattering of photons, such as the anisotropy coefficient g(x)g(x) in a Henyey-Greenstein phase function model. Finally, we derive stability estimates for the reconstructions

    The Cop Number of the One-Cop-Moves Game on Planar Graphs

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    Cops and robbers is a vertex-pursuit game played on graphs. In the classical cops-and-robbers game, a set of cops and a robber occupy the vertices of the graph and move alternately along the graph's edges with perfect information about each other's positions. If a cop eventually occupies the same vertex as the robber, then the cops win; the robber wins if she can indefinitely evade capture. Aigner and Frommer established that in every connected planar graph, three cops are sufficient to capture a single robber. In this paper, we consider a recently studied variant of the cops-and-robbers game, alternately called the one-active-cop game, one-cop-moves game or the lazy-cops-and-robbers game, where at most one cop can move during any round. We show that Aigner and Frommer's result does not generalise to this game variant by constructing a connected planar graph on which a robber can indefinitely evade three cops in the one-cop-moves game. This answers a question recently raised by Sullivan, Townsend and Werzanski.Comment: 32 page

    Inverse Diffusion Theory of Photoacoustics

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    This paper analyzes the reconstruction of diffusion and absorption parameters in an elliptic equation from knowledge of internal data. In the application of photo-acoustics, the internal data are the amount of thermal energy deposited by high frequency radiation propagating inside a domain of interest. These data are obtained by solving an inverse wave equation, which is well-studied in the literature. We show that knowledge of two internal data based on well-chosen boundary conditions uniquely determines two constitutive parameters in diffusion and Schroedinger equations. Stability of the reconstruction is guaranteed under additional geometric constraints of strict convexity. No geometric constraints are necessary when 2n2n internal data for well-chosen boundary conditions are available, where nn is spatial dimension. The set of well-chosen boundary conditions is characterized in terms of appropriate complex geometrical optics (CGO) solutions.Comment: 24 page

    A content analysis of tobacco content in season 1 of ‘And Just Like That’

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    Aim: ‘Sex and the City’ regularly featured smoking as a plot device, often linked with sexuality and female empowerment. Eighteen years later, the follow up ‘And Just Like That’ was released. The aim of this paper was to explore the amount of tobacco content in the first series of ‘And Just Like That’. Subject and Methods: A 1-minute content analysis of the 10 episodes from season1 of ‘And Just Like That’. Results: The 10 episodes included 394 one-minute intervals of content, with individual episodes ranging from 35-44 minutes. Tobacco content occurred in 45 intervals (11% of the total) across all 10 episodes. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that, despite the 18-year age gap between the end of the ‘Sex and the City’ TV series and the start of ‘And just like that’, and the declining smoking rates during that time, tobacco content is still regularly featured in these programmes. Whilst viewing figures are not available for this series, we know that this was HBO Max’s most streamed show of all time and was highly popular, it is, therefore, likely that large numbers of people were exposed to tobacco content through this programme

    The effect of regular physical activity on women's self-confidence levels: An exploratory research

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    Introduction: It is known that physical activity is good for many diseases such as obesity, heart diseases, various types of cancer, musculoskeletal disorders. Compared to men, women's participation in physical activity is more limited. Physical activity, on the other hand, contributes to both the increase in the quality of life and the socialization of people. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the self-confidence levels of women who regularly participate in physical activity. Method: In the research, besides the personal information form prepared by the researchers, the self-confidence scale was used. The sample population survey in Turkey Kocaeli province has created 408 women participating regularly in physical activity. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic means, frequency and percentage values were taken. As a result of the normality test, it was seen that it showed a normal distribution. Accordingly, independent sample t-test was used in the analysis of paired groups and one way Anova tests were used in the analysis of multiple groups. Results: As a result of the analysis, no significant difference was found in any sub-dimension according to the marital status variable. Significant differences were observed in the sub-dimensions of the scale according to the variables of income level, physical activity duration, education level and age. Conclusion: It has been observed that as the duration of physical activity increases, the level of self-confidence increases. In addition, it was concluded that age and educational status were directly related to self-confidence, and as education level and age increased, self-confidence increased

    Agrobiodiversity and Its Conservation in Nepal

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    Nepal is a part of the world\u27s biodiversity hotspot and ranks the 49th in the world for biodiversity. Agrobiodiversity and its conservation status were studied through literature review, field survey, key informant survey and focus group discussion. Results of field implementation of some good practices and action research were also documented. Among 24,300 total species in the country, 28% are agricultural genetic resources (AGRs), termed as agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity has six components (crops, forages, livestock, aquatic, insects and microorganisms) and four sub-components (domesticated, semi-domesticated, wild relatives and wild edible) in Nepal. Agrobiodiversity on each component exists at agroecosystem, species, variety/breed/biotype/race/strain, genotype and allele levels, within an altitude range from 60 to 5,000 masl. There are 12 agroecosystems supporting 1026 species under crop component, 510 under forage, 35 under livestock, 250 under the aquatic animal, 17 under aquatic plant, 3,500 under insect and 800 under microorganism. An estimated loss of agrobiodiversity is 40%, however, farmers have reported up to 100% loss of AGRs in some areas for a particular species. Conservation of agrobiodiversity has been initiated since 1986. Four strategies namely ex-situ, on-farm, in-situ and breeding have been adopted for conservation and sustainable utilization of AGRs. Eighty good practices including process, methods and actions for managing agrobiodiversity have been in practice and these practices come under five conservation components (sensitization, method and approach, accelerator, value and enabling environment). Within the country, 18,765 accessions of AGRs have been conserved in different kinds of banks. A total of 24,683 accessions of Nepalese crops, forages and microbes have been conserved in different International and foreign genebanks. Some collections are conserved as safety duplication and safety backup in different CGIARs\u27 banks and World Seed Vault, Korea. Two global databases (GENESYS and EURISCO) have maintained 19,200 Nepalese accessions. Geographical Information System, Climate Analog Tool and biotechnological tools have been applied for better managing AGRs. Many stakeholders need to further concentrate on the conservation and utilization of AGRs. Global marketing of some native AGRs is necessary for sustaining agriculture and attracting young generations as well as conserving them through use

    Conditioning bounds for traveltime tomography in layered media

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    This paper revisits the problem of recovering a smooth, isotropic, layered wave speed profile from surface traveltime information. While it is classic knowledge that the diving (refracted) rays classically determine the wave speed in a weakly well-posed fashion via the Abel transform, we show in this paper that traveltimes of reflected rays do not contain enough information to recover the medium in a well-posed manner, regardless of the discretization. The counterpart of the Abel transform in the case of reflected rays is a Fredholm kernel of the first kind which is shown to have singular values that decay at least root-exponentially. Kinematically equivalent media are characterized in terms of a sequence of matching moments. This severe conditioning issue comes on top of the well-known rearrangement ambiguity due to low velocity zones. Numerical experiments in an ideal scenario show that a waveform-based model inversion code fits data accurately while converging to the wrong wave speed profile

    Improved harmonic approximation and the 2D Ising model at T≠TcT\neq T_{c} and h≠0h\neq0

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    We propose a new method to determine the unknown parameter associated to a self-consistent harmonic approximation. We check the validity of our technique in the context of the sine-Gordon model. As a non trivial application we consider the scaling regime of the 2D Ising model away from the critical point and in the presence of a magnetic field hh. We derive an expression that relates the approximate correlation length ξ\xi, T−TcT-T_c and hh.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics
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