118 research outputs found

    Influence of Graphene and Graphene Oxide on Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered Si3N4 Ceramic Matrix

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    The sintering of ceramic matrix composites is usually carried out by raising the sintering temperature below the melting point of components. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) has the capability to densify ceramics at a relatively low temperature in a very short time. Two different additions, multilayered graphene (MLG) and graphene oxide (GrO), were added to Si3N4 ceramic matrix in various amount; 5 wt% and 30 wt%. The influence of reinforcing phase on final properties of spark plasma sintered Si3N4 composite was studied. The uniaxial-pressure-assisted SPS sintering resulted in a preferential alignment of both type of graphene in the Si3N4 ceramic matrix, leading to highly anisotropic properties with lower mechanical behavior but better tribological and electrical properties

    The Effect of the Chemical Composition to the End-Properties of Ceramic Dispersed Strengthened 316L/Y2O3 Composites

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    In this paper the influence of chemical composition to the end-properties of ceramic dispersed strengthened 316L/Y2O3 composites ceramic has been studied. Two various compositions were studied and compared to reference 316L sintered sample. These two compositions are 316L/0.33 wt% Y2O3 and 316L/1 wt% Y2O3. The high-efficient attrition milling has been used for grain size reduction and oxide distribution in the austenitic matrices. Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) was used as fast compaction method of the milled powders in order to avoid excessive grain growth. In this work it was found that changing the chemical composition by increase of the Y2O3 addition in the composite matrix improves the milling efficiency, increases the hardness of the 316L and reduces significantly the wear rate


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    Aluminum Matrix composites have been intensively investigated over a long time due to their unique combination of beneficial properties including low density, high strength to weight ratio, increased hardness, advantageous tribology, corrosion resistance, etc. In the present work we studied the combined effect of various reinforcing phases including Al2O3, SiC, Si3N4 and graphene on the aluminum matrix. The composites were fabricated by powder metallurgical method, in which the powder blend was rapidly sintered by spark plasma sintering. The main conclusion was that hybrid composite can perform better only if the development of porosity is eliminated by improving the wettability of the reinforcing particles


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    ABSTRACTThis paper summarizes recent results for preparation, structural and mechanical investigation of oxide dispersed strengthened steel (ODS). Three commercial steel powders, two austenitic steel and one martensitic powders have been used as starting materials. One of the austenitic powders was used for morphological study during wet milling. The high efficient attrition mills are on the basis of this work assuring grains with nanostructure. The morphological changes during milling steps have been described. It was demonstrated that 4 hours milling in wet atmosphere are enough to realize steel powders with submicron dimensions. An efficient dispersion of nanosized oxides in ODS steels was achieved by employing high efficiency attrition milling. A combined wet and dry milling process of fine ceramic and steel particles has been proposed. Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) was applied to realize submicron grained steel compacts. Grains with 100 nm mean size have been observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in sintered austenitic ODS. In comparison, the sintered martensitic dry and combined milled ODS microstructure consisted of grain sizes with 100-300 nm in each case.KEYWORDS: ODS Steel, Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), attrition milling, Nano-oxides, structural and mechanical investigationRESUMECet article résume des résultats récents relatifs à l’élaboration et la caractérisation structurale et mécanique d’un acier renforcé à l'oxyde (nuance appelée souvent ROD/ODS). Trois poudres commerciales d'acier, deux poudres austénitiques et une poudre martensitique ont été utilisées comme matières d’étude. Une des poudres austénitiques a été utilisée pour l'étude morphologique lors du broyage humide. Le broyage à haute efficacité est sur la base de ce travail assurant l’obtention de grains nanostructurés. Les modifications morphologiques au cours des étapes de broyage ont été bien décrites. Il a été démontré que 4 heures de broyage en atmosphère humide sont suffisantes pour réaliser des poudres d'acier de dimensions submicroniques. Une dispersion efficace des nano-oxydes dans les aciers ROD/ODS a été obtenue en utilisant un broyage spécifique. On a proposé un procédé de broyage humide et sec combiné à des particules de céramique et d'acier. La méthode de frittage par étincelle (spark plasma sintering (SPS)) a été appliquée pour élaborer des aciers compacts à grains submicroniques. Des grains ayant une taille moyenne de 100 nm ont été observés par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) dans les aciers ROD/ODS austénitiques frittées. En comparaison, la microstructure de l’acier ROD/ODS martensitique frittée a donné des grains de tailles de 100 à 300 nm dans les deux cas de broyage sec et de broyage combiné (humide et sec)

    Sputtered nanocrystalline ceramic TiC / amorphous C thin films as potential materials for medical applications

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    The relationship between structural behaviour of sp uttered TiC / amorphous C (TiC /a:C) thin films and corrosion properties was measured in thre e various pH solutions (0.5 M NaCl (pH=6); 0.1 M HCl (pH=1); 0.1 M NaOH (pH=13). The ~ 400 nm thick nanocomposites were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on different s ubstrates (Ti6Al4V alloy and CoCrMo alloy) in argon at 25 C° and 0.25 Pa with 150 W inp ut power of carbon target and 50 W input power of titanium target. The structure and composi tion of nanocomposites were investigated by Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy. I n both samples the structural investigations confirmed columnar structure of TiC /a:C films with 25-50 nm sized cubic TiC. These columns were separated by 2 - 3 nm thin amorp hous carbon layers. TiC /a:C /Ti6Al4V alloy implant material showed better corrosion resi stance than the TiC /a:C /CoCrMo alloy in 0.5 M NaCl solution based on results of the Electro chemical Impedance Spectroscopy. For both samples, the 0.1 M NaOH solution was the most corrosive media

    Silicon Nitride and Hydrogenated Silicon Nitride Thin Films: A Review of Fabrication Methods and Applications

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    Silicon nitride (SiNx) and hydrogenated silicon nitride (SiNx:H) thin films enjoy widespread scientific interest across multiple application fields. Exceptional combination of optical, mechanical, and thermal properties allows for their utilization in several industries, from solar and semiconductor to coated glass production. The wide bandgap (~5.2 eV) of thin films allows for its optoelectronic application, while the SiNx layers could act as passivation antireflective layers or as a host matrix for silicon nano-inclusions (Si-ni) for solar cell devices. In addition, high water-impermeability of SiNx makes it a potential candidate for barrier layers of organic light emission diodes (OLEDs). This work presents a review of the state-of-the-art process techniques and applications of SiNx and SiNx:H thin films. We focus on the trends and latest achievements of various deposition processes of recent years. Historically, different kinds of chemical vapor deposition (CVD), such as plasma enhanced (PE-CVD) or hot wire (HW-CVD), as well as electron cyclotron resonance (ECR), are the most common deposition methods, while physical vapor deposition (PVD), which is primarily sputtering, is also widely used. Besides these fabrication methods, atomic layer deposition (ALD) is an emerging technology due to the fact that it is able to control the deposition at the atomic level and provide extremely thin SiNx layers. The application of these three deposition methods is compared, while special attention is paid to the effect of the fabrication method on the properties of SiNx thin films, particularly the optical, mechanical, and thermal properties