2,687 research outputs found
Shearing tests with continuously increasing normal stress
In the conventional shearing tests the normal force or the normal stiffness are kept constant during the experiment. Sliding under constant normal load occurs in slopes if the environment is not changing during the process. The goal of this paper is to investigate the influence of the continuously changing (i.e. increasing) normal load for the continuously increasing shearing load. Cement mortar specimens with triangular teeth that have the same inclination (regular triangular teeth) were used to carry out this research. Both the geometry of the specimens and the mechanical constants were well-known. The "Continuous Failure State" (CFS) shear tests were carried out according to CFS-triaxial tests, with different starting normal stresses. According to the investigations, the behaviour of the material in case of CFS-shearing tests was always different as in case of CFS-triaxial tests. Linear and nonlinear theoretical models are proposed for the measured curves
Influence of the continuously increasing normal stress to the failure in case of shearing test
In a conventional shearing test the normal force or the normal stiffness is kept constant during the experiment.
Sliding under constant normal load occurs in slopes if the environment is not changing during the process. The goal of this paper is
to investigate the influence of the continuously changing (i.e. increasing) normal load for the increasing shearing load. Regular
triangular cement mortar specimens were used to carry out this research. Both the geometry of the specimens and the mechanical
constants were well-known. The "Continuous Failure State" (CFS) shear tests were carried out like the ISRM standardized CFS-
triaxial tests, with different starting normal stresses. The differences between the analogous CFS triaxial results are discussed and
analyzed. Linear and nonlinear theoretical models are proposed
Second law of thermodynamics and the failure of rock materials
The relation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics to some failure and fracture theories of rock mechanics is
investigated. The basic concepts are given to connect failure to the properties of material equations describing
the elastic properties. The resulted in thermodynamic conditions are proved to be compatible with classical
localization and failure theories of solid materials. Compatibility with experiments and some empirical, adhoc
failure criteria of rocks is also demonstrated
The Price of Advice
We develop a model of consulting (advising) where the role of the consultant is that she can reveal signals to her client which refine the client’s original private estimate of the profitability of a project. Importantly, only the client can observe or evaluate these signals, the consultant cannot. We characterize the optimal contract between the consultant and her client. It is a menu consisting of pairs of transfers specifying payments between the two parties (from the client to the consultant or vice versa) in case the project is undertaken by the client and in case it is not. The main result of the paper is that in the optimal mechanism, the consultant obtains the same profit as if she could evaluate the impact of the signals (whose release she controls) on the client’s profit estimate.Mechanism Design, Information Disclosure, Consulting, Advising
Service-oriented Context-aware Framework
Location- and context-aware services are emerging technologies in mobile and
desktop environments, however, most of them are difficult to use and do not
seem to be beneficial enough. Our research focuses on designing and creating a
service-oriented framework that helps location- and context-aware,
client-service type application development and use. Location information is
combined with other contexts such as the users' history, preferences and
disabilities. The framework also handles the spatial model of the environment
(e.g. map of a room or a building) as a context. The framework is built on a
semantic backend where the ontologies are represented using the OWL description
language. The use of ontologies enables the framework to run inference tasks
and to easily adapt to new context types. The framework contains a
compatibility layer for positioning devices, which hides the technical
differences of positioning technologies and enables the combination of location
data of various sources
Közeledés vagy távolodás?
Az Európai Unióhoz való csatlakozást megelőző mintegy másfél évtizedben, kivált a csatlakozási kérelem 1994. évi benyújtásától a tagságig elvezető tíz évben Magyarország
gyorsuló ütemben zárkózott fel az EU formális, főleg jogi és intézményi normákban megfogalmazott követelményrendszeréhez. Ezt nem csak a közelgő tagsággal
járó kötelezettségek kényszerítették ki, a folyamatot az ország visszanyert önrendelkezésének felszabadult, olykor euforikus hangulata is motiválta. Ritka és széles nemzeti
egység övezte a visszatérés lépéseit ahhoz a civilizációs modellhez, amelyet az ország kisebb-nagyobb távolságból egy évezred óta próbált követni. Ezzel szemben a 2004. évi
belépés után, különféle belső és külső okok következtében, Magyarország távolodni kezdett attól az „európai” értékrendtől, amelyet az EU kodifikált és érvényesít. Az Unió centrumához fűződő viszonyunkban a csatlakozást követő évtized éppen ellenkező irányú fejlődést hozott, mint a belépést megelőző, ugyancsak kulcsfontosságú tízéves
időszak. Ez a kontrasztos kép ellentmond az előzetes várakozásoknak, és azt mutatja, hogy a belpolitika éppenséggel megfordítva működött (és működik), mint amit a
külső mozgástér adottságai (lehetőségei és korlátai) indokolnának. A szerző az EU-tagság tízéves fordulójáról visszatekintve e jelenség egyes okaira próbál rávilágítani.
Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: F15, F50, N44
Eccentric first post-Newtonian waveforms for compact binaries in frequency domain with Hansen coefficients
The inspiral and merger of supermassive black hole binary systems with high
orbital eccentricity are among the promising sources of the advanced
gravitational wave observatories. In this paper we derive analytic ready-to-use
first post-Newtonian eccentric waveform in Fourier domain with the use of
Hansen coefficients. Introducing generic perturbations of celestial mechanics
we have generalized the Hansen expansion to the first post-Newtonian order
which are then used to express the waveforms. Taking into account the high
eccentricity of the orbit leads to the appearance of secular terms in the
waveform which are eliminated with the introduction of a phase shift. The
waveforms have a systematic structure and as our main result these are
expressed in a tabular form.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure
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