10 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kesiapan E-learning (E-learning Readiness)universitas Bina Darma sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jarak Jauh

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    Needs of Distance Education (ODL) can not escape from the cycle of communication and exchange of information among actors PJJ. This study aims to measure the level of readiness of e-Learning as a learning medium on the implementation of ODL. Measurement of e-Learning readiness is based on the model of the e-Learning readiness expressed by an index, which is mapped using the index e-Learning reediness version Aydin & Tasci with a scale of 1-5 based on variables faculty, students, staff and infrastructure. The study was conducted by using descriptive statistical techniques by using a questionnaire as an instrument of collecting data from 50 respondents consisting of 15 lecturers, 5 employees and 30 students. Results of data processing shows e-Learning UBD as PJJ media has an index of 4.3, which means ready to deploy an e-Learning (ready go)

    Social Relations and Knowledge Sharing in the Virtual Community of Practice among Farmers in Brebes District, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Due to the aggregation of common interests and concerns, digital information and communication technology (ICT) applications used by farmers can build virtual communities of practice (VCoP). This study aims to identify farmers’ level of access to digital ICT applications, social capital (SC), social power relations (SPR), and knowledge sharing (KS) in the VCoP. It will also examine the causal relationship between exogenous and endogenous constructs. This study involved the participation of 221 farmers as smartphone users in Brebes District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. It used survey methods with questionnaire instruments and multistage clustered random sampling techniques. It assessed causal relationship models between constructs using SmartPLS 3 software. The study identified disparities in the level of access to digital ICT applications. The farmers who perceived SC and SPR at moderate and high levels were more than 75 per cent and 85 per cent, consecutively. Other farmers perceived KS in VCoP at low levels (average 29 percent) and moderate levels (average 48 per cent). Path analysis shows that concerning access to digital ICT applications, the effects are significant and positive on SC and SPR; SC affects KS in VCoP significantly and positively; access to digital ICT applications significantly and positively influences KS in VCoP. However, despite the direction being positive, the effects of SPR on the KS in VCoP are not significant. Variations in values in the latent variables' access to digital ICT applications, SC, and SPR can explain the variation in the latent variable knowledge sharing by 36 percent

    Inequality and Preference: Leveraging Digital ICT Applications for Knowledge-Intensive Agriculture

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    Digital ICT plays a strategic role in transforming input-intensive to knowledge-intensive agriculture. Its use has close relations to the farmers’ characteristics. This study aims to analyze the farmers’ characteristics and the intensity of utilizing various digital ICT applications/platforms. The survey was conducted on 150 smartphone-using farmers from Boyolali District, Central Java Province, Indonesia, accompanied by interviews and online observations. This research identifies digital divides and inequalities in leveraging Android farming applications, Facebook groups of farmers, WAG of farmers’ groups, Internet/Google information resources and YouTube. The correlation test indicated a significant correlation between gender, age, education, farming land area, farm income, internet quota budget, the availability of PC/Laptop (besides smartphones), and participation in farmers’ group with the intensity of leveraging some digital ICT applications. These correlations are unique and reflect farmers’ receptions and preferences for using digital ICT applications. This novelty is crucial for the development of knowledge-intensive agriculture that emphasizes the strategic role of development communication to facilitate knowledge sharing, involvement, and capacity development among farmers. Without understanding farmers’ characteristics and vulnerabilities, digital divide and inequality among farmers will continue to be reproduced

    PKM di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dr.Cipto Mongun Kusumo Kelurahan Perdagangan I Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Simalungun Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Program Pengabdian Kemitraan Masyarakat yang dilaksanankan di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Dr.Cipto Mangun Kusumo merupakan bagian dari kegiatan rutin pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Medan. Tujuan dilaksanakan pengabdian adalah untuk memberikan sumbangan dalam bentuk peralatan berupa Lcd proyektor dan pelatihan  kepada guru-guru sekolah Dr.Cipto Mangun Kusumo tentang cara pembuatan video pembelajaran menggunakan bandi cam yang dikombinasikan dengan power point  dan penggunaan aplikasi meeting google meet dan zoom. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai adalah para guru dapat membuat video pembelajaran sederhana dan dapat menggunakan aplikasi meeting menggunakan google meet dan zoom baik sebagai host maupun partisipan dan diharapkan setelah pelatihan para guru yang mengikuti pelatihan dapat membagikan ilmunya kepada para guru lainnya atau rekan sejawat yang tidak mengikuti pelatihan. Metode yang akan digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah metode tatap muka terbatas yang selalu menerapkan protokol kesehatan sekaligus metode penugasan kepada peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah memberikan materi pelatihan sesuai dengan buku panduan yang dibuat sebelumnya oleh tim pengabdian dan mempraktekannya langsung terhadap sesama peserta pelatihan. Kegiatan berlangsung selama satu hari pada tanggal 3 Desember 2021 yang diikuti oleh 18 guru. Dari hasil pengamatan kegiatan dan wawancara kepada guru  diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa terbatasnya jumlah Lcd Proyektor untuk kebutuhan proses belajar mengajar membuat para guru enggan mempersiapkan materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk video pembelajaran yang inovatif, dan penggunaan aplikasi meeting menggunakan google meet lebih diminati  oleh guru karena aplikasi tersebut gratis dan mudah digunakan serta  durasi meeting tidak dibatasi. Sedangkan penggunaan video pembelajaran menggunakan bandicam baik digunakan dalam pembelajaran luring dan daring, untuk pembelajaran luring dengan pertemuan tatap muka terbatas maka video pembelajaran menggunakan bandicam menjadikan proses belajar mengajar lebih efektif karena guru hanya menjelaskan ulang hal-hal penting dan yang menjadi pertanyaan peserta didik sehingga waktu yang digunakan cukup efektif dan peserta didik mempunyai dokumen  file rekaman guru ketika menerangkan materi pembelajara